Unholy Strength

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Unholy Strength

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +2/+1.

Icbrgr on If magic made a spin-off …

1 year ago

It's just a side effect of the mindset of both extremes of intolerance and being forced to accept everyone... not everyone is going to want to get to know you for your intentions... meanwhile someone shoots up a school and people wonder why nobody said anything.

I am not gonna shout down original Unholy Strength art or devils and demons in MTG because I am afraid if satanic culture... but at the same time I shouldn't be shamed for not wanting to play with people because they make me feel uneasy.

Icbrgr on If magic made a spin-off …

1 year ago

Reminds me of Unholy Strength... I remember when I was a kid the adults of the day condemnation of satanic imagery with the game having devils and demons in the art... perhaps the war hammer cards fit in the same boat... some people will say it's just a game/theme and others will read deeper.... but magic at its core is a "violent game" based in combat Its bound to get ugly uncomfortable

trippy_mcfly on Cumly Cube

2 years ago

Introducing Cumly Cube 1.1! 6 months ago, Cumly Cube was launched to resounding approval. However, in response to feedback from fans, several cards in the pool were deemed unplayable, uninteresting, or overpowered. For Cumly Cube's six month anniversary, I have chosen to update the card pool. Here are the changes, provided with brief justifications:


  • Abomination: too weak in power level
  • Anger of the Gods: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Birthing Pod: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Black Dragon: too weak in power level
  • Black Lotus: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Bloodcurdling Scream: too weak in power level
  • Cavalier of Night: too on-theme for a black card
  • Cinderclasm: while board wipes are an essential part of the game, this card is too simple in effect in comparison to other red board wipes in the card pool
  • Dack Fayden: too powerful
  • District Guide: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Dockside Extortionist: too strong in multiplayer games considering the dominance of the "treasure matters" archetype in this card pool
  • Dread Reaper: too weak in power level
  • Edric, Spymaster of Trest: too powerful
  • Eviscerator: too weak in power level
  • Grim Strider: too weak in power level
  • Hypnox: too weak in power level
  • Jungle Creeper: too weak in power level
  • Mind Bomb: too weak in power level
  • Mox Emerald: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Jet: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Pearl: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Ruby: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Mox Sapphire: this card and other "power 9" cards have been removed from the pool to allow players to play with less well known cards
  • Nicol Bolas, the Deceiver: too weak in power level
  • Nix: too weak in power level
  • Obelisk of Alara: too weak in power level
  • Patagia Golem: too weak in power level
  • Phantasmagorian: too weak in power level
  • Prismite: too weak in power level
  • Rootcoil Creeper: synergizes poorly with the rest of the card pool
  • Shattering Blow: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Shatterskull Smashing  Flip: MDFCs are interesting cards, but it does not make sense to have only one in the card pool
  • Smelt: too strong of an answer to the artifact archetype
  • Smog Elemental: too weak in power level
  • Spirit of the Night: too weak in power level
  • Storm Spirit: too weak in power level
  • Tibalt's Trickery: introduces too much variance for an enjoyable experience
  • Unholy Strength: too weak in power level
  • Vampiric Link: too on-theme for a black card
  • Wooded Bastion: this was included on error instead of its Golgari counterpart


jethstriker on Which Magic card's art would …

3 years ago

The Fool - Jester's Cap

The Magician - Dark Ritual

The High Priestess - Argothian Enchantress

The Empress - Counterspell

The Emperor

The Hierophant

The Lovers - Sower of Temptation

The Chariot

Justice - Equilibrium

The Hermit - Uncle Istvan

Wheel of Fortune - Wheel of Fortune

Strength - Unholy Strength

The Hanged Man

Death - Necropotence


The Devil - Lord of the Pit

The Tower - Grim Monolith

The Star - Falling Star

The Moon - Blood Moon

The Sun - Sol Ring

Judgement - Wrath of God

The World - Omniscience

I would look in particular to older cards (premodern) and / or Seb McKinnon cards, as in my opinion those cards have the art style that would suit a tarot card.

sergiodelrio on Which Magic card's art would …

3 years ago

Wheel of Fortune

lovers - Pia and Kiran Nalaar

moon - Blood Moon

strength - Unholy Strength

tower - Command Tower

devil - Vexing Devil

magician - Snapcaster Mage

star - Chromatic Star

death - Death's Shadow

judgment - Iona's Judgment

hangman - Walk the Plank

fool - Jester's Cap Jester's Scepter Jester's Sombrero

Cool challenge btw, hope you find good matches and please share the final list once you're done!

EDIT: @plakjekaas nice picks

EnbyGolem on Dauthi Aggro 3: Dauthi Harder

3 years ago

I love shadow! I built a deck around dauthi for a small $10 deck tournament. It was super fun! Too bad Dauthi Warlord isn't pauper legal :(

In my deck, I also ran Unholy Strength for pump. That might work for this deck too!

I also used one of my favorite cards Vampiric Link. I love it because you can either thrown it on your own creature to gain life or slap it on an opponent's creature and effectively pacify it. Either way, I found it was really good against mid-range decks and other aggro (non-infect) builds. It might be a card to consider for your sideboard at least!

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Operation N.U.T

4 years ago

Have you considered leaning a bit more into Rogues? They have a really nice lords (Stinkdrinker Bandit/Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive/Sygg, River Cutthroat) and some nice equipment (Cloak and Dagger). Unstable Mutation is a better alternative to Unholy Strength. Even though it will eventually kill your creature you can sneak in up to 10 damage with a 1 power unblockable creature before that happens. Hope this helps.

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