Venom Sliver

Creature — Sliver

Sliver creatures you control have deathtouch. (Any amount of damage a creature with deathtouch deals to a creature is enough to destroy it.)

BossUltinuc on What are some affordable improvements …

2 years ago

Snap157 I like this advice too, Venom Sliver was very useful when I played against my friend, and he definitely prioritised getting it off the field, so I absolutely wanna max it out. I'll consider the same for Striking Sliver as well. Also agreed with Manaweft, that proved to be very helpful multiple times. Should I use more Sentinels?

As far as going Naya, I see the thought process and I agree that the deck doesn't really need to be WURBG, but Galerider Sliver and Diffusion Sliver are pretty helpful so I'm not sure

Snap157 on What are some affordable improvements …

2 years ago

for a sliver build I tend to focus on Venom Sliver plus Striking Sliver, with Sinew Sliver and Predatory Sliver being the core of the deck. Also worth considering a full playset of Manaweft Sliver since it goes so well with your Sentinel Sliver. Also looks like you could totally get away with going naya instead of WUBRG, as it'll smooth out your mana base.

BossUltinuc on What are some affordable improvements …

2 years ago

So I built this Sliver focused deck, but I really don't have the budget to be spending $20 AUD per card so that I can build the sickest deck ever. Therefore, I'm wondering what some improvements I can make to this deck are to make it more capable, even if it isn't going to be winning any tournaments

Creatures x4 Cloudshredder Sliver x4 Diffusion Sliver x3 Galerider Sliver x2 Megantic Sliver x2 Venom Sliver x3 Manaweft Sliver x2 Tempered Sliver x2 Sentinel Sliver x3 Leeching Sliver

Instant x3 Shock x2 Giant Growth

Sorcery x4 Channel the Suns

Lands x3 Evolving Wilds x3 Transguild Promenade x4 Plains x4 Swamp x4 Island x4 Mountain x4 Forest

BossUltinuc on Slivers Deck Help (Modern)

2 years ago

Okay so, a while back I wanted to put together a Slivers deck just for some fun casual play with friends, because I like the concept and playstyle they have.

I bought a relatively cheap pre-built deck online, and a friend recommended some other cards I should find to use in the deck. Unfortunately, that was a while ago, and I'm not in contact with that friend anymore so I'm pretty much back at square one.

The creatures listed below are what I already have, so based on this, what might be a fun + effective deck that I could build? I'm willing to buy singles as long as the individual cards aren't too costly (ideally no more than about $5-7 total for every copy I'd need of a card, but I'm open to spending a little bit more)

Creatures: Cleaving Sliver x1 Spiteful Sliver x1 Bladeback Sliver x1 Blur Sliver x2 Hollowhead Sliver x2 Striking Sliver x2

Lavabelly Sliver x1 Cloudshredder Sliver x2 Bonescythe Sliver x1 Enduring Sliver x1 Constricting Sliver x1 Sentinel Sliver x2 Sidewinder Sliver x2

Scuttling Sliver x3 Diffusion Sliver x4 Galerider Sliver x3

Megantic Sliver x2 Groundshaker Sliver x2 Venom Sliver x2 Manaweft Sliver x3 Predatory Sliver x2 Tempered Sliver x2

Darkheart Sliver x3 Dregscape Sliver x3 Leeching Sliver x3

Thank you in advance for the help!

Skaso on 5color Sliver

2 years ago

Yes the Locust God infinte combo is not really going with the flavor of my deck. I included Toxin Sliver, Brood Sliver and Kindred Summons. For funnzies added Mindlash Sliver, Basal Sliver, Enduring Renewal, but will change that for Diffusion Sliver, Haunting Voyage, Venom Sliver

MagicMarc on 5color Sliver

2 years ago

It is nice to see you making changes in a good direction with the deck!

Regarding your land; I would suggest spreading out your basics. You have a lot of plains but only a singleton or so in the other colors. Even it out as best you can since you are playing a 5 color deck. If anything, I would go higher on forests than any other basic because your mana slivers are green and your spells to get more land are green.

