Vizkopa Guildmage

Creature — Human Wizard

: Target creature gains lifelink until end of turn.

: Whenever you gain life this turn, each opponent loses that much life.

legendofa on Verrak Suicide

1 day ago

Any thoughts on Plunge into Darkness? It's a semi-tutor that combos with Children of Korlis and Vizkopa Guildmage for an instant-speed "Pay X life: Gain X life and each opponent loses X life."

evilbane2000 on Oloro

4 days ago

I'll take Witch of the Moors and Vizkopa Guildmage, but what are they replacing?

doc_frank_18 on Oloro

4 days ago

oh ho! Thou must add Will, Scion of Peace! Can't forget Witch of the Moors with a little bit of Vizkopa Guildmage and a splash of Celestine, the Living Saint Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose

wallisface on

5 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your deck is currently at 64 cards. While this might not seem much above 60, it's still weakening your deck by including 4 cards worse-that-the-rest, while also making your deck less consistent. I'd suggest dropping all of the Vizkopa Guildmage, as the card's not particularly good.

  • I would suggest adding around 3 copies of Deathbringer Liege - even though the mana cost is quite high, your deck is already doing a lot in the way of stalling out the game, and this card acts as a strong win condition if unanswered. To make room for it, i'd remove a single copy of Souls of the Faultless, and both copies of Athreos, God of Passage (Athreos isn't doing a lot for your deck here as your opponent is being beaten-down by your interaction, not your creature-threats).

  • 19 lands is waay too low. For reference, burn decks play 20 lands and only play spells costing 1-2 mana (and are happy being stuck on 1-land for most of the game). With your current mana curve, imo you need 21 lands. If you're adding in the beforementioned Deathbringer Liege, i'd suggest 23. An obvious card to remove for the lands is Mana Tithe - as while it's useful in the first 2 turns, it becomes largely useless after then, and your deck is playing a particularly long game, so it's going to be a dead-draw more-often than a useful one.

  • With the amount of coloured-pips all your cards require, i'd suggest not playing Vault of the Archangel - it's going to trip you up far more than help you. The absolute most you could justify playing is maybe a single-copy.

idfkgabe on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Understood wallisface, I did take out Vizkopa Guildmage because I do believe that it does have good abilities I wouldn't be able to use them because of how much mana I need to have to use them. I believe that Blood Baron of Vizkopa does need to be removed. I'm trying to find out what cards can replace Blood Baron of Vizkopa, any suggestions?

wallisface on Bow Down to Sheoldred

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • Your mana curve is excessively high, which will lead to some really slow/clumsy turns. Modern decks typically can't justify running more than 4 cards costing 4 mana, and run nothing above this cost. You've got a whopping 16 cards costing 4-or-more mana, which is far too high (in particular you have no chance of ever casting those 8-mana cards). Added to this, you have almost nothing to do turn-1, meaning you'll often be starting a full turn behind your opponent.

  • Your land base is far too low. 20 land decks typically expect to be stuck on 1-or-2 lands for a decent chunk of the early-game. Even after lowering your curve, you'll likely still need at least 23-24 lands to be able to reliably cast any of your spells.

  • Some of your spells seem really suboptimal. You generally don't want to be paying more than 2 mana for a removal spell, so stuff like Vraska's Contempt and Oblivion Ring seem super sub-optimal. Go Blank, Heartless Pillage and Mind Rot are all pretty weak in Modern, especially as the opponent is very likely to already be empty-handed by the time you're able to cast any of them (in any case 8 cards with this effect is excessive). Blood Baron of Vizkopa, Sangromancer, and Vizkopa Guildmage all don't really do much.

Calopaloca on What counts as Orzhov?

1 year ago

I have a Orzhov Guild Kit and wanted to build a viable deck around the Orzhov Syndicate.

At first I looked at what other people built and discovered that a lot of them don't even use any of the guild specific mechanics and cards. They were basically just white/black decks.

For me an Orzhov deck would be either using one of the guilds key mechanics or using cards that are clearly related to the guild like Teysa Karlov or Vizkopa Guildmage.

But maybe I am wrong or I am missing something.

What would you consider to be a Orzhov themed deck?

9-lives on

1 year ago

Macaronigrill5150 I would add something like Healing Hands but I have mana restrictions for my amount of mana needed for angel tokens which is greater than or equal to 5. Using my life to either make angel tokens, or to harm my opponent, works either way, depending upon which card I draw that gives me my choice to heal the opponent, or myself to the detriment of the opponent. The best result I could get is to draw Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose, or Sanguine Bond, and Vizkopa Guildmage as I will be dealing damage to them while healing myself, thus as well as generating tokens. But, if I have Tainted Remedy I will basically burn them to death with healing magic that is able to be transferred, like Heroes' Reunion and Rest for the Weary, and also using my Chaplain's Blessing and Scroll of Avacyn to make angel tokens since I cannot heal myself and hurt them with it at the same time, but rather heal the opponent which harms them, and do my own thing.

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