
Basic Land

: Add . ( represents colourless mana.)

legendofa on How Do I Explain to …

1 day ago

You're giving up a land that only provides --basically the equivalent of a Wastes--to destroy a land that can provide multiple colors, or lots of mana, or some unique near-uncounterable utility effect.

Instant-speed free land destruction provides a lot of versatility and value. There's almost never a wrong time or bad target. Think about it in terms of creatures. If you could sacrifice a Goblin token or whatever to destroy your opponent's biggest, scariest creature for free, no questions asked, that's the same level of power Strip Mine and Wasteland provide.

Are they balanced? Yes, no, maybe, wallisface covered that well. Are they powerful? Absolutely.

sergiodelrio on Eldrazi Seasons

1 week ago

That's exactly my point tho... any land other than Deserted Temple would provide you with 3 mana total from all land sources on turn 2 as well (*if you play a tap2 land on T1)...

I guess what I'm saying is you could look for replacements of Deserted Temple which add maybe utility or sth else without actually sacrificing anything important here imho. Maybe even go with a split: 1x Gemstone Caverns 2x Cavern of Souls 1x Blast Zone you have many great options actually ... Inventors' Fair, Mutavault.

Sorry if I'm being annoying, that's not my intention, I just feel you're overselling the role of Deserted Temple in this particular deck imho, which I still think is very nice no matter if you keep deserted temple or not.


TypicalTimmy on Card creation challenge

4 months ago

Atomic Devastation


Each player sacrifices all permanents they control. They then create a tapped Wastes token for each land they had that was sacrificed. Untap your lands.

Sorry, but I had to.

Keep it going, and this time events in Human history are allowed as well as locations.

indieinside on The H. P. Lovecraft Horror Show (The Defiler)

4 months ago

Profet93 I wanted your thoughts on this. Since I went totally tribal, removing some of my mana creatures, this deck dropped to a crawl. I am honestly thinking about adding in enough Wastes to equal a total of 50 lands instead of the 42 I am currently at. I was thinking this instead of adding mana rocks for two reasons. One; the artifacts are easier to remove. And two; they cost a bit to cast, slowing down the deck. What are your thoughts? And what artifacts would you add?

plakjekaas on Pattern Recognition #304 - Leylines

7 months ago

would be a weird cost for a leyline. The colorless mana of Wastes and Eldrazi is what remains after they consumed all available mana from the terrain they're invading. Almost by definition, there's no mana left to be conducted through leylines.

legendofa on Can a Evolving Wilds/Fabled passage …

9 months ago

Evolving Wilds and Fabled Passage can only find lands that have the word Basic in the type line. This is exclusively the cards Plains, Island, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, and Wastes. If a land has one or more of those land types in its type line, but not the word Basic, it's not a basic land and can't be found by Evolving Wilds or Fabled Passage.

MrHighscore on Annihilate with Rocks

11 months ago

Profet93 thanks for the feedback and valued suggestions!

Sensei's Divining Top, Voltaic Key and Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter were actually the last cuts I made before publishing this edition.

Just for me - and any readers - sanity, I'll summarize here.

I already have the following pieces in the deck

You are suggesting I add

  1. Sensei's Divining Top (+2 powerful combos).
    1. combo 1: Mystic Forge + Sensei's Divining Top + Ugin, the Ineffable : As much draw as I want
    2. combo 2: Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth + Sensei's Divining Top : As much draw as I want
    3. combo 3: Great for finding the right CMC card to sink into Kozilek, the Great Distortion's counter ability. This was my initial thought for short-listing it
  2. Voltaic Key (+2 combos).
    1. combo 1: Everflowing Chalice + Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key (4 counters required) : Infinite mana
    2. combo 2: Doubling Cube + Rings of Brighthearth + Voltaic Key (Use extra trigger to untap Voltaic Key) : Infinite mana
    3. combo 3: It's also carries it weight with some of the 2+ rocks.
  3. Blinkmoth Well to turn off Blinkmoth Urn on my opponents turns
  4. Liberator, Urza's Battlethopter as redundancy for Vedalken Orrery


  1. Since it ends up being useful in at least 3 case, and is useful on it's own, this would be a nice addition.
  2. It's fine. On top of my head, I'm more worried about consistent mana rocks than infinite.
  3. Not too important, but not an annoyance either. Would just need to cut another land (not Wastes, need those for fetching basics)
  4. Would be nice, but again, what to cut?! :)

I'm keen on adding Sensei's Divining Top and Voltaic Key but have a hard time coming up with cuts.

I want a reasonable chance to have a starting hand with enough mana and enough rocks to go off in round 4 or 5. Generally infinite mana only does so much for me. Once I get past the first cast of Kozilek, the Great Distortion I'll most likely have enough value to keep it going.

What would you cut?


Jagd_Tallgeese on Greetings From the Void

1 year ago

Profet93 As I mentioned before, they are just simple ways to pull more basic lands from the deck. I think the hang up people are having is that both lands in question have a bad reputation as budget cards. I can just run two more Wastes bringing my total up to 22, if that were the case, why not remove the Fabled Passage and Myriad Landscape as well?

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