Thassa's Oracle

Creature — Merfolk Wizard

When Thassa's Oracle enters the battlefield, look at the top X cards of your library, where X is your devotion to blue. Put up to one of them on top of your library and the rest on the bottom of your library in a random order. If X is greater than or equal to the number of cards in your library, you win the game. (Each in the mana costs of permanents you control counts toward your devotion to blue.)

RiotRunner789 on All the combos

2 days ago

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker + Pestermite or Zealous Conscripts for infinite attackers. Also. Kiki can copy other combo pieces and each piece is useful on its own.

Grenzo, Dungeon Warden + Timestream Navigator + Ascend and at least 6 mana for infinite turns.

Stranglehold + Maralen of the Mornsong locks opponents out of card draw and tutoring. Maralen can also tutor for the other piece or other combo piece but opponents will probably tutor for answers.

Demonic Consultation + Thassa's Oracle for instant win. Demonic can also just be used to grab another combo piece.

Smothering Tithe + Stasis for a lockout.

Teferi's Protection or some indestructible spell + Jokulhaups for a hard opponent reset. Teferi and Apocalypse or some other degenerate red board wipe also works.

Mana Vortex or some other land destruction like Armageddon + ability to play lands from grave like Crucible of Worlds for a combo people will hate you for.

There are a million combos, so it's probably best to pick ones that work with your commander or contain pieces that work on their own. Or, at least have a few defensive pieces (board wipes, stax, Propaganda, counters, etc.) to hold off your opponents.

Niko9 on Fun Deck/Builds to try

3 months ago

legendofa That's very fair, and it's not like I'm really against the tried and true commander playstyle, I just think that proactive strategies are so powerful and popular that most EDH games have large gaps in the game where one person is having fun and the rest are just there, and there could be a game of four players constantly going back and forth and making deals and things.

Demonic Consultation into Thassa's Oracle is a good example because, while I think it's fine in cEDH, at anything casual it's kind of saying, everything you 3 players did so far really doesn't matter if someone didn't draw Force of Will I do really think that the formats should be split into commander and cEDH, just because being able to solitaire to a win should maybe not be casual, and honestly, splitting cEDH would probably be better for competitive too so they could get a real banlist.

And just to be clear, I'm not salty or anything : ) The only thing that actually makes me salty in EDH is people on their phones for the first turns, but I guess people gonna do. I really just think that if they are going to print cards to make one play style very strong, there may eventually need to be some kind of fan made format for people to play around with other builds. Maybe something as simple as, no artifacts that tap for mana, format. No fast mana, no rocks to fix, no treasures, I think it could shake out to be a shockingly different.

legendofa on Fun Deck/Builds to try

3 months ago

Niko9 My thought here, as a very non-competitive Commander player, is that the deck building and game play rules lend themselves to early ramp -> drawing a bunch of cards -> jockeying for board advantage and resources -> combo win. It's a lot harder to deal 120 damage or mill 240 cards than it is to deal 20/mill 50. A Craterhoof Behemoth + Triumph of the Hordes or Demonic Consultation into Thassa's Oracle ends the game on the spot. They're relatively low-risk ways to win a match without too much calculation or preparation. And the best way to get to those game-winning spells is to draw, tutor, and ramp. So when cards are designed for or expected to be used in Commander, they're going to hit one of those facets.

It's really hard (for me, at least) to just bring in a deck and start playing, and I consider a pre-match discussion pretty much essential for casual play now. "About a 7, no tutors" is almost meaningless if nobody agrees on how the numerical standards work or whether Sylvan Scrying counts as a tutor. When I'm playing casually with different people, I outline my deck in broad strokes and ask for everyone to do the same.

"Off-meta" is meaningless in non-competitive play, but too many people (and I expand this to pretty much every competitive activity) are in a camp of "meta or bust." And I get it, the meta exists for a reason, many strategies are more effective than others, and winning is the goal of a competitive game. The side effect of that mindset is that they can end up seeing winning as the only possible priority, and assume that everyone else is trying to use the best strategies perfectly as much as they are. The other side is that casual brewers can end up more focused on innovation than on success, and insist that they're just ahead of the curve because they're trying things that haven't been shown to work, or have been shown to not work. I'm not suggesting anyone here is like that, but these people are out there.

