Wear Away

Instant — Arcane

Destroy target artifact or enchantment.

Splice onto Arcane (3)(Green) (As you play an Arcane spell, you may reveal this card from your hand and pay its splice cost. If you do, add this card's effects to that spell.)

soul_knightmare on

1 year ago

Small upgrade but swap the Naturalize and Wear Away for Return to Nature, Nature's Claim, or Unravel the Aether.

TheVectornaut on Old Fungus Deck

1 year ago

Since you're in casual, there's a lot of heavy hitting cards you could add (budget permitting). Doubling Season improves the turnaround rate of spore counters and gets you more tokens, although it is itself expensive. Something cheaper with proliferate like Evolution Sage could accomplish a similar goal. Aura Shards is a potent alternative to single-use Naturalizes for Selesnya, with Nullmage Shepherd being a more budget pick. Skullclamp is an insane draw engine if you keep your tokens at 1 toughness. Or if you don't want to, Intangible Virtue can stack with Sporecrown Thallids to get out of hand quickly. As far as creating tokens, there's Aura Mutation, Dreampod Druid, Fungal Sprouting, Korozda Guildmage, Saproling Migration, Thelonite Hermit, and the powerful lord Tendershoot Dryad. If you want generically good Golgari removal, cards like Assassin's Trophy and Fatal Push tend to see a lot of play. Personally, I like Crippling Fear for tribal decks and Tragic Slip for decks with sacrifice synergy. Speaking of sacrifices, I know from experience in commander that both Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and Ghave, Guru of Spores make for nasty combos with Mycoloth. Such a strategy would also make creatures like Tukatongue Thallid more valuable than spell counterparts like Sprout or Fungal Infection.

The cards I'd look to cut first would be Rending Vines, Wear Away, Wrap in Vigor, Wurm's Tooth, Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, AEther Web, and possibly Fists of Ironwood unless you add more cards like Dreampod.

SamsWrath on

5 years ago

Cuickbrownfox1, Thanks for the +1!

You're right, I am a bit top-heavy with regard to artifact/enchantment removal but, I have a lot of mid-range in my meta so I need it. It also helps that those spells are all low-cmc instant-speed spells--I can use them for extra untaps in response to someone removing Sisay or Paradox Engine and float the mana to replay whichever was removed.

I haven't had a problem with the GG cost of Wear Away yet but, that's probably because the majority of my lands, about half my mana rocks and all but two mana dorks can produce G.

Cuickbrownfox1 on

5 years ago

Great deck. With a sizable amount of Disenchant effects. Is Wear Away ever really convenient to cast? I feel like there could be a slot for something else over that. You can't even use it's splice onto arcane cost. Anyways thats a +1 from me!

SamsWrath on

5 years ago

A few options you have that could help are: Auriok Steelshaper , Oreskos Explorer and Shalai, Voice of Plenty . They aren't cats but, they would have good synergy with your overall deck construction.

Another great choice for a tribal deck is Coat of Arms .

It never hurts to have more creature tutors--especially in a tribal deck. A few you might consider are: Recruiter of the Guard , Eladamri's Call , Enlightened Tutor , Idyllic Tutor , Altar of Bone , Green Sun's Zenith , Sylvan Tutor and Summoner's Pact .

If you want to go faster you'll need to get more lands out fast and/or mana rocks. That's where green comes in. White has a few spells like Land Tax , Tithe and Oreskos Explorer but, green has stuff like: Burgeoning , Carpet of Flowers , Exploration Utopia Sprawl , Wild Growth , Land Grant , Crop Rotation , Sylvan Scrying , Azusa, Lost but Seeking , Birds of Paradise and Bloom Tender .

Other options for going faster are: Chrome Mox , Grim Monolith , Mana Crypt , Mana Vault , Mox Amber , Mox Diamond and Mox Opal .

