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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature (Target a creature as you play this. This card enters the battlefield attached to that creature.)

Enchanted creature gets +0/+2 and has reach. (It can block creatures with flying.)

ClockworkSwordfish on Rasaad Likes Big Butts

2 years ago

Looks like a great start! I like the idea of combining Rasaad with Raised by Giants to potentially attack for 20... not to mention the mess the rest of your critters will do. I sympathize with having to make cuts. I'm seeing a few cards that I think you could safely cut without missing them too much, though!

For one thing, I think you're a little too heavy on the auras... and of the ones you have, most are kind of subpar. The real problem with auras is that if the creature they're on is killed by anything, you're suddenly down two cards to their one, just like that. I'd say Carapace, Chosen by Heliod, Ritual of Steel and Web are all just very piddly effects. You should aim for enchantments that really make a difference (like Stoneskin!) if you're going to run them... 2 or 3 more toughness isn't really worth a card.

Likewise, I don't really think Animate Wall is worth running. You have seven possible targets which isn't bad, but the problem is that you need to draw a wall and a way to make it able to attack and a way to let it use its toughness for damage. That's kind of a lot of steps. For that reason, probably you could cut most or all of your walls while you're at it. Meanwhile, Treefolk Seedlings will probably never get that big in a two-color deck, and Shield Mate and Snubhorn Sentry don't feel like they'll do enough by the time Rasaad's out and they're usable.

As far as instants go, I'd venture you probably have too many pump spells. Tower Defense is probably strong enough to warrant using, but Solidarity, Iron Will and Bar the Door are mostly overpriced. Your deck's curve isn't so bad, so Great Defender will usually be weaker than you might think, too. If anything, you'd probably prefer having more removal and ways to deal with stuff rather than combat tricks!

Lastly, a lot of your equipment just feels too underwhelming. Slagwurm Armor seems respectable, but Kite Shield, Endoskeleton, Paladin's Shield and Warmonger's Chariot don't do much considering how much mana they ask for.

Overall, the theme is solid and the commander choice is a neat one! I hope these cuts help make your deck the best it can be.

Gidgetimer on The "A" Team (Tayam Rube Goldberg Combo)

2 years ago

The "isn't cEDH" in the other thread was more geared toward the fact that, as I understand it, cEDH Tayam is an Abzan Stax deck that runs JUST the devoted druid combo. I enjoy the caller/spiritkeeper/recursion combos as well.

What is the difference between the cards you suggested and Gift of Granite for the additional piece in the Devoted Druid combo? Is it just for redundancy? I'm not opposed to adding or changing cards to make the deck better, I'm just trying to understand why them and not Web, Carapace, Holy Armor, Street Savvy, Allosaurus Shepherd, or Hashep Oasis since those are the ones I see more often.

Gidgetimer on The "A" Team (Tayam Rube Goldberg Combo)

3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions.

I hadn't thought of Hermit Druid, but I'm not sure he would do enough with the current mana base. I will keep it in mind for once there are less basics.

I had Dread Return in an early draft, but I like the reanimation enchantments and Necromancy would be the next reanimation spell if I add more reanimation.

Razaketh, the Foulblooded is a great suggestion, I will try to find a place to fit him in.

As far as the buff strategy on Devoted Druid goes, I would probably go with enchantments over a spell again. So Carapace, Street Savvy, and Web would probably get in before Wax. (I just found out about two of those cards while doing a search because I forgot what Carapace was called.)

xaarvaxus on

4 years ago

Cards that I would cut:

Regeneration , Executioner's Hood , Natural End , Bladed Pinions , Revive , Nature's Spiral , Staff of the Wild Magus , Crashing Footfalls awesome if you can cheat the suspend on it, not worth it otherwise, Prodigious Growth , Feasting Troll King and Trail of Crumbs you lack enough of a food theme to run these well enough to include, Moldgraf Monstrosity the random return makes this lackluster, Jaddi Lifestrider , Soul of Zendikar the activation is kind of expensive, Tuinvale Treefolk doesn't do enough to warrant inclusion, Canopy Cover and Web auras not the best here, I'd cut one of Planewide Celebration or Once and Future , and finally, Sandsteppe Mastodon

If you own one, I'd sub out Wall of Blossoms for Elvish Visionary for the synergy with Elvish Archdruid .

No Sol Ring ? This a ban in local meta?

