Tzaangor Shaman

Creature — Mutant Shaman


Sorcerous Elixir — Whenever Tzaangor Shaman deals combat damage to a player, copy the next instant or sorcery spell you cast this turn when you cast it. You may choose new targets for the copy.

ashby4 on Zaffai, Thunder Conductor

7 months ago

These cards both fit the theme and have at least some synergy with the deck- Muse Vortex, Spellbinding Soprano, Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel, Fires of Victory, Victory Chimes, Entrancing Melody, Maelstrom Muse

Talruum Piper is a bad card, but it is a musical Minotaur.

These cards don't quite fit the theme but are powerful in this sort of deck- Volcanic Vision, Immolating Gyre, Tzaangor Shaman, Omnispell Adept, Galvanoth, Epic Experiment, Summons of Saruman, Aminatou's Augury, Commence the Endgame

Also some cheap land upgrades- Fiery Islet, Frostboil Snarl, and Command Tower.

You should also consider running more lands than 35, with a mana curve this high it can be easy to stumble on lands. Alternatively you could play more ramp spells like Worn Powerstone and Coldsteel Heart.

ArmchairRuler on What are the timing restrictions …

10 months ago

The specific interaction I am unsure about is between Narset, Enlightened Exile and Tzaangor Shaman. If I attack with Narset, Enlightened Exile and exile Dragon Fodder am I able to wait untill Tzaangor Shaman deals damage before casting the spell or will that be too late?