Volcanic Offering


Destroy target nonbasic land you don't control and target nonbasic land of an opponent's choice you don't control.

Volcanic Offering deals 7 damage to target creature you don't control and 7 damage to target creature of an opponent's choice you don't control.

legendofa on Does Volcanic Offering trigger Imodane?

10 months ago

Volcanic Offering does not target only a single creature. It has a total of four targets, two of which are creatures, so Imodane, the Pyrohammer will not trigger.

Quickspell on Does Volcanic Offering trigger Imodane?

10 months ago

Imodane, the Pyrohammer is a new card from Wilds of Eldraine that reads „Whenever an instant or sorcery spell you control that targets only a single creature deals damage to that creature, Imodane deals that much damage to each opponent.“

Does Volcanic Offering trigger Imodane? It targets two creatures, but each as an individual target.

legendofa on Rakdos the Defil-Loving, Kind, Salt …

1 year ago

Commander 2013 Tempt cards (Tempt with Immortality, Tempt with Vengeance, honorary spot for Tempting Contract), Commander 2014 Offerings (Infernal Offering and Volcanic Offering), and Strixhaven Commander Demonstrate cards (Creative Technique and Incarnation Technique) are good places to look for political cards. Spectral Searchlight is an option.

DreadKhan on Rakdos the Defil-Loving, Kind, Salt …

1 year ago

If you want a solidly political Rakdos card, I like Allure of the Unknown, it's obviously a bit risky, but it's often a very good card if you have someone who's not actively out to screw you over. I also like Rite of the Raging Storm, it's pretty chaotic and tends to eliminate the weakest players pretty quickly. Volcanic Offering is strong enough to see play and has a political element. I'm torn by cards like Ogre Slumlord, it's a great source of bodies as long as any creatures are dying, but he's obviously not a demon, there is Kothophed, Soul Hoarder but he only cares about other people's stuff dying, and will cost you some life.

DreadKhan on Unlimited Fodder, Kardur the Doomscourge budget

1 year ago

Angel's Trumpet might do some work in here? It's a source of Vigilance that also does damage to decks that won't swing (and make them unable to block). Goblin Diplomats can also force them to swing, if you consistently have the better board this can win games easily. If you know people are going to attack and you want their board to survive (or you want yours to survive swinging) you can try War Cadence, this is a sneaky enchantment that's easy to underestimate since you can activate it during anyone's turn.

If you expect other people's stuff to die, there is Kothophed, Soul Hoarder that can draw a bunch of cards. This can be extra good if your meta is fairly spiky, as this draws off of any sacrifice effect your opponent's use... this can also kill you technically vs a treasure (or other infinite sacrifice based combo). Mask of Griselbrand is pretty good with decks that expect to lose creatures a lot while attacking, Lifelink and evasion are sweet, cards are even better I find, this card is amazing with Rite of the Raging Storm (as are Berserkers' Onslaught and Exquisite Blood actually, not sure if they're within your budget).

If people play lots of non-basic lands vs you then Dwarven Miner and Dwarven Blastminer are disturbingly strong. Volcanic Offering can also torch 2 lands and 2 creatures in many matches. If people avoid non-Basics then these are bad cards, so beware.

Really random, but if you expect your opponent's stuff to be dying, you can use Grave Betrayal to steal them, letting you swarm them the next turn.

If you tend to have tokens that aren't very impressive, Hell's Caretaker can turn one into any creature in your graveyard by tapping.

