Tasigur, the Golden Fang

Legendary Creature — Human Shaman

Delve (You may exile cards from your graveyard as you cast this spell. Each card you exile while casting this spell pays for .)

: Mill two cards (put the top two cards from your library into your graveyard), then return a nonland card of an opponenent's choice from your graveyard to your hand.

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Icbrgr on MBC: "Look Mom, No Hands!"

5 months ago

Awesome suggestion! I think The Mycosynth Gardens could probably take the place of Ghost Quarter in the main and move ghost to the side; but there is ALWAYS a Titan/Hammertime player at my LGS I just didn't see them last night. But thank you I'm gonna get me some of them!

I was honestly on the verge of cutting Smallpox but the effect although horrible for everyone makes Tombstalker or any delve creature Tasigur, the Golden Fang/Gurmag Angler really easy to reliably cast; and the 5 toughness was what allowed me to win against Rhinos.

I have done zero playtesting against any decks running The One Ring... I think my main goal is to just not let them cast it at all via discard because I'm pretty sure I just lose if it resolves when they have 4+ life and/or have 1+ card in hand... Shrieking Affliction can still hurt them; but if they draw all the cards that's not gonna get it done...and I'm just not sure what I would do with a copy of the ring... dig for Pithing Needle/other sideboard cards?... Idk I'll playtest it and get a better understanding of it (I have a full playset of Phyrexian Metamorph just collecting dust so why not?)

capwner on MBC: "Look Mom, No Hands!"

5 months ago

Yeah the Ghost Quarter thing makes sense, this deck cares a lot about black pips. Hmm other ideas maybe 1 of Tasigur, the Golden Fang as a cheaper delver option/to diversify, probably wouldn't do this unless you are finding yourself frequently unable to cast the Tombstalkers...

Also what about Phyrexian Metamorph to clone racks or your opponent's Ring? As a sideboard card maybe? Seems like it would also be good cloning your stalkers. The Mycosynth Gardens to clone racks too and still can make black!

capwner on Sexy Jeff Goldblum

5 months ago

I did not know Sexy Jeff Goldblum was a Magic: The Gathering Card

Icbrgr on Lore of the Dragonlords

1 year ago

Also love the Dragonlords.... Dragonlord Ojutai is my favorite! *by the way did you ever notice the "decoration" around Dragonlord Silumgars neck? lol i love it!) nobody liked Tasigur, the Golden Fang anyway :p

If memory serves me right there was a gathering of the kahns at a mountaintop and there is a moment here/there which determined the future of the plane of Tarkir.... led by dragons or led by the humans.... In the future where dragons rule i believe it was Ojutai who tipped the scales in the dragons favor and the "fall of the humans"... granted it comes off as a bad thing but overall was the better future for the plane.

Dragonlord timeline Ojutai is connected to Narset Transcendent having her spark ignite by the discovery of Ojutai's role in the alternate timeline of Tarkir.

Kahns timeline Narset, Enlightened Master was leader of the Jeskai clan.... I believe there was some sort of major battle and due to timeline/magic/distraction she was felled in combat by Zurgo Helmsmasher.

and that pretty much everything i remember storywise regarding Tarkir/Ojuatai/Silumgar

wallisface on Grixis wincons viability

1 year ago

I think you're going about this a bit wrong. Grixis decks typcically don't want to be winning by any kind of big flashy-combos, or high-mana-cards. Their gameplan is typically to grind away any kind of proactive play from the opponent, and then quickly edge-out a win before the opponent can recoup from all that early-game disruption.

To that end, iconic Grixis spells include Lightning Bolt, Fatal Push, Inquisition of Kozilek, Thoughtseize, Counterspell, Spell Pierce, and Stubborn Denial, as well as occasionally some stuff like Drown in the Loch, Expressive Iteration, and Unholy Heat. Their creatures are often cards that can hit hard fast, or come with free value - things like Death's Shadow, Snapcaster Mage, Dragon's Rage Channeler, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Gurmag Angler, Ledger Shredder, and occasionally things like Tasigur, the Golden Fang or Murktide Regent.

So, their gameplan is typically a very straightforward one - every one of their cards provides value on its own, everything is fairly low-mana-curve, and the overall goal is to quickly disrupt your opponents ability to play, and then kill them before they recover.

In terms of the cards you've suggested, I would say they don't really fit into any kind of typical Grixis shell, for the following reasons:

  • Cormela, Glamour Thief is a very high-costing card with very low relative value for that mana-investment. Same goes for Nicol Bolas, Dragon-God.

  • Grapeshot is a combo card and something better having a deck dedicated towards making it work. Instead of trying to do value-plays, you try and combo off asap. This archetype already exists in Modern as Storm, so has no real home/reason-to-exist outside of that. Similarly, as Grixis isn't trying to do any flashy combos, Manamorphose & Dramatic Reversal have super-limited/non-existant use.

  • Lazav, the Multifarious doesn't really do anything or add anything important to be worth building around, imo. Grixis decks especially often have a super-low creature count, which makes its ability pretty niche. Maybe it's a "pet card" that could fit as a 1-of in a death's shadow brew?

  • Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger is a fine card to include in Grixis decks, as many decks already run this (though often as only a 1-of or 2-of at most) - it definately requires some deckbuilding considerations to include it though. I think Ob Nixilis, the Adversary could potentially fit within a Grixis shell, though Grixis decks do often run a very small quantity of creatures, and this may pose a problem.

Now, most of these cards you can still easily build decks around, though I would say you generally don't want to be trying to fit them into typical "Grixis" builds. Some of these cards fit a lot better in UR combo decks (Grapeshot, Manamorphose) for example. I would say that all the cards you've mentioned will have some home within modern, baring only Cormela, Glamour Thief (the card is trash) and Dramatic Reversal (there's just better ways to achieve anything this card is trying to achieve).

Chasmolinker on Rock Deck 2022

1 year ago

I can't really speak to adding more Damns as I never played the card. I personally prefer something like Damnation or Path of Peril in the SB for go wide strategies and more T1 discard MB.

Tasigur, the Golden Fang is OK as a 1-of midrange threat. It's a really grindy card. I think Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet is actually a better Midrange threat that needs to be answered or you can really take over the board with all of your removal.

Dead_Blue_ on Rock Deck 2022

1 year ago

Skyclave Shade would go great in a Bloodghast deck

I was actually thinking of swapping him for some Tasigur, the Golden Fang and additional Damns

What are your thoughts?

Chasmolinker on Dank Ritual

1 year ago

This deck is everything I would want my Tasigur, the Golden Fang deck to be. Powerful cards, but tame enough by not including Muldrotha, the Gravetide, The Gitrog Monster and other oppressive GY shenanigans. Just a lot of fun to pilot. I feel like the creatures chosen are specifically chosen to provide flexibility without being complete gas. Well done. +1

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