Tidespout Tyrant

Creature — Djinn


Whenever you cast a spell, return target permanent to its owner's hand.

dramaege on Wally's Metallic Rainbow (Urtet)

1 year ago

What if you cut red and black out of your deck?

It doesn't seem like you have too many cards and it im not mistaken I don't think there is a rule that says you HAVE to run all 5 colors. Like maybe instead of doing 5 color you can do blue white green then get your red and black from artifacts like chromatic lantern, then just swap cards like Vindicate and Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain for things like Vedalken AEthermage and Pongify

That coule help a lot with the mana issue and you could free up some slots that would help you consistently do what you want to do.

I can't think of card specifically but maybe you can find a way to get a 0 or 1 cost myr to your hand like Tidespout Tyrant or Hullbreaker Horror to make infinite myr and mana with something like Sol Ring, Mana Vault, or Mana Crypt

Also you have like 6 combos in this deck i noticed, i didnt even realize how many you had lol

seshiro_of_the_orochi on There is No Future, There is Only Now

1 year ago

Reay your post in the forum, that wincon is hilarious. Jhoira's Timebug and Clockspinning should absolutely be in here. If Tidespout Tyrant is good, then Hullbreaker Horror will be, as well. You could also include Retreat to Coralhelm or, maybe even better, Tideforce Elemental for more untaps.

Spirits on

1 year ago

Hey Zorke,

Ok based on your comment about the combo, I'm basing these recommendations on a:

Tuned tier - Power level 5 (6 usually has a combo) - Win before Turn 14 - "Upgraded Precon". Visual Guide to Power Levels in EDH.

-- Land Base -- Prioritize untapped, Mana colors, Target 33: +Shivan Reef -Island +Yavimaya Coast -Forest +City of Brass -Aether Hub +Mana Confluence -Mountain Valley +Riverglide Pathway  Flip -Simic Growth Chamber +Rootbound Crag -Mountain +Hinterland Harbor -Forest +Sulfur Falls -Mountain +Rejuvenating Springs -Path of Ancestry +Training Center -Rogue's Passage +Spire Garden -Ancient Ziggurat +Boseiju, Who Endures -Island

--Ramp-- Creature preferred +Birds of Paradise -Thought Vessel +Three Visits -Heraldic Banner +The Great Henge -Gilded Lotus (Also important for draw) +Farseek -Harvest Season

--Morph-- +Kadena's Silencer -Stuffy Doll +Icefeather Aven -Keep Safe (Morph flavor) +Echo Tracer -Omnath, Locus of Mana (Morph flavor) +Mistfire Weaver -Forsaken Monument (Morph flavor) +Jeering Instigator -Shaleskin Plower (Morph flavor less salt)

--Draw-- +Fathom Seer -Zendikar Resurgent +Temur Ascendancy -Tomb of the Spirit Dragon +Tishana, Voice of Thunder -Ashcloud Phoenix +Guardian Project -Tidespout Tyrant +Toski, Bearer of Secrets -Fabricate +Garruk's Uprising -Creeping Renaissance

--Offense other than Animar-- +Garruk's Horde -Forest +Artisan of Kozilek -Island +Bane of Bala Ged -Trophy Mage (Pulls 1 unneeded artifact!) +Shrieking Drake -Temur Sabertooth (Non-Infinite Ancestral Statue) +Decimator of the Provinces -Temur War Shaman

--Control-- +Beast Within -Fog

I've left out some salty card for this power level: Cyclonic Rift Ancestral Statue Craterhoof Behemoth Rhystic Study Mystic Remora Dockside Extortionist

Special mention (would need to playtest): Secret Plans (Draw) Solemn Simulacrum (Ramp & Draw) Mulldrifter (Draw) Trail of Mystery (Ramp) Rhythm of the Wild (Don't think you'll see heavy counterspell in power 5)

Could go more less if needed Theres other stuff I didn't suggest because of the morph theme, like Cloud of Faeries, Hullbreaker Horror, Fierce Empath etc.

Hopefully you find some useful ideas here.

Spirits on

1 year ago

Hey Zorke,

I have a Budget Animar deck built around morph.

Couple questions, first is what is the goal of the deck? Briefly looking, seems to be a Tuned (Mid) 5 or 6 deck, is your goal to stay around that or looking to build towards an Optimed (High) 7 or 8? It really will change what the recommendations are in terms of Land Base / Ramp Efficiency / Combo / Mana-Curve.