DreadKhan on unthinkable apocalypse

1 year ago

I'm not certain the Commander has enough explosive power to consistently win vs 2 decks, but I have very good results in 1 v 1 with my Rakdos deck, and it often has spare cards by the end of the game, be it wipe or removal, because the deck just runs so much of those, with lots of the removal hitting more than 1 target (I love stuff like Phyrexian Purge, Fire Covenant, Make an Example, and Volcanic Offering can each be a terror of a card, and a deck running all of them has lots of pinpoint removal that will clear lots of stuff out. Ashes to Ashes and Reckless Spite also exist fwiw, and if you aren't certain you'll have creatures out, Tergrid's Shadow can do a bit of work, as can Plaguecrafter or Demon's Disciple, cards Sedris can recur for 2B even. Another value card is Dredge the Mire, which can cheat in the 3 worst creatures in people's graveyards, note certain creatures will kill you if you control them, so check before playing! Necromantic Selection not only clears the field, it also gives you back the best thing, this is extra juicy if you use some sort of Indestructible creature(s) that won't die. If you consistently have a fairly big creature, or one with Deathtouch and Lifelink, Chandra's Ignition is one sided by definition, one of many cards that shines brightly with Basilisk Collar (which is also very good with Jaya Ballard, Task Mage or even good old Banshee, Jaya's 6 damage wipe really is amazing if you've got Collar on her, though it'll kill her too). If you expect to have multiple opponents, Goad is a very strong effect, Karazikar, the Eye Tyrant is potentially pretty solid, lots of card draw. There is also Kardur, Doomscourge that will force everyone's hand. Spectacular Showdown is a great card if you've actually got a board of your own to finish people off, keep in mind that on your next turn, you not only won't have been attacked by any pre-existing creature, everyone else will have swung for the fences with Double Strike, and they will likely have nothing left to defend with, making your Double Strikers very effective. Another Goad source that is great with a creature heavy board is Agitator Ant, which is hilarious a lot of the time. If you're using Goad effects, War Tax can let an opponent have a way around them, if there is a tax to attack Goad fails, and War Cadence is absolutely devastating with Goad, even a tax of 1 to block can make blocking impossible for weenie decks, and you can use either on anyone's turn.

As you've got access to Blue, there are a few non-Rakdos tricks you can use, the most hilarious I know of is Mass Diminish, note that it lasts until your next turn and have a good laugh. There is also Sudden Spoiling, which is powerful but lasts for that turn, or Polymorphist's Jest, which is similarly a 1 turn solution. I use Mass Diminish more aggressively, to make a player hyper-vulnerable to attackers (and make them unable to counter attack), getting two casts is just savage. Visions of Duplicity can create some chaos with it's two casts, Cultural Exchange is obscene if someone else has better creatures. Bident of Thassa is glorious if you want both of it's effects, forcing people to attack is incredibly mean, and this doesn't require you to run a weenie like Goblin Diplomats, but that's also a fun card fwiw. If you're going to run Oriq Loremage, you might slip in a huge creature to Unearth, something like Dragon Tyrant can be huge and not break the bank, Double Strike and Firebreathing are really good together, and you won't have to pay the upkeep with Unearth, he's dead before that matters.

I was looking at your land count and average Mana Value and I think you probably are running too few lands at this point, it's very tempting to cut them, but 30 is probably too few for a MV that is over 2.5. You might get away with adding 2 mana ramp, but I'd still aim for at least 36 lands (or MDFCs that count as a land, you probably already have the best two MDFCs in those colours, but people also run Malakir Rebirth  Flip) to ensure you can consistently cast stuff. There is a smattering of ways you can run less lands/ramp, but these all come with downsides, but in Grixis you can run 4 solid Bounce Lands, Dimir Aqueduct and Guildless Commons should be in here as well if you want a lower land count, these let you hit another land drop when you draw them. You might also run stuff like Thran Dynamo or Worn Powerstone to help you hit higher MVs sooner, ramping by only 1 mana feels bad compared to hitting a land drop most of the time, there is also Gilded Lotus, but hitting 5 mana can be rough. Coalition Relic can charge for 1 turn, Skyclave Relic is super versatile/rugged, and Everflowing Chalice can be huge if you want, 6-10 mana is absurd but sometimes comes up. Cantrips like Ponder and Preordain are also good at digging for a land, but I know in Talrand it stings pretty bad when you Preordain and don't find a land and I needed one. As for some cards to remove, I'll take a look, but if I'm trying to build a deck that can handle attention, I look first at cards that will hurt only 1 player, unless that card will almost certainly end that player, either right away or in a few turns.

