Uphill Battle


Creatures your opponents play come into play tapped.

babushkasara on Cool/Unique EDH Cards

2 years ago

I immediately made sure you had Instill Energy on here :) Definitely going to peruse this later on. Some suggestions/pet cards I've come across that seem to fit the bill are Uba Mask, Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant  Flip, Guardian of the Gateless, Joven's Ferrets, Harmonic Prodigy, Uphill Battle (effect normally only in white).

McToters on Satyrs Party Hard!

4 years ago

epott It's not silly! I totally get not playing the ascension, but thought it should be recommended in the event you hadn't thought of it! I also get the downsides to Rampage of the Clans. I'm a bit of a chaotic/go-for-the-crazy-move kind of player so it's a card I love. Glad you like the Tower Defense rec. That was an easy one to upgrade.

Just looking over your list again and I would say you should replace Plummet for Beast Within as it provides more options when the moment calls for it.

If you like the "party" theme, maybe cards like Final Fortune, Goblin War Drums, Bedlam, Uphill Battle, Possibility Storm could be of use?

I do love the flavor you have going on in your Artifact department. I missed that before!

Lastly, I notice a lack of board wipes (unless I missed something on your list or it's another flavor/casual choice over competitive then you can ignore this). But Wave of Vitriol, The Great Aurora, Bearer of the Heavens, Obliterate, Decree of Annihilation, Hour of Devastation could be some options for you. (Creeping Renaissance as something to bring back a permanent type if you're looking for that as well.)

If you have the time I'll take feedback on my budget version of Gallia. It's far from great and I have yet to actually use the deck but it never hurts to get another pair of eyes on something. No worries if you don't!

McToters on

4 years ago

I really like the commander choice! Agrus is a great character in the Ravnica book cycle ;) Also, nice build! I'm actually in the middle of brewing a Flanking tribal deck with him as commander. Not sure if it's going to be any good but we'll see!

A few cards that may help:

Heartwarming Redemption - Nice draw for Boros.

Mirror Entity - Absolutely deadly with a small board state of tokens out. This teams up amazingly well with Goldnight Commander too.

Anointed Procession - For token generation.

Maybe Mass Hysteria + Uphill Battle is a janky control combo.

Now the cards I'm about to mention cost some $$ but they are certainly worth putting in if you are looking to create faster mana generation:

Caged Sun

Gauntlet of Power

Extraplanar Lens + Snow Covered Lands

Mana Flare - This one is the most affordable and I put it in all my red decks.

Smothering Tithe

Land Tax

Again, neat deck! +1

goldlion on The Great Radhaggro

5 years ago

Knollspine Dragon and Chancellor of the Forge weren't even on my radar, those seem fantastic. Just got a Tempt with Vengeance , so that's great! I already have a Tendershoot Dryad , so perhaps it'll take a slot till I find better alternatives. I've been gravitating towards things like War Cadence , Uphill Battle , Stoneshaker Shaman , Release the Gremlins , Overwhelming Instinct , Druids' Repository and Nacatl War-Pride .

Thanks very much mmcgeach. I appreciate it. It's going to be an experiment to see where the balance is, but I think it'll teach me a lot. If you're interested, I'll share the decklist with you when it's up.

pokepower116 on 8x8 Xantcha

5 years ago

Hey! Thanks for the mention :)

Love the idea! In terms of pure win percentage, my deck definitely isn't the right way to go about things and I feel that a more defensive pillowfort strategy like you mentioned would net you much more wins.

While red/black aren't the best pillowfort colors in the traditional sense, they have a few cards that slow or disincentivize attackers; not to mention there are a few land and artifact cards that help too. No Mercy, Dread, Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, Maze of Ith, Mystifying Maze, Spires of Orazca (flipped from Thaumatic Compass  Flip), Uphill Battle, Glacial Crevasses, Vow of Malice, Vow of Lightning, and Crawlspace just to name a few. Since most of the pillowfort cards are in white, another route could be playing a card like Queen Marchesa and running Xantcha in the 99.

I think the 8x8 theory is solid for most of these categories! I feel that the player controlling Xantcha dying is a rare enough occurrence (she'll probably get destroyed or another player could get taken out before them) that you might not need a full 8 slots dedicated to sacrificing her. If this does happen, you could always use your single-target removal on her and run a bit more of it. It's not ideal, but might save you from situations where you have a Viscera Seer or Ashnod's Altar and nothing to sacrifice with it.

Same goes with the politics and memes. Depending on your definition of memes, they could have a lot of overlap there too so you might not need to dedicate 16 slots in your deck to both of those (like Curse of Opulence, Sower of Discord, or Disrupt Decorum).

Overall I think you're on the right track and I can't wait to see what you end up with!

Competizione13 on Kiki Pod: The Singleton Experience

6 years ago

Uphill Battle could be of a possible use if u want to slow down your opponents. Nice deck as well.

Blackheart426 on Righteous Justice

6 years ago

Uphill Battle to slow em down,Balefire Liege to ping, pump, and life gain. Well done on this deck!

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