Void Shatter


Devoid (This card has no colour.)

Counter target spell. If that spell is countered this way, exile it instead of putting it into its owner's graveyard.

Grind on Grand Fortress of Protection

1 year ago

Absolutely, happy to offfer thoughts. Also in general i prefer any of Arcane Denial, Swan Song, Disallow, Delay, or Void Shatter over cancel.

Ender666666 on How to Lose Friends and Infuriate People for <$99

2 years ago

Removed Skulltap and Dissipate

Added Costly Plunder and Void Shatter

Thanks for the reccos people

Xenaphix02 on LF: Help w/ cuts down …

2 years ago

I'd get real critical of those artifacts if I were you. Signets are pretty bad in green since of course you have access to land ramp, which is way more durable than artifacts, which you might accidentally blow up sometimes.

Arcane Adaptation is at best a win-more card and at worst a d0-nothing card, you're either going to draw into it at a point where dragons already dominate your board, or it's going to clog up your opening hand and do nothing until you cast your first big threat.

Void Shatter is pretty bad. In a deck where you are constantly either ramping or putting out big creatures, a three mana counterspell (let alone a counterspell) is only gonna get cast if your deck isn't doing what it wants.

Blighted Woodland is pretty bad, it only ramps you by 1 land. I'd just cut that and move down to 35 lands.

You might also want to swap your 2 drop mana dorks for more land ramp, or nothing at all.

You probably also want to be running Dragonborn Champion for a cheap dragon related draw source.

In my honest opinion, I would just ditch blue and move back to a gruul commander, like the new options from AFR commander or even Atarka, World Render. The 'Can't be countered' clause on Surrak is sweet but there are plenty of similar effects in those colors, such as Vexing Shusher and Prowling Serpopard and a few others. If you want to stay with the extra-combats / combat triggers effects, you should def move to Xenagos, God of Revels or Wulfgar of Icewind Dale. There are just so many options that it feels like Blue is actively wasting slots in the deck, no offense of course. And as always, it's your decision.

Grind on Higure, the Still Here

3 years ago

Interesting deck!!!
I agree you need more win cons, all i see right now is quietus spike. If you want a budget tutor for quietus spike then Drift of Phantasms will work for you. Lots of artifact tutors in blue too if you want.
Mask of Memory seems playable here too.
Ideas unbound is a cool card. If you ran Teferi's Ageless Insight then i would keep it in. Otherwise i would lean towards Impulse .
Cloud of Faeries seems playable here, as does Coastal Piracy or Reconnaissance Mission .
Looking at your mana base, High Tide seems playable. I might run Temple of the False God or Rogue's Passage , or even War Room if you are interested in some nonbasic lands. And Mystic Sanctuary is sweet, i would add that. Also, add Sol Ring !
Lots of alternatives for cancel, i would run a cmc2 card from your maybeboard. But if you want to stick with cmc3 counterspells, i like Void Shatter , Dissipate , and Dream Fracture .
Anyway those are just some thoughts, cheers and have fun!!!

Grind on Sygg River Cutthroat (CMDR) v1.06

3 years ago

cool deck!!!
interested in your choice of counterspells. drown in the loch and psychic strike. i would generally think of options like Negate , Arcane Denial , Disallow , Void Shatter over those two. even Thought Collapse is an interesting option if you want to stick with the mill theme.

onlywei on How to Lose Friends and Infuriate People for <$99

3 years ago

Hi Ender666666 - I recommend replacing Dissipate with Void Shatter. The latter does the same thing, but dodges Pyroblast and Red Elemental Blast. It also makes them not draw a card when they play Veil of Summer.

0rc on talrand 100 buck's

3 years ago

First off: this is a fantastic budget build. I love the dramatic/scepter combo—how quickly can we assemble it? I know you looked at my $75 budget deck and I hope you were able to gain something from it (thanks for the upvote and comment as well).

Here are my suggestions: Dizzy Spell will transmute for our hate pieces or our Sol Ring, if needed. Trophy Mage will fetch our Worn Powerstone. Alternatively, Drift of Phantasms will transmute for our Worn Powerstone, if needed. However, it is advised to have less creatures in Talrand for obvious reasons, including the following.

It will be crucial that we have rock power as quickly as possible once we have our dramatic/scepter combo pieces. This is why we should run Mass Polymorph and Synthetic Destiny. With Talrand, and a couple of drakes, we could Mass Polymorph into tutors for both all of our combo pieces at once and have them in hand.

This leads to the next area for consideration: protection. In my humble opinion, we are running a somewhat burdensome combo that realistically announces to your opponents “I’m going to win next turn.” (It’s ok, that’s my main beef with my own budget Talrand build as well). Also, once your opponents lose to this deck once, even those $2k cEDH decks seated at your table will lay the hate on you. Solution—You need more decisive and versatile countermagic to deal with the hate. Devious Cover-Up and Supreme Will are both decisive and versatile and serve purposes beyond mere countermagic. Overwhelming Denial is very decisive. Mental Misstep is a mini Force of Will. Abjure is decisive and has synergy with your commander. Void Shatter is harsh and decisive. Disrupt and Force Spike are soft, but you will be glad to have them, especially in a competitive meta. You may want to consider some oddball counters such as Time Stop. It’s too bad Cryptic Command and Mystic Confluence don’t fit the budget (or could they????). That’s maximal versatility.

Last word: by running Fact or Fiction, you are giving your opponents free reign to toss one of your combo pieces in the graveyard. Consider that. Also, is Opt really that great? I’ve been wondering about it in my own build. Also, just to nitpick and clean your title up: it’s “bucks”, not “buck’s” and you’re $5 over your $100 limit :)

I’m going to borrow some from you. Thanks.

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