About the cards you added to the deck; I would drop Dormant Sliver, Metallic Sliver and The Locust God and add in Brood Sliver, Toxin Sliver, and Kindred Summons. Dormant Sliver is a trap. The card draw sounds awesome but when you play it you take away the one thing that slivers do best, Attack! You should never be on the defensive with a tuned sliver deck. Your opponents need to be. Metallic Sliver is a contradiction of Sliver Tribal. It is a vanilla sliver that adds no new ability to the tribe. It should never be in any Sliver deck. About the The Locust God. I understand how good this card is, but this is a Sliver deck and not a token Izzet deck. Save that for a different deck. Drop it for Galerider Sliver, Diffusion Sliver, or Venom Sliver. Seriously speaking, giving Slivers flying or death touch will just win games and you won't miss The Locust God.

About making more room in the deck; You have a lot of spells for a tribal creature deck and there is a little room to shave. I would suggest removing Aphetto Dredging, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, and Chain Reaction. Aphetto Dredging just does not do enough in this deck. To begin with, you need to have played and lost three Slivers to see its total benefit. So if you arent losing Slivers or did not play any good ones, this card is dead in your hand in many games. I would try to get a copy of Haunting Voyage instead. Casting this can flip a game in your favor. It is the same with Bala Ged Recovery  Flip. No one Sliver is important enough to get back by itself so unless a card gets them all back or puts them into play then it is just sub-par. You already have a bunch of removal, maybe even too much so I would cut Chain Reaction. It is not one-sided and does not have any extra benefit. Replace all three of these with more slivers. Especially from the list I already suggested.

You need to focus on what the deck is. It's all about Slivers. Any card in your deck that is not a Sliver should already have it's value questioned by you. So it has to do something great to win games or help you win games to stay in the deck. Anything else can be cut for more Slivers.

Most of your other cards are good support, removal or counters. I think you could still shave a few more cards but I would wait to see after you make adjustments and play the deck for a while before cutting anything else. Once you have more Slivers in the deck and in play during games you should see a big change in it's performance.

MagicMarc on 5color Sliver

2 years ago

I don't agree about Jodah, Archmage Eternal or Fist of Suns. I think both of those cards actually hurt your deck instead of help it. Your mana costs are not high enough for replacing them with WUBRG. Neither of those cards brings what Morophon, the Boundless does to the table. I would dump Fist of Suns for Fellwar Stone or something like Cryptolith Rite. Even Birds of Paradise or something similar is a way better card for this deck than either of those. I would dump Winged Boots for Lightning Greaves. Haste is better than flying and shroud is better than ward.

You have way too few slivers in your deck to "Swarm" anyone. Let alone a table full of opponents. Your deck also has a lot of cards that are targeted creature removal. I would dump a lot of that removal for adding quality slivers that provide removal or create removal for you. Take a hard look at your sorceries and instants and see if there is a sliver that does the same thing. Then replace that card with the appropriate sliver. You also need more card advantage to refill your hand once you start slamming slivers down. You can combo using your mana slivers, Intruder Alarm and cards like Vanquisher's Banner. With those cards in play, every time you cast a sliver you will draw a card and untap your slivers which can let you chain through your library in no time.

For more card advantage and more slivers I would suggest the looking to add some of the following depending on your budget; Herald's Horn, Icon of Ancestry, Cryptic Gateway, Descendants' Path, Guardian Project, Kindred Discovery, and The Great Henge. Since you don't have Sliver Queen you can make more slivers with Maskwood Nexus or Birthing Boughs. Realmwalker is another great card. Adding 4-6 of some of these will really speed your deck up.

Good slivers to replace sorceries, instants or land you take out:

Necrotic Sliver, Essence Sliver, Two-Headed Sliver, Fury Sliver, Belligerent Sliver, Galerider Sliver, Bonescythe Sliver, Venom Sliver, Syphon Sliver, Diffusion Sliver, Hibernation Sliver, Brood Sliver, Crypt Sliver, Blur Sliver, Opaline Sliver, Toxin Sliver, Tempered Sliver.

You don't have to use all of these but some of them are insanely good like Necrotic Sliver. You don't need any removal spells if you have a bunch of slivers and this one in play.

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