The Mirari Conjecture

Enchantment — Saga

(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)

— Return target instant card from your graveyard to your hand.

— Return target sorcery card from your graveyard to your hand.

— Until end of turn, whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, copy it. You may choose new targets for the copy.

lagotripha on

2 years ago

This looks fine - commander is a more casual format, so there is a lot less pressure on what you must play. I'd look at only spending money on commander staples and filling out the rest from magic history. You've got 25 spots or so left, and some bigger spells and mana rocks will fill most of that.

Sol Ring, Clockspinning, Mind Games and mana rocks is the only thing I look and think 'must include'- being able to clone rocks with Orvar and reuse spells makes them a lot more important in a format they already like. Capsize is a neat option, but here the 1 mana stuff that leaves it on the board is better, so its not essential.

The higher mana curve is important to remember - the expectation to pay 6+ mana creatures and spells means that there are a lot of sweet options - most of them budget.

Its all about what feels best to play with your playgroup. Not everyone likes abrupt mono blue 'I win the game' setups, but orvar lets you mess around with stuff like AEtherling in a far more casual way too. Use judgement.

Its important to remember that while a lot of clone effects revolve around creatures, Orvar can make The Mirari Conjecture or similar enchantments/artifacts/planswalkers/lands go pretty wild. This means if you want to do the silliest of combos, stuff like Arcane Melee,Cowardice or Dismiss into Dream lets you massively misuse a spells-and-permanents matter deck.

balefire123 on Tibor and Lumia Deathslingers

2 years ago

I like this! An uncommon Commander with some spice in the list. This seems the perfect deck for Student of Elements  Flip, and I don't think I've seen a better list for Mass Diminish and Polymorphist's Jest.

The easiest addition, imo, is Trinket Mage to fetch Basilisk Collar, Sol Ring, etc.

Cards like Archaeomancer and Ardent Elementalist aren't particularly exciting, but they do help by adding more recursion/redundancy to the deck. The Mirari Conjecture does something similar, but with an added bonus after two turns.

Enchantments like Dismiss into Dream and Cowardice are some spicy ways to turn blue cantrips into removal.

I think the token producers (especially Young Pyromancer) conflict with T&L's second ability, but I also think they offer up an opportunity for a new win condition: Dragonshift. If you go this route, I'd suggest adding cards like Murmuring Mystic, Talrand, Sky Summoner, Metallurgic Summonings and Shark Typhoon. Deekah, Fractal Theorist deserves special mention, as the tokens it creates will keep their +1/+1 counters even after being Dragonshifted.

I don't like Kaza, Roil Chaser here, because I see this as a deck that wants to be casting a bunch of small spells, not a few large or X spells. I also think you are leaning too heavily into copying spells for much the same reason. Copying a Brainstorm =/= copying a Comet Storm. Even copying Stitch in Time feels like a waste. Maybe take out cards like Increasing Vengeance for more counterspells or interaction? Archmage Emeritus, Niv-Mizzet, Parun and Wavebreak Hippocamp help you maintain card advantage even when countering your opponent's threats.

Overall, I feel this deck is looking to control the board with cards like Basilisk Collar or Mass Diminish + Tibor and Lumia, maintain card parity with counterspells + cantrips and Archmage Emeritus (and company), and then follow up with either a swarm of tokens + Dragonshift/Day of the Dragons or individual threats such as Niv-Mizzet or even Nezahal, Primal Tide or Hullbreaker Horror. I think you'd be best served by upping your interaction/counterspell suite, eliminating some of the more expensive sorceries (everything 4+ MV) and X-spells, and focusing less on spell copying in favor of casting more cheap spells in the first place. I hope this helps! I haven't really thought much about this commander before, so thanks for bringing it to my attention. Might try my own spin with this lovely Izzet couple.

Kurppa on Niv-Mizzet, Wheel of Pings

2 years ago

Awesome deck! I really like spellslinger decks, and playing this seems really fun.

However, considering how many instants and sorceries you have and the wheel theme, i'm surprised you don't have any graveyard recursion or synergy.

some cards that you could consider are: Bond of Insight, Call to Mind, Flood of Recollection, Mystic Retrieval, Pull from the Deep, Relearn, Shreds of Sanity, Backdraft Hellkite, Past in Flames, Volcanic Vision and The Mirari Conjecture

some of those exile themselves and since you have so much draw power that might actually be a downside. If i were to cut something for those I would maybe one of those shuffle effects.

here's some cards that cast instants or sorceries from your or other people's graveyards: Finale of Promise, Diluvian Primordial, Mnemonic Deluge, Mizzix's Mastery and Spelltwine.

mnemonic deluge and diluvian primordial are pretty funny, though kinda expensive. Imagine casting a wheel and then "going shopping" for spells, i highly recommend it. though these exile, so if you loop your deck you can't cast the spell you coped again.

if you want to bounce creatures with niv-mizzet, you could consider Arm with AEther or Sigil of Sleep.

some more spellcasting synergy: Firebrand Archer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.

i don't know how often you would be able to kill or do something significant with Spiraling Embers, but i thought it would be a fun inclusion.

here's a few cards for copying instants and sorceries:

Bonus Round, Insidious Will, Reverberate, Thousand-Year Storm, Swarm Intelligence and Twincast. twincast, reverberate and insidious will double as interaction, and you could also consider Narset's Reversal

and a few more card draw inclusions: Laquatus's Creativity and Sea Gate Restoration  Flip.

sorry for the wall of text, just got excited about brewing so i wanted to suggest a bunch of cards. I hope that this at least gave you some ideas.

Dzito94 on Veyran, Voice of Duality, what …

3 years ago

What about The Mirari Conjecture ?

I think it wouldn't work because Mirari would be sacrificed and therefore wouldn't be a permanent you control when you cast instants?

ben3809 on ROGUE SHENANIGANS (Anowon)

3 years ago

So I had an idea, but no plan to properly execute it in the most efficient way possible. I want to try and Recur Notorious Throng with it's Prowl Cost for infinite turns. The only way I can see this happening is if I add The Mirari Conjecture , and Hex Parasite to constantly loop the second part of the saga, and keep casting Notorious Throng for the prowl cost.

I was hoping to maybe find a way to do this with Varragoth, Bloodsky Sire and it's Boast ability after consistently reshuffling Notorious Throng into the library somehow, but I can't find something proper to do it. I know I could simply put Nexus of Fate in, but that sounds too easy to do and I want the rogue theme to stay alive.

Any help would be pretty awesome! Thank you!!

9-lives on Rainbow+Colorless= Prevention

3 years ago

Here's what I found so far:

What happened to blue player's lands?!

Very useful if I don't want to be hurt, and it reflects damage onto creatures.

I could easily use this when I finally get my Jegantha going and use this card:

I can use this to untap Jegantha, only to tap her again, thus having two chances to cast cards that are above my manabase cost as long as Jodah lives.

Great for instants and sorceries.

Greatly weaken your opponent while gaining even more life.

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