Walking Desecration

Creature — Zombie

(Black), Tap: Creatures of the type of your choice attack this turn if able.

NTakamura on Cards that encourage other players …

2 years ago

shadow63 I do have some force combat, maybe not enough. I have Bullwhip Maddening Imp Nettling Imp Norritt Oracle en-Vec Walking Desecration in the deck to force combat so far. And a decent Amount of tutors to find them. I just want to see if I can do it without red, challenge myself.

MagicMarc on Cards that make opponent creature …

2 years ago

I just found this while searching cards for another deck; Walking Desecration. The name is awesome, I am going to call a deck that, just because.

TheDeckMaker2300 on All Tribal Support Cards

3 years ago

Hello I noticed that you have tribal hate as well, since hate is in this list as well I can show five more in the hate category in any tribe that I don't see in this list.

Peripateticien on i don't mean to get political, BUT...

4 years ago

Azeworai Thx for the feedback! It's the first EDH I built from scratch and I'm very happy with it ^^. Sanguine Bond was added at the end when searching for a last card, I thought it would be nice with Kenrith, the Returned King and Debt to the Deathless , boosting the wincon. I like a lot your idea to put Standstill and Powerstone, it make the other players think twice before doing anything and can give me some precious time. I'll look somewhere to put them for sure! Walking Desecration and Dulcet Sirens could be good ideas, but I know that the group that I play with won't consider them as indirect as you could think :p and could give me a lot more unwanted aggro than Kambal, Consul of Allocation that is just considered a passive card. For the other cards, I saw them when building the deck, but didn't choose to put them in for different reasons. Guided Passage have a to great random factor with it. Suffocating Blast is a good counterspell but 3 damages for 2 more manas than the classic counterspell is a lot in EDH, don't you think? I liked the idea of Mercy Killing , but I chose to remove cards that destroy a creature in exchange of other creatures, not because it's not good but because I used them a lot in my last political commander and wanted to try something else, juste a personnal choice. It's the first time I see Debt of Loyalty and I think I'll give it a try. Thanks for your recommandations =D, I change a little bit the deck to fit your good ideas!

Idoneity on i don't mean to get political, BUT...

4 years ago

Awesome deck! It seems sweet, and I have some recommendations for this beauty.

I feel as if Kambal, Consul of Allocation could draw unwanted hate towards your way. Also, the deck doesn't have very much life-gain outside of Kambal and the commander, so Sanguine Bond seems somewhat situational.

Some favourites of mine are Powerstone Minefield , Standstill , Walking Desecration , or Dulcet Sirens . These aid in hindering the combat step whilst doing so in an indirect manner, thus turning aggression away from you. Mercy Killing can be removal with a gift attached, Debt of Loyalty is an awesome 'gotcha' card, Guided Passage is a fun tutor, and Suffocating Blast is a sweet two-for-one that I have never seen people expect.

Good luck, and may you pull the strings. :)