A few to consider removing (I may be missing why you have them in, so user discretion is advised or something): Archive Trap, Outpost Siege, Palace Siege, Ponder, Preordain, Haunting Echoes, Cruel Ultimatum (this seems insanely hard to cast, and hits only 1 player, unless you can copy it I'd run Captive Audience if I want to hose one player hard), Cranial Extraction, Cormela, Glamour Thief, Kess, Dissident Mage, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger, Lobber Crew, Loyal Subordinate, Nekusar, the Mindrazer, Obeka, Brute Chronologist, Phenax, God of Deception, Runo Stromkirk  Flip, Spear Spewer, and Thermo-Alchemist.Some maybe cards include Angrath, Captain of Chaos, and Cryptolith Fragment  Flip (for another land, maybe a better rock, there is Thought Vessel, but fixing is sweet in Grixis).

Hope some of this is helpful!

DreadKhan on Mishra's attackers

1 year ago

Berserkers' Onslaught is pretty handy if you've got big attackers, double power and first strike is sweet for 5 mana. Rite of the Raging Storm can help by giving you a 5/1 every turn to swing with, while also giving everyone else one to swing at anyone but you, which helps create some chaos as long as people don't run big blockers, and even if most people do, just someone not having a blocker will make that 5/1 a slow, steady source of damage, and people must hold back a blocker for it or take the 5. I like Onslaught with Rite, and if I can get a Mask of Griselbrand and Exquisite Blood you can do a tremendous amount of work with a 5/1, including drawing 5 cards when it dies. Mask is good in general in my experience, evasion is helpful in Rakdos, as is Lifelink for various 'pay life' effects that you might want to run. Some of those include Phyrexian Purge and Fire Covenant, both very strong old cards in many metas, but they work best with some life gain. 2 more cards that cost life and tend to feel pretty good in EDH are Ashes to Ashes and Reckless Spite, hitting 2 bodies is pretty helpful, and black Exile isn't super-common.

Kyren Negotiations are an interesting option if you have lots of goblins but can't swing through a Propaganda. Make an Example is very good value, you choose what dies (not targeted), and each player loses at least their best creature, maybe more). Volcanic Offering is a really solid card that can deal with 4 things that are bothering you if someone else is feeling helpful, but it can never directly hurt you, this can shut down an archenemy with one spell. If you find yourself troubled by Blue decks, there are Boil, Boiling Seas, Omen of Fire, and Citadel of Pain that are pretty helpful vs Blue and 2 colour Blue decks.

DreadKhan on Mathas, King of Politics

1 year ago

In Political decks with White I like stuff like Pulsemage Advocate, Spurnmage Advocate, and Dawnbreak Reclaimer. I'm not sure if it's strictly necessary, but Flumph (I agree with Mr Hammer above) and World Queller are pretty political and can do useful things in some metas, but they can also be really dead cards in others. World Queller can be infuriating if a deck runs a small number of key cards of a certain type and thus can't protect them.

Make an Example is an interesting new card that can be a lot better than Soul Shatter, it also hits each opponent, doesn't target (you choose the pile though) and is a sacrifice effect. It's not an Instant, but it has big upside if a player doesn't already know what you need gone and can isolate that creature. Another cool new card is Protection Racket, I didn't notice a ton of cards that your deck is completely dependent on, if that is correct then Racket is a really useful card, either pinging each opponent or giving you cards. It's even more absurd if you can get out Exquisite Blood.

With your Commander I feel like Volcanic Offering would be interesting, you should be able to draw 2 cards off it via your Commander in addition to blowing up 2 lands that aren't yours.

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