Summoning Station


Tap: Put a 2/2 colorless Pincher creature token into play.

Whenever an artifact is put into a graveyard from play, you may untap Summoning Station.

king-saproling on The Treasure Was The Friends We Hurt Along The Way

7 months ago

Man generating 6 treasures per turn seems like so much fun. You might like these: Summoning Station, Aetherworks Marvel, Tarrian's Soulcleaver, Moriok Rigger, Dan Lewis, Food Fight, Charforger

KongMing on cEDH Arcum Dagsson

1 year ago

Nimblewright Schematic gives you value, and you can go infinite with a few other cards; Servo Schematic works the same way. Sai, Master Thopterist also works well in this regard. Freed from the Real and Pemmin's Aura allow you to repeat Arcum.

Emry, Lurker of the Loch lets you recur your artifacts, and Scrap Trawler gives you great efficiency as well.

Summoning Station and Intruder Alarm allow you to go infinite with Dagsson and pull out all your noncreature artifacts.

Davinoth on Prosper's Purgatory [Retired]

2 years ago

     ThatWeirdPerson: So of the three cards you recommended, one is already in the deck and the other two don't fall into the colour identity of my Commander lol.

     As for Tempting Contract and Summoning Station, the former is okay but I feel like I make enough treasures already that I don't need to be handing them out to my opponents too, and the latter is just too expensive at seven mana. If Summoning Station's tokens were artifacts I might be a little more inclined but otherwise I just don't feel like I'd ever get my seven mana out of it.

ThatWeirdPerson on Prosper's Purgatory [Retired]

2 years ago

I highly recommend Inspiring Statuary, Rise and Shine, and Mechanized Production. If you have some more situational cards after those then you could consider Tempting Contract or Summoning Station

TheVectornaut on Messing with Lore

2 years ago

Sorry I haven't been on to respond in a while. I've been busy with work and haven't been playing much as my LGS still hasn't opened tables up to Magic players. I may not know much about some of these new cards, but I'll still offer some advice on running artifacts in EDH. (Most of my experience is with Sydri, Galvanic Genius in A Pile of Cans so feel free to check that out.) First, I'd try to narrow down to a particular approach to build around. Osgir, the Reconstructor offers a range of options in this regard. Then, you can make swaps for cards that synergize more with that chosen approach.

One option I see is running as many low-cmc artifacts as possible to minimize how much you have to spend on your commander's activated ability. The best bet for this might be the new modular cards. They have small bodies that can be buffed by Osgir after combat and give extra benefits on being killed off themselves. Bonus points if you can afford Arcbound Ravager. Modular is not actually a triggered ETB so you can't get more benefit from Panharmonicon, but I'll touch on that more later. Other options include Bomat Courier, Epochrasite, Gingerbrute, and Sorcerer's Broom. Making lots of token creatures makes a go-wide plan with Steel Overseer, Chief of the Foundry, Signal Pest, and the like more viable. Anything else that produces thopters or servos fits too. Untapping Osgir is probably more mana efficient than copying his ability with this approach.

The exact opposite gameplan is also possible. Run plenty of ramp artifacts like Basalt Monolith, Thran Dynamo, Blinkmoth Urn, and Hedron Archive to play and duplicate overwhelming threats. Darksteel Forge, Soul of New Phyrexia, Platinum Angel, Platinum Emperion, Spine of Ish Sah, Bosh, Iron Golem, Phyrexian Triniform, and Summoning Station are the first options I can think of. Unfortunately, such cards do tend to be less budget friendly. I think