If you happen to own them, some cards that you may want to think about: Tendershoot Dryad , Beast Within , Inspiring Call and Garruk, Primal Hunter . Yes, that means more cutting but they should be worth it in this deck.

I'd also add a Rogue's Passage in place of one Forest , just for some added punchthrough that is hard to remove.

wallisface on Oozeing Out

5 years ago

AEther Web is a modern legal version of spider climb. If you’re not worried about casting at instant speed to catch someone out, Web is less mana.

But i’ve typically always ran Spidersilk Net when in desperate need of reach, as it stays in play even when the creature dies - which makes it much stronger than the fragile enchants!

madmartigan95 on Uril the Miststomper

7 years ago

Cards I think could easily be cut:

Web- worst of the reach cards

Auramancer- Better options, see below

Heliod's Emissary- not worth the mana

Nyxborn Rollicker- not useful

Restoration Specialist-have to sacrifice only hits single one

Angelic Gift- flying worse than anything else, draw is unnecessary

Brilliant Halo- nice recursion, but not that great

Eternal Warrior- doesn't do enough to include

Forced Adaptation- too slow

Gift of the Woods- too niche, point is to not be blocked

Instill Energy- haste is eh, untap is basically vigilance, not really necessary

Knightly Valor- CMC too high

Mammoth Umbra-

Ordeal of Purphoros- slow for what it does

Regeneration, Savage Silhouette, Serpent Skin, Trollhide- Most wraths get around the regeneration anyway, you can afford to lose anyone to spot removal except your commander... which is already hexproof.

Venomous Fangs- your chump blockers don't need it, Uril's gonna be huge already

Vigilance- not enough in this deck

The Three Vows- Irrelevant as they can still block your guys. Maybe one if you do a lot of multiplayer.

Nyxborn Shieldmate

Entangler- high CMC

Vigilant Martyr- same issues with regeneration, at the very least replace with Dawn Charm

Venom- meh all around

Open the Vaults- replace with Retether/Second Sunrise

Cards that are on the verge:

Auratouched Mage-higher CMC, but it does open up more expensive auras

Conviction- Better than Brilliant Halo, still not that great

Fists of Ironwood- Superfluous

Hammerhand- meh card

Lifelink- Nice art, unless you're getting a lot of direct damage, not that helpful

Lightform- Looks okay, too many non-creatures though

Murder Investigation

Oath of the Ancient Wood- Faster than the ordeal cards, no other benefits though

Shape of the Wiitigo, Shield of the Oversoul, Hyena Umbra, Glaring Aegis- You have to cut something

Indrik Umbra-Keep if you can find something else to go easily.

Cards you should consider adding:

Retether- Bodiless Auramancer but better

Second Sunrise- Get passed their wrath effects, not a first choice though

Lightning Bolt- Spot removal is nice

Dawn Charm- See above

Fergernuggets on Elves

7 years ago

For additional +1/+1 counters:

-Curse of Predation
-Evolution Vat
-Increasing Savagery
-Nissa, Voice of Zendikar - Also good for card advantage/life gain
-Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
-Novijen, Heart of Progress

Based on Ezuri and elf tribal, I'd look into elf token generators to capitalize on the experience gain and the combos with some of your elves such as Elvish Archdruid or Immaculate Magistrate. Some I recommend are:

-Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury-Llanowar Mentor - Helps remove dead cards from your hand

Tutors may not be a bad idea to help you search for elves or other cards you need in a pinch. I'd try out:

-Momir Vig, Simic Visionary
-Anything with transmute - i.e. Dizzy Spell, Muddle the Mixture
-Mystical Tutor
-Chord of Calling
-Fauna Shaman and/or Survival of the Fittest
-Primal Command - Also helps against mill
-Sylvan Tutor-Worldly Tutor
-Nissa Revane + Nissa's Chosen - Also great for life gain in elves

Lands I'd add include:

-Flooded Grove
-Temple of Mystery-Evolving Wilds and/or Terramorphic Expanse - You could run Misty Rainforest, but these are a nice budget alternative for fixing in a pinch.-Temple of Mystery

Finally, I recommend cutting the following cards:

-Kujar Seedsculptor
-Llanowar Elite - The kicker cost isn't worth 5 +1/+1 counters
-Cryptolith Rite - You have plenty of mana dorks
-Auras - Look at the auras you have and see if you can't get the same effect as a regular enchantment or artifact for the entire board. You have enough mana dorks where 1 or 2 extra won't be too detrimental.
-Turntimber Grove
-Ice Floe

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