Basically, people have different priorities and approaches to gameplay, and when two people don't agree on goals and desires, conflict happens. The problem comes when people start claiming their viewpoint is the only correct viewpoint.

TheCardPool on Octavia

3 months ago

Rasaru I understand what you mean with the tutors if your play group doesn’t use them. In the event you do add them, they really help with getting Quiet Speculation and combo-ing with Temporal Mastery. As for overloading rift, it is actually hard to do in this deck. Most games will end with me having 6-7 lands in play because you need very little mana in your opening hand to get the deck to work. A 1 or 2 land hand is still viable with my build. Consuming Tide is still a must though because it does so much work.

I’m not the biggest fan of the equipments but feel free to run them if you like them. I get why they’re in the deck.

I haven’t had to worry about decking but I can see an issue if an opponent is using a mill or wheels deck. You could always tech in a Thassa's Oracle.

As for your tutor targets for Intuition, it depends on the board state and timing of the game. If there’s an archenemy the player you pick could give you the card you want while filling your grave. More often than not you’ll be able to choose 3 of a similar card to get a version to your hand. If Demilich hasn’t been a part of the game yet I will usually select it as 1 of the 3.

Also, kuddos on Curate, I’m removing Telling Time for it right now!

legendofa on How to combo?

5 months agoℴ=name&q=type%3Ainsect+commander%3ABG+%28game%3Apaper%29+legal%3Acommander

This is a list of Commander-legal insects in color identity.ℴ=name&q=oracle%3AChangeling+commander%3ABG+%28game%3Apaper%29+legal%3Acommander

This one is Changeling cards, for some extra fill.

Assuming you somehow get all lands out of your deck, since you don't have access to for Laboratory Maniac, Jace, Wielder of Mysteries, or Thassa's Oracle, you need to win before you draw another card, or reshuffle your graveyard and make it your library. Gaea's Blessing and similar cards can help. Concordant Crossroads gives creatures haste, and some cards in these colors reward you for milling/putting cards into your graveyard.

Are you looking for any specific eff cts, or just anything that might be helpful?

IHATENAMES on UB Turn 3 Emrakul (4 real)

5 months ago

A few thoughts. I'd cut emerkul down to a 2 of. Probably fast games where you do not need multiples. I'd suggest running Thassa's Oracle in its spot. A second potential wincon. I know you need 2 blue and 2 or 0 cards in the library (based on devotion), but it's neat tech vs ppl who can beat a emerkul imagine they have Ensnaring Bridge or something like that.

Another idea I tried to brew it's a lot more difficult. Rebuild the deck Goblin Charbelcher like with the creatures flip lands and only 1 Shelldock Isle Then run Recross the Paths to set up a win. I tried to find a way to make this work but I can't.

Goldberserkerdragon on The Chip

5 months ago

@Profet93 Good suggests! I typically won't ever need a Labman effect as it is strictly built to consistently win only with Thassa's Oracle. It was part of the reason why I built the deck. Not as a "draw the deck wins" but draw the deck thoracle lol. Most slots are devoted to countermagic, ramp, or tutors and the like, so changing any of that for the moment deck is drawn via top combo will lessen my amount of free mana to drop and counterspells to cast. The old adage, "you can't counter everything" is null here haha. The goal is to draw, drop free mana, beat down with a stick (counterspells) anything and anyone that tries to stop me from casting thoracle, then win with thoracle. I definately need the Ancient Tomb and I'm saving my Narset's Reversal if and when I want to combo with something like Approach of the Second Sun.

MyFETTish on Nekusar (needs fine tuning)

5 months ago

BenTim yes my main focus is wheels, but my other option is Thassa's Oracle. Yes I guess I do have a lot of mana fixing in this deck. My goal is to have a wheel or 2 happen on the turn Nekusar, the Mindrazer comes out.

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