Its also not a bad idea to toss in a few more instant-speed removal spells such as: Swords to Plowshares , Wear Away , Sundering Growth , Nature's Claim , Naturalize , Natural State , Dispatch , Disenchant , Afterlife , Beast Within , Crib Swap and Oblation .

msanchez13 on Ishkanah, tokens and counters

6 years ago

Some cards I don't think pull their weight:
Disturbed Burial, since you're probably pretty happy just making another token instead of having to cast this card, buy it back, then cast the creature AGAIN. That much mana just makes my head hurt.
Bonds of Mortality seems irrelevant with the Grave Pact effects you run since they get around indestructible/hexproof.
Awakening seems nice when only considering your own board state but given mana, your opponents will likely be using it for removal. Asceticism helps to keep your dudes safe but it's not a reliable backup plan.
Waker of the Wilds fits the theme for sure and could make some powerful dudes but it's extremely risky to open your lands up to creature removal. I like the idea of putting +1/+1 counters on things in this deck, I would just recommend not turning lands into creatures. Unfortunately I can't think of any replacements off the top of my head. I'll get back to you if I do.

Additionally, now that I'm paying more attention:
Attune with Aether should just be Traverse the Ulvenwald, it's strictly better since you list exactly 0 cards that interact with energy.
Wear Away could be replaced with Naturalize, or even Deglamer if you face a lot of indestructible artifacts/enchantments.
Silence the Believers seems like it could just be Vraska's Contempt, unless you specifically have trouble with Rancor. And for that matter if your metagame does much graveyard interaction, Leyline of the Void fits your enchantress theme. It might be an appropriate replacement for Tormod's Crypt if you need a cut but crypt is a powerful card on its own.
Speaking of your enchantress theme, and how often creatures seem to be hitting the grave, you could probably make use of Animate Dead, Necromancy, or even Dance of the Dead.
Noosegraf Mob seems like it works great with Dread Return, which is a powerful card on its own that sees legacy play for that reason. Also activates your Grave Pact effects. Might be worth replacing Disturbed Burial with.

Also does your deck ever have problems with mana? 33 lands seems pretty light, and green benefits from having access to the most powerful ramp in the game (other than black's Cabal Coffers and Crypt Ghast), such as Sakura-Tribe Elder and Search for Tomorrow. But hey, if it works, it works.

Final note, I would run Blood Artist and Falkenrath Noble over Zulaport Cutthroat, since they activate more often. In a 4 player game that's 4x the triggers with a Grave Pact :P Hope this helps, best of luck!

Mave on Spirited Assault (Pauper)

6 years ago

Phantom Tiger should be better than Harbinger of Spring because it survives more removals and battles and if you manage to give it +1/+1 (with an equipment or aura card) you make it to a creature that can only be killed with destory or exil effects.Harbinger of Spring just cost to much to cast (damm that soulshift Tax).

6 CMC Creatures are too hard to play without reanimation so you should forgett about Moss Kami

Dripping-Tongue Zubera is a worse Doomed traveler for Spirit Tribal but still replaces itself.

Child of Thorns can at least jump in and protect another Spirit and make Combat a bit worse for your opponent like a worse Goblin Sledder

Traproot Kami won't work against that many decks because it is just a wall. It belong more in the Sideboard than the main Deck. It dodges a lot of Lightning Bolt and similar stuff (but only in late game) and might block Delver of Secrets  Flip butit's still quite slow.

Your sideboard missing interactions with artifacts and enchantments, Wear Away could work if you want to play on the Splice Ability a bit and Rending Vines could also remove a lot of cards (especially with the low curve of pauper) and it draws a card.

Uproot is quite expensive to take your opponent one turn back regarding lands. You mostly sacrifice your own turn to use it and many blue decks jsut respond with Gush to refill their hand. it might work against Bogle decks that enchant their land (Utopia Sprawl/Abundant Growth to ramp or fix mana (play about 18 lands) but they won't make the mistake of enchanting the same land with all enchantment more than once unless they draw nothing but one land. Still that would be a one trick pony that mostly comes to late into play.

As far as I can tell you rather want to interact during combat and battle tricks, which makes Kodama's Might (because of Splice) quite appealing just like Roar of Jukai which is easy to splice and is able to interact with Shinen of Life's Roar

But I have to say you've choosen a theme which is pretty hard to build in pauper (competetive).

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