Twisted Image


Switch target creature's power and toughness until end of turn. Draw a card.

thesilentpyro on Pervasive Footprints

2 years ago

Out: Twisted Image

In: Luxurious Libation

  • Luxurious Libation is the first 1-mana targeted token maker, and it's an instant to boot. The cut for this one was hard, but Twisted Image got the axe because it has a chance of killing a number of creatures with Spawning Breath making 0/1s and Fleeting Distraction and Startle (and technically Dizzy Spell) reducing power, plus it has anti-synergy with power boosting effects like Fists of Flame. It's very possible the cut should have been Mythos of Illuna (as the most expensive token maker) instead of a draw spell, but ultimately creature count is what makes the deck go and Mythos is versatile, so I decided to cut what I think is the worst draw spell instead and we'll see how it plays.

9-lives on Azorius Testudo Spearhead

2 years ago


I've played with this deck many times. I often miss the chance to draw at least one of the twelve cards of Gauntlets of Light, High Alert, and Huatli, the Sun's Heart. and I used to have Moon-Blessed Cleric in it as well. The spearhead is to deal direct damage, and be unblockable, so if I have Twisted Image, while if I were blocked, the creature would certainly die, but regardless if I have somethings like Aqueous Form, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive, and Access Tunnel, I will have a good chance of not having to worry about it. One direct hit from Charix is good enough.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Azorius Testudo Spearhead

2 years ago

Priests of Norn might be fun. It's a little higher on the curve, but it's a one-hit kill with Aegis of the Heavens.

I'm not sure about Twisted Image. It's kind of a dead card once Huatli, the Sun's Heart or High Alert is out. It might be worth splashing green for things like Assault Formation and Tower Defense.

9-lives on Twisted Image and Aegis of …

2 years ago

So, Polaris, you're saying that as long as I cast Access Tunnel before I cast Twisted Image it's fine? That's what I'm gathering from most of what has been said about this combo of cards.

9-lives on Twisted Image and Aegis of …

2 years ago

So, if I'm understanding this correctly, if I use Access Tunnel, then Twisted Image, it would work with both?

Polaris on Twisted Image and Aegis of …

2 years ago

However, if you Access Tunnel your 1/8, let it resolve, and THEN cast Twisted Image on it (or just activate Access Tunnel in response to Twisted Image), it will work. The creature is no longer a valid target for Access Tunnel, but that doesn't matter because Access Tunnel is not trying to target it. Increasing the creature's power after the ability has resolved doesn't retroactively disallow the ability or anything.

Rhadamanthus on Twisted Image and Aegis of …

2 years ago

To the follow-up question: Access Tunnel's effect doesn't use the layer system because it doesn't modify the target's characteristics. Whether or not you're allowed to target a creature with Access Tunnel depends on what its power is right now. If you've used Twisted Image to turn a 1/8 into an 8/1 then you can't target it with Access Tunnel because its power is too high.

9-lives on Twisted Image and Aegis of …

2 years ago

If I try to use Access Tunnel's ability after Twisted Image, which resolves first? I think the former is Layer 7a, and the latter is Layer 7d, which means that I can do this with Access Tunnel resolving with the former's assessment of Power.

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