Victory's Envoy

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Victory's Envoy

Creature — Human Cleric

At the beginning of your upkeep, put a +1/+1 counter on each other creature you control.

BPWyndon on Kyler, Sigardian Emissary

6 months ago

Love human tribal, here are some cards I think would go well.

Victory's Envoy, putting the +1/+1 on your commander and all you creatures is equivalent to +2/+2 to all your creatures every turn!

Loran of the Third Path, this is one of the best political machines, make a friend at the table. Also doubles as some removal.

Orzhov Advokist, You put 2 counters on your commander every upkeep, and if any other player wants to put two counters on one of their creatures, no problem, they just aren't allowed to attack you for any entire turn, what a trade off!

Aragorn and Arwen, Wed, a card I haven't had the chance to playtest yet, but seems good.

Archetype of Courage, makes attacking into you unmanageable.

Forgotten Ancient, I know it isn't human, but holy crap a bunch of counters for your commander.

Tarrian's Soulcleaver, more counters for you commander, especially if your meta uses a lot of treasures!

My only other suggestion maybe to add more lands, and get some more ramps spells, you look a bit low in that area.

SaberTech on An Open Palm Counter-Strike

1 year ago

Mikaeus, the Lunarch might have a little more synergy with your deck than Victory's Envoy since you can keep making him into a bigger beater with Bright-Palm and you can use his tap abilities more often alongside Drumbellower.

And since you don't seem to be avoiding infinite combos, Scurry Oak and Herd Baloth combo with Cathars' Crusade can produce as many tokens as you want. You could also swap out either Renata, Called to the Hunt or Good-Fortune Unicorn for a Ivy Lane Denizen, which can also combo with the Oak and Baloth.

If you don't want to add more infinite combos to the deck but still want some strong plays, it might be worth checking out Iridescent Hornbeetle. It can produce a very strong board very quickly in conjunction with Cathars' Crusade or Mikaeus, the Lunarch.

AstroAA on Lae'Zel Master Chef +1/+1 counters

2 years ago

I just now noticed - in my first comment, by Victory's Herald I meant Victory's Envoy. Whoops.

multimedia on Minions & Magic token deck

2 years ago

Hey, nice card changes, but you now have less lands than before and are below 30 lands? You shouldn't cut lands to add other cards since you need lands for your deck to function. If you need more room to fit other cards in then some advice is to streamline the mana curve by choosing the best cards at 4 CMC or higher and cutting the others. Chatterfang is a great upgrade especially because you have Plunderer. Cutting The Ozolith was the right choice; great that you see that.

Making a basic structure for your deck would help you're deck building:

  • 35-36 lands
  • 25 creatures
  • 10+ ramp
  • 10+ draw includes tutors
  • 10- removal includes board wipes, counterspells
  • 5+ flex spots includes combos, win conditions, unique cards with your Commanders, special tech against your playgroup, etc.

This is just a basic structure to start, not all areas are covered and some areas can have different amounts. The most important part of this structure is the amounts of lands, ramp and draw since these areas that make your deck function. Some cards can go in many areas which is really what you want from the cards you play. The combos you're trying to assemble take a lot of mana (made up of four and five drops) thus it would help gameplay having 35-36 lands and 10+ ramp sources.

Some cards that could be cut to add lands, improve the deck structure and streamline:

  • Victory's Envoy
  • Drizzt Do'Urden
  • Dramatic Finale
  • Tendrils of Agony
  • Archon of Sun's Grace
  • Leonin Warleader
  • Felisa, Fang of Silverquill
  • Icingdeath, Frost Tyrant

Some cards that could be cut to add more ramp and draw:

  • Serrated Scorpion
  • Vorpal Sword
  • Shaile, Dean of Radiance
  • Indulging Patrician
  • You Happen on a Glade
  • Banishing Light
  • Trelasarra, Moon Dancer

When you streamline you cut the lesser cards that are at the top of mana curve. Ghave, Guru of Spores and Sporemound are two best five drops here because they're part of combos. Shadrix Silverquill can be tons of repeatable value. Wandering Archaic  Flip, Mirari's Wake and Inkshield are powerful for five mana. Victory's Envoy is not needed because one of Shadrix modes is to put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. Envoy and Drizzt Do'Urden aren't good enough to replace any of the other five drops. Ikra is also a five drop which have to keep in mind.

Pitiless Plunderer and Life and Limb are the two best four drops here because they're part of combos and Akroma's Will is powerful. Damn and Devastating Mastery are also four drops since consistently they'll be cast for four mana. Rhox Faithmender is fine, but you're not really going for life gaining strategy. All the other four drops could be cut since most of the three drops here are better. Prava create a token costs four mana which should keep in mind.

One drops are great in Commander, but even a one drop has to be worth one mana which Serrated Scorpion and Vorpal Sword aren't. Vorpal may be one mana, but it takes more mana with strict color requirements to actually use it and you have much better equipment here that you would rather spend mana to equip. Scorpion is not needed because you have Blood Artist. These two are examples of cuts to add more ramp or draw.

prettyjesus on Winota $100 Budget - That's Boros Baby!

2 years ago

27JUL2021 changes


  1. Memnite relatively vanilla, and somehow quite expensive towards our budget (~$5). Instead Legion Loyalist which can also trigger (even on a top deck), and gives us much-needed evasion.
  2. Phyrexian Walker also pretty vanilla, replacing with Grim Initiate . Why? Grim gives us something on a board wipe, to help us recover
  3. Auratouched Mage (which also comes out with the next card).. it isn't quite as broken as it may seem. Gets chump blocked and doesn't do quite much. Add in Goblin Rabblemaster to give us more dudes
  4. Breath of Fury comes out if Aura Mage does, it's a combo that isn't too great. Let's add in Anax, Hardened in the Forge to give us more board wipe survivability
  5. Victory's Envoy is a tough cut, but is a bit slow. Only is very good if we have gobs of tokens. Add in Mother of Runes for obvious reasons

usurphling on Offspring's Revenge

3 years ago

Legion Angel isn't the best payoff that you can put in this deck. Ill rather pick another explosive big payoff creature like I mentioned above. Immersturm Predator is doing nuts in my version of offspring's revenge in arena. Im just sacrificing my either Acquisitions Expert or Basri's Lieutenant for value later on in offspring's revenge. Also, if you're going to Burning-Rune Demon , will you consider replacing it with Gravebreaker Lamia with lesser mana cost and more survivability yet still the same ability?

As for rankle, I would just go 3 copies of it replacing the lilianas. I can see her more as a sideboard card against dedicated control decks. Rankle can do damage, discard your big payoff card and draw another card. Also, selecting your sideboard depends on your local metagame or decks that you usually encounter in MTG Arena.

...or go Yorion just like everybody else lol...Since you love to self mill cards and Dimir rogues are in the current metagame, it goes into your favor. Just add more boardwipes like Doomskar and Shatter the Sky if you're worried with go wide decks.

If you really want to stick with Harmonious Archon , I will choose creatures that grows like Immersturm Predator , Oathsworn Knight , Fiend Artisan and Victory's Envoy .

Hope these advices help you more refining your deck.

DanMcSharp on

3 years ago


I don't think there's many scenarios, if any, where you'll be happy to play a 2/1 for 2 to eventually get a 2/1 for 3 if you attack. You should remove all 4 Fearless Liberator and instead add 4 Kargan Intimidator . It's easy to miss, but he can target your own humans (or himself) to make them "cowards" (and no longer human) to trigger Winota, Joiner of Forces .

Usually decks that run Winota, Joiner of Forces don't play planeswalker because more often than not you'll see them when you miss with Winota, Joiner of Forces 's trigger and then they'll spend the rest of the game under the library. Your high cost cards should normally be cards that she can cheat into play. Either way, Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast won't achieve much either because you have a wide variety of different CMC creatures to hit with him, he's normally played in decks with only giant creatures and token generators so he always hits good.

I wish I knew how to make good use of Victory's Envoy because she seems fun, but in reality she's a 3/3 that does nothing when she comes into play. If you're going off with Winota, Joiner of Forces hey ability probably won't even come into play, and even if it does, chances are you still would've been better off with any other big hitter instead. You would surely do much better if you just added a 2nd copy of your big legendary dudes like Kenrith, the Returned King and Haktos the Unscarred .

Btw, I'm not sure if you know but Taranika, Akroan Veteran will not trigger if she's put into play by Winota, Joiner of Forces because then she's already attacking, so she's not a great hit either. She would shine more in a deck that plays small stuff with keywords like Healer's Hawk or even Alseid of Life's Bounty .


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