The First Eruption

Enchantment — Saga

(As this Saga enters and after your draw step, add a lore counter. Sacrifice after III.)

— The First Eruption deals 1 damage to each creature without flying.

— Add .

— Sacrifice a Mountain. If you do, The First Eruption deals 3 damage to each creature.

plakjekaas on Is WotC Attempting to Eliminate …

1 year ago

In the very first set with Sagas (Dominaria), The First Eruption was printed. Forcing players to spend was not the way they wanted it to work, I suppose.

Also, the big difference between the upkeep and at the beginning of the precombat main phase, is that you'll have drawn your card for the turn. Black Market Connections gives you more information before you're choosing to pay more life for more cards. You can make more intelligent decisions that way, compared to Phyrexian Arena. You can be more careful in what you spend and acquire, like on the real Black Market, I'd imagine.

Fortheboys11 on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

@TypicalTimmy No. it says after your draw step, not which is the beginning of your first main phase. If it was meant to be in the draw step, it would say after you draw your first card in each of your draw steps. Also, look at The Bloodsky Massacre or The First Eruption

Blood Control


Counter target spell. Each opponent loses life equal to its mana value


patmurphy1986 on Lathliss Commander

2 years ago

Ok here is my take on the budget side. TLDR: Land total and Ramp increased. A lot of subpar removal taken out, and better ones put in. Some cheaper dragons/shapeshifters added to smooth out curve and provide cheap dragon drops for commander ability. Most importantly is added some value for getting extra dragons from cards, either by creating tokens or playing them for free from hand/deck. Added in 3 additional wincons similar to Terror of the Peaks to make it easier to win just by populating board and swinging in. Note that the wincons also can serve as creature removal, which is why so many of the outs are instant/sorcery removals

Argy on Sarkhan's Dragon Den

5 years ago

Thanks for the question magicsheep

It all depends on how the Tokens are being made, how much they are being pumped up, and how your Opponent plays.

Example: I have a friend who plays decks that always go wide. He is very careful to always keep cards in his hand, so he can put more Creatures on the field if he is board wiped.

If your Opponent is utilising Make a Stand you need to be ready for that.

There are actually three lots of sweepers in this deck. Goblin Chainwhirler is also one.

Tokens are this deck's weakness in that they can outpace it.

I tend to use Goblin Chainwhirler if Opponent Tokens are 1 Toughness.

I use both Goblin Chainwhirler and Fiery Cannonade for Goblin decks, as they tend to pump themselves up with Goblin Trashmaster.

For decks like Merfolk I would once again use Goblin Chainwhirler and this time I would add The First Eruption. It hits Merfolk that haven't yet been pumped, lets you get ahead of the curve with the so you can get a big fatty on the field to block, and the 3 damage wipes a lot of Merfolk off the field.

For decks that are absolutely Token city, and can easily replenish their field, I will use Goblin Chainwhirler, Fiery Cannonade, AND The First Eruption.

You want to take out spells that aren't "low to the ground".

Of course this is all very dependent on what the Opponent is playing in their deck.

I would remove spells that hit hard later in the game like Spit Flame and Fight with Fire.

Sarkhan, Fireblood will probably take too much effort to protect, so he can also be taken out.

You will need to "mix and match" to find the right strategy.

It may be that you need to keep Fight with Fire in, if your Opponent has a large Creature that is causing you problems.

In that case just having Goblin Chainwhirler and Fiery Cannonade might be enough.

If your Opponent has lots of Enchantment removal then The First Eruption is probably not a great idea.

You want to control Tokens until your Opponent runs low in cards, then start playing big fliers and hit for large amounts of Flying damage.

More than they can do with their Tokens.

It's a race that you can win, because Lathliss, Dragon Queen can pump all your Dragons up.

Hope that helps.

landofMordor on Sarkhan's Dragon Den

5 years ago

Love the deck, friend! I played a version of this myself on Arena, when Chandra, Torch of Defiance was legal (that mana curve felt so good). If I get tired of jamming GB Rock builds (which I can’t afford in paper but can draft for in Arena), this will be what I try next.

My favorite card in this 75 is The First Eruption — it’s not a card I considered for my build, but now I love the idea and I’m itching to try it! My only possible suggestion would be to consider a pseudo-sweeper like Cannonade/Eruption in the main, to slow the Wg tokens decks, and to trigger your own Enrage/Eggs vs control in Game 1s. Highly meta-dependent, I know, but it served me well in the unpredictable meta of Arena.

On an unrelated note, I also appreciate that you don’t take any flak from haters, and you make it clear that you’re not being rude, you’re just honoring your own emotional and personal limits. It shows a lot of self-honesty and integrity, and I admire that. Hope you and StuBi are well and are enjoying GRN. Cheers!

lazycouch1 on Izzet Counterburn + Thousand Year Storm

5 years ago

Does this deck race other decks well? Without more counter spells, or aoe. And if they remove your creatures while tempoing can leave you behind. Just my opinion.

And if there were ever a deck to run: The First Eruption It'd be this one. Double Aoe with 2 bonus mana in between. Plus the enchantment is harder to kill than a 1/1 on turn 2. The land sacrifice sucks but, if you get a wipe card advantage or are drawing cards shouldn't be that bad.

Being less susceptible is always a good thing imo.

liljramos88 on

5 years ago

I am also working on a dragon deck. Have you tried The First Eruption and Skirk Prospector to help Ramp.

Hey check out my deck Dragon’s Fire (Temur Dragons)

liljramos88 on

5 years ago

I am also working on a dragon deck. Have you tried The First Eruption and Skirk Prospector to help Ramp.

Hey check out my deck Dragon’s Fire (Temur Dragons)

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