Timbermaw Larva

Creature — Beast

Whenever Timbermaw Larva attacks, it gets +1/+1 until end of turn for each Forest you control.

Shaffe_House on This Land is my Land

2 years ago

Part 2

Other Cards that you could consider cutting

  1. Ondu Giant => Seedguide Ash this card is one more mana expsive and has to die inorder to get the lands, but could be such a good upside. This dieing with your commander reads ramp 3 draw 3 cards and gain 3 life
  2. Soratami Mirror-Guard I get what you are doing here, but I feel like there are better payoffs for this
  3. Timbermaw Larva => Rampaging Brontodon trample is 1,000% better on this card
  4. Wakeroot Elemental 5 greens for a 5/5? way overcosted
  5. Wave-Wing Elemental again similar argument to Windrider Eel not that big of an impact
  6. Wild Wanderer good but could have better options
  7. Aetherflux Reservoir I know this is good in commander but why? No synergy at all, there has to be a better card slot here
  8. Elixir of Immortality I used to put this in all of my decks too, but it is counter productive to your stragay with cards like Splendid Reclamation and The Mending of Dominaria
  9. Wayfarer's Bauble There is better ramp than this in green
  10. I see why you have Jiang Yanggu but I feel like there is stronger cards than that. I cut the card to tutor Journey for the Elixir for him sorry :(
  11. There are a bunch of other better than Ranger's Path you could add, I'll show them in the recommendations
  12. Future Sight and Ominous Seas both seem strange here. I get future sight can draw cards, BUT I feel you should use mana sinks rather than off the top of your library draw
  13. Ghostly Flicker is on thin ice, like yes you have all the etb creatures but sometimes it is a dead card. meh at best?

Other Cards that you could consider adding

This is where the fun begins and your wallet cries

  1. You want Nissa, Who Shakes the World great card, it is a mana doubler ramp, and also you just win with the ultimate
  2. I heard you like ramp try Tireless Provisioner and pick up one for me while you are at it please
  3. Here is a gaint list of green ramp Harrow , Growth Spiral , Explore , Khalni Heart Expedition , Roiling Regrowth , Grow from the Ashes , Urban Evolution , Migration Path , Natural Connection , Nissa's Renewal , Nylea's Intervention , Spring / Mind , Animist's Awakening , Omen of the Hunt
  4. Keeping your life total at a high level Kazandu Nectarpot , Grazing Gladehart , Retreat to Kazandu , Jaddi Offshoot
  5. Mana Sinks, you are going to have a lot of mana, might as well do something with it Kamahl's Druidic Vow ummm.... yes? Kefnet the Mindful one of my favorite Gods, that doesn't have a place. I look forward to getting attacked by him Sprout Swarm it is really easy for this card to be "free"
  6. Win Cons Blackblade Reforged yes, all the yes Kamahl’s Will All the lands become creatures lol Crash of Rhino Beetles oh crap a 15/15 oh no Oran-Rief Hydra meh, but it could be good?

  7. Other just good cards Frilled Mystic , Trygon Predator , Plasm Capture Gush , Tragic Lesson , Simic Charm , Rampage of the Clans

That is all I can think of at the moment. I'm sure I'll have more la

Saiyamax on Ashaya's Forest

3 years ago

You seem to have a lot of token generators, which don't work with Ashaya's ability, just fyi. Cards I like for this commander are ones like Blanchwood Armor, Primal Bellow, Blackblade Reforged and Strata Scythe (strata scythe even works with enemy lands!) Timbermaw Larva is another cheap creature that likes forests. Hope this helps, and good luck!

Altoman on Fat of the Land (Pauper Manlands)

4 years ago

I think you should add at least some creatures like Tangle Golem or Timbermaw Larva because i think you will lack damage for lethal. You need a lot of cards to get to 20 and nothing has trample.

Also Vastwood Zendikon and Wind Zendikon would be pretty good with this deck. Maybe add an Arbor Elf to spice it up.

Yz2000 on Beginner's deck

5 years ago

@slusken Thank you very much for your reply! I'm grateful for the advice. The combo in particular! I didn't even see the potential for Aerial Guide to do such a thing, it was just there since I wanted a couple of flying creatures. I'll look into obtaining those two wonderful cards that you suggested, and I'll likely remove the Aven Reedstalkers. Would a card like Harrow be good for the Landfall effects, or would putting a land in the graveyard be too big a cost in the long run?

The theme I went for was healing and sustaining myself, with Grazing Gladehart , Sylvan Ranger , Ondu Giant and the Avid Reclaimer . Baloth Woodcrasher was meant to be a powerful combo built into it, and I think I'll be trying to get a few more copies of him too. I might also look into cards that give Trample, to give my Timbermaw Larva a similar effect to the Baloth.

Also, I intend on playing Magic casually. Just with a couple of friends, and maybe people at Game stores every so often. Most likely just a casual format, though I believe the deck is Modern legal too, if I'm not wrong.

Once again, thank you for your feedback! I greatly appreciate it, and I'll use it to craft a more effective deck.

RudeCanadian on Mono Green Aggro Ramp

7 years ago

Recommend Timbermaw Larva and Primal Bellow. Both cards grow equal to the number of forests you control.

Also Cultivate. For double land grab for 3.

shaistyone on Isao, Budget Bushi(<15$)

7 years ago

Timbermaw Larva - big guy in mono-green
Canopy Cover - combat utility
Shinen of Life's Roar - clear the way for the alpha strike
Elfhame Sanctuary - get a land when you really need it
Bellowing Tanglewurm - straight unblockability at times

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