Ultramarines Honour Guard

Creature — Astartes Warrior

Squad (As an additional cost to cast this spell, you may pay any number of times. When this creature enters the battlefield, create that many tokens that are copies of it.)

Other creatures you control get +1/+1.

wallisface on Will Squad Ever Appear in …

4 months ago

DemonDragonJ doing a gatherer search of squad cards, i’m just seeing these 7:

For all of these, having the squad costs only costing is far too low for Standard, and would make the cards too powerful. Realistically most of these costs would need to have a squad cost of (Arco-Flagellant could be if it didn’t have its endurant ability, but Sicarian Infiltrator might have to even be conceivably depending on the set it was put into).

I think even in Modern some of these might be a little too obnoxious. Most of them aren’t really playable, but Galadhrim Brigade and Sicarian Infiltrator might cause issues and might need their squad costs upped to (though tbh they’d probably be safe).

mudkipdude on Card creation challenge

5 months ago

March of the Machine

Enchantment - Saga

: Create Realmbreaker, a legendary artifact with “: Choose one: chaos ensues, or planeswalk”.

: You get an emblem with “If you would planeswalk, instead planeswalk, but don’t planeswalk away from any plane”.

: Planeswalk up to three times.

: Destroy all phyrexians and artifacts names Realmbreaker. Each player who had no phyrexians destroyed this way cannot win or lose the game until your next turn.

Create a card with squad (Ultramarines Honour Guard)

FAIRxPOTAMUS on Deck Space marine

5 months ago

Here’s a few combos I’ve made.

Inquisitorial Rosette + Zephyrim Inquisitorial Rosette + Thunderhawk Gunship Defenders of Humanity + Exterminatus Belisarius Cawl + Talisman of Dominance

Inquisitorial Rosette might be your best friend. I like that you have Marneus Calgar . I would suggest Belisarius Cawl , Defenders of Humanity is good for when you need tokens in a pinch. Thunderhawk Gunship is nice. Ultramarines Honour Guard boost everything. Another card you could try to find is The Flesh is Weak since it buffs your guys and puts -1s on your opponent’s guys.

I’m not sure how Sol Ring Brainstorm or Dark Ritual are fitting into the theme. Space marines are the “good guys” (not really everybody’s a prick in 40k) and these spells are linked to the ruinous powers of chaos and xenos. Very anti-imperial. You could go full blown chaos with this deck alternatively. There’s plenty of chaos space marine cards including Abaddon the Despoiler , Lucius the Eternal , Tallyman of Nurgle , Dark Apostle , and more. Hallowed Fountain and Watery Grave are okay mechanically but I’m preferring to use the special lands from the 40K block. Take a look at Arcane Sanctum

Check out my deck if you like. I’ll leave the link below. I’m always looking at it and appreciate feedback so feel free to comment. Happy wizarding out ther.. er.. um.. I mean.. The Emperor Protects!


thefiresoflurve on Naya Populate True

1 year ago

Welcome to big board state club! (I used to run G/W populate back in the day).

Disclaimer: not sure what your budget is for recommendations, so I'm going to go by what I see here (Dockside, Smothering Tithe, Parallel Lives level of cost for individual recommendations).

I think Ghired, Conclave Exile would make a better commander here than Palladia-Mors, unless you're tied to the latter for sentimentality/flavor/etc.

Next, land base. The single best thing I did for my Esper deck was upgrading my land base. You don't have to go super hard here to see results, but I would put together a list like: 1x Cabaretti Courtyard 1x Command Tower 1x Jungle Shrine 1x Sungrass Prairie 1x Rockfall Vale 1x Branchloft Pathway  Flip 1x Needleverge Pathway  Flip 1x Rogue's Passage 1x Kessig Wolf Run 1x Gavony Township. If you like this route, there are even more cheaper dual lands you can add in like the Temple of Triumph and friends.

There are a few cuts or substitutions that I think the main deck could make really easily:

Ultramarines Honour Guard -> Caller of the Pack. If Ghired attacks with a creature that has Myriad, he can populate the token that Myriad creates, but the Populated token forgets about the exile clause. Thus, you can end up with a theoretically infinite horde of creatures. It's fantastic. :D

Going off that last bit... Wayfaring Temple -> Treasure. Basically a great card in commander anyway, here it's a free win if you manage to clone it.

Growing Ranks is an easy cut. It's way too slow for EDH (compare it to Parallel Lives...) Could replace it with a Talisman of Conviction or friends to help you ramp faster.

I would replace Momentous Fall with Teferi's Protection or Akroma's Will or Grand Crescendo - some extra source of board wipe dodging. I don't think your creatures are really big enough to warrant a momentous fall.

I would also replace Druid's Deliverance with one of the aforementioned board wipe dodges. There are also some cheaper options like Your Temple is Under Attack, Unbreakable Formation, Make a Stand. Reasoning being: you should have enough board state to block things that want to hurt you, as long as you keep your board alive.

As far as making tokens sooner: well, if you want to do that, you're going to have to run some cheaper creatures.... or ramp faster. I'd probably opt for ramping faster, TBH, since your creatures are really cool. If you add the entire Gruul Signet and friends, along with the Talismans I mentioned earlier, that should get you to the minimum ramp package in tricolor EDH to make sure you can play quickly.

Naya Charm -> Artifact Mutation can help make some earlier tokens.

Brindle Shoat and Call of the Conclave are some decent options for turn 3 tokens you might consider, as well. But adding those would also require cutting other stuff.... horrible choice I don't envy you : P

Sorry for the wall of text...Hope that helps, and happy building!