The obvious missing card here is Ancestral Statue. With Animar, Soul of Elements at 4 counters, he can make an infinitely large general just by repeatedly bouncing Ancestral Statue with itself. It also contributes to the infinite ETB triggers for things like Beast Whisperer and Purphoros, God of the Forge as examples. You have some non-morph in there, so I'm not sure its a flavor exclude, but maybe a no-combo exclude?

Keep in mind too that although Animar, Soul of Elements discounts the casting cost to play the morph face down, however, he doesn't discount the morph cost to flip them back up, so you have to selective on the morphs you choose, otherwise you lose the ability to activate their morph abilities.

There are some noteable ramp creatures missings, Birds of Paradise for sure, flying/ramp/animar counter, checks lots of boxes. Solemn Simulacrum can be decent ramp, he sticks with a 5/6 theme a bit tougher to find space in a 7/8 if that is the goal. Peregrine Drake is another notable ramp createure.

Heraldic Banner is a bit strange, name by volume, or for a majority of the flyers? I'm not sure. Something like Ornithopter of Paradise feels better even without haste/riot.

Dunno why Stuffy Doll would be in here, he needs either a Blazing Sunsteel or Ill-Tempered Loner  Flip to elminate a single opponent, so no highly efficient. You dont really have a way to retarget him either, even with a Blazing Sunsteel would need more creatures like Icefeather Aven or Echo Tracer. Not recommending, just saying without more bounce he just wasting a spot.

Aether Hub just seems like a bad City of Brass or Mana Confluence. There a lots of lands that would improve your deck, commander lands like Rejuvenating Springs/Training Center or fetch lands like Misty Rainforest/Wooded Foothills.

Unless Tidespout Tyrant is a favorite or something, his CMC is ridiculous and shouldn't be in there, Animar, Soul of Elements can't pay the .

Keep Safe isn't a modular counterspell. Just a plain Counterspell would be better. Depending on power level, there are 0 mana counterspells, 1 mana counterspells, and good 2 mana counterspells. Also, don't forget you have your morphs with counterspells.

Shaleskin Plower is a good example of a heavy morph cost, for an ability you dont really need.

Gilded Lotus isn't reduced by the general counters, not sure why we would want it.

Have lots more ideas, just need a deck goal point of reference to give some better recommendations.

SufferFromEDHD on Hurkyl, Tempo Master Wizard

1 year ago

Tidespout Tyrant is the original Hullbreaker Horror? It reads cantrip: Boomerang. It hits lands! Still good even by modern day power creep standards. This deck plays like a prowess strategy and they are value engines.

I have no intention of ever hard casting either. They round out the playset of Show and Tell targets after Blightsteel Colossus and before The Temporal Anchor/Shark Typhoon

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets very interesting. Scry draw and counter magic is useful but not as useful as OG Jace. I need to add more planeswalkers for Hurkyl digging. Will definitely consider if I can find 3 more planeswalkers.

Lands are currently in limbo as I shave spells. Everything is even tempo right now. This is a low curve deck with 8 mana rocks. I will at least start testing and will know to add lands at the first sign of trouble (I usually try to run 33 to 35)

hootsnag on Hurkyl, Tempo Master Wizard

1 year ago

Honestly Archmage Ascension isn't my pet card at all lol. If I had to choose a pet card, it would definitely be Soldevi Digger. There aren't many cards like it in Magic. Hullbreaker Horror is hard to replace if you keep creatures in the deck. Tidespout Tyrant costs too much mana for what it does if you ask me. You are only running 32 lands so hard casting bigger mana cost spells is going to be difficult. (I personally try to always run 38-40ish lands in most decks). Did you consider using Jace, Unraveler of Secrets?

SufferFromEDHD on Hurkyl, Tempo Master Wizard

1 year ago

Portent wow. Own it. Completely overlooked it. The slow cantrip is some neat tech for this list.

Artificer's Assistant you are right. I threw it in for the cheap scrying but Proteus Staff is spicy.

Cryptic Command for obvious reasons I'm avoiding counter magic but this is a powerful swiss army knife. Good eye!

Archmage Ascension seen this in a few of your lists. Your pet card. Hard to argue with instead of drawing a card Demonic Tutor it's just without a proliferate strategy to add counters it's a big requirement to meet.

Ward of Bones this is one of my pet card. Works best in planeswalker/instant/sorcery heavy strategies.

Dispersing Orb You are determined to not play with creatures haha I'm going to seriously consider this if I end up cutting Hullbreaker Horror and Tidespout Tyrant but the cantrip removal they grant is too powerful. Show and Tell fodder in absence of Blightsteel Colossus. Awesome suggestion.

JHall on

1 year ago

You could switch Tidespout Tyrant for Hullbreaker Horror since it can counter spells too

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