Trostani's Summoner

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Trostani's Summoner

Creature — Elf Shaman

When this enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 white Knight creature token with vigilance, a 3/3 green Centaur creature token and a 4/4 green Rhino creature token with trample.

wallisface on Selesnya Tokens Modern

2 years ago

Some thoughts:

  • at 79 cards, you’re waaay above an optimal number for a deck (60). Always aim to make cuts to get your deck to 60 cards. Higher numbers lead to less consistent and overall weaker hands.

  • 15 lands is criminally low. As an example, burn decks run 19 lands and only play 1-2mana spells (and, have 60 cards). At 15 lands you’re going to struggle to cast almost anything. I would suggest running 23-24 instead.

  • even with the increased land count suggested above, your mana-curve is waaay too high. Decks without ramp find it hard to justify running more than 3-4 cards costing 4cmc, and often run nothing higher. You’ve got 11 cards at 4-5cmc, which is waaay too much - its going to lead to really clunky and slow hands, often meaning the game will be over before you can get your engine going. Additionally, you have no chance of ever casting Trostani's Summoner or Worldspine Wurm.

  • you have a lot of 1-ofs and 2-ofs in your deck. This will lead to less consistent hands & draws. Consider running more playsets of cards.

  • Try not to overvalue lifegain, its one of the weakest mechanics in magic without dedicated ways to abuse it. Something like Centaur Healer is basically a vanilla 3/3 for 3 mana - that’s not terribly good, and furthermore doesn’t really help you forward your decks plan at all.

abby315 on GW REANIMATOR

3 years ago

Love the idea! I have a few suggestions to possibly make it a little more consistent:

Given that it makes up the core of your build, I recommend going to a full 4x Fauna Shaman and 4x Commune with the Gods and cutting the two enchantments. They cost too much mana to hard-cast and you'll be in a much better position if you don't wait to reanimate a creature until you have one of the two on the field. You'll instead get more consistency on the best cards for your gameplan.

I also don't think Triumph of the Hordes is very good - the odds that you have it in your hand and are able to cast it on exactly the turn where you can swing with your tokens/big creature before your opponent removes them are low. It also strikes me as a little win-more? In most cases you should either get a concede from putting 10+ power on the board in one turn, or they have a boardwipe and Triumph wouldn't help you anyway.

Instead, a fun thing you might want to consider is running an Eldritch Evolution package. In addition to reanimating a big Trostani's Summoner, if you run Eldritch Evolution, you could also turn that Summoner into something like Iona, Shield of Emeria or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite. It'd also allow you to turn your 1-mana dorks into Fauna Shaman if you need it.

You could also run the Spike Feeder / Heliod, Sun-Crowned combo, since you can reanimate Feeder with the Vesperlark and find Heliod with your tutors!

Finally, you might want to consider discard options that don't need to tap so you can do everything in one turn. Seasoned Hallowblade is a great option and also gives you some defense or offense on the early turns. Vivien's Arkbow is a fun option too, which does need to tap but doesn't have summoning sickness.

It's a fun build anyway so take my comments with a grain of salt!

ChrisNicolella on Sorry if I Roon your day

3 years ago


Tbh the "win condition" is just to out value your opponents. I've been meaning to tweak this deck and actually put a game ending combo in, but I'm not sure what that might be.

Typically I'll either make tons of tokens with Armada Wurm or Trostani's Summoner or Avenger of Zendikar

Or I'll just start removing lands with Terastodon, Acidic Slime, Venser, Shaper Savant, or Brutalizer Exarch

This list isn't competitive by any means. If you're looking for a competitive ETB list, Brago, Chulane, and Yarok are all much better in my opinion.

abby315 on Meren to Nethroi

4 years ago

The above comment about sums it up for me, unless you were planning to take it in a combo or other kind of direction! Here are some good Nethroi targets that have low power but make tokens or have good effects when they enter:

Biogenic Ooze Blade Splicer Master Splicer
Maul Splicer
Sensor Splicer
Noosegraf Mob
Chittering Witch
Creakwood Liege
Akroan Horse
Deep Forest Hermit
Deranged Hermit
Nut Collector
Geist-Honored Monk
Ghave, Guru of Spores
God-Eternal Oketra
Hornet Queen
Izoni, Thousand-Eyed
Tendershoot Dryad
Trostani Discordant Trostani's Summoner

Most of the above cards create creature tokens, so you'll probably want the usual: Doubling Season, Anointed Procession, Parallel Lives if you include a lot of them.

Here are some 0-power utility creatures to consider, because they're free to reanimate if they get killed:

Arboreal Grazer
Birds of Paradise
Devoted Druid
Incubation Druid
Faeburrow Elder
Custodi Soulbinders
Embodiment of Agonies
Golgari Grave-Troll (also a great include because Dredge can fill your GY)

And you'll also want at least a few additional Mutaters in case you have Nethroi out and want to trigger it again:

Auspicious Starrix
Cavern Whisperer
Dirge Bat
Migratory Greathorn
Sawtusk Demolisher

...all seem like good includes.

Hope this gives you a good place to start and a list of interesting cards to consider. Many are very affordable. Now I kinda want to make a Nethroi deck.

Have fun!

Futuremonk on Selesnya Reanimator

4 years ago


Satyr Wayfinder is already on the list.

Trostani's Summoner is worth considering for sure.

I considered some of the others, but the point is to reanimate big stuff.

I really don't think the deck needs black, however. A deck with black needs all of those synergies too, so I don't see how that makes much difference. Perhaps if I added categories it would be clearer how much self-mill, discard, and reanimation there is. It isn't hard to get the deck working. Black is better for this strategy in that it has more efficient (but also pricier) reanimation spells, but the self-mill and discard here is solid, the reanimation is decent, and part of the appeal of the deck is that no one expects the Selesnya deck at the table to be a reanimator deck. Also, arguably being two colors instead of three makes the deck less clunky.

KabsBUB on Selesnya Reanimator

4 years ago

Also consider: Greenseeker , Vesperlark , Tethmos High Priest , Trostani's Summoner , Faeburrow Elder , Shield of the Oversoul , Satyr Wayfinder

I do feel like the deck is a bit clunky because it needs several combo pieces to be effective - reanimation target, discard outlet, reanimation spell. As you might know...might need to splash some black in there ;)

Free_Iona on

4 years ago

Hey man, thanks for writing me about the updates.

I like the addition of the "protect your creatures" stuff. I think you nailed it when you said there's no need for that other stuff, when we should be thinking about advancing our boardstate. There's a couple stuff I think we can discuss.

The large number of rocks are so good, but I think we should ramp, too. I think we can include Rampant Growth , Cultivate and Farseek and accommodate the by taking out Mirror March (too Random / high cmc), Domri, Chaos Bringer (Bit of a non-bo with the commander as he creates no tokens) and Moonsilver Spear (costs a lot of man to get going). Ramping a lot means we can get Ghired on the field t3-4 and start attacking to populate the tokens. If you want to run a another ramp spell like Kodama's Reach or Harrow , I think Manalith can be replaced. With running only 33 lands, I think ramping will help

I think at the top of the curve, Sandwurm Convergence and Primeval Bounty offer good, repeated advantage, But I think something like Terastodon would be perfect instead, as you could easily create a token of it (blowing up 3 more things / your own lands for 3/3 elephants) and then POPULATE the token with Ghired, giving you another 9/9 on attack.

How do you feel about Trostani Discordant , Trostani's Summoner , Emmara, Soul of the Accord , Emmara Tandris , Growing Ranks , and Finale of Glory ? I think some of the Eldrazi could tag out for any of them.

How does it go in play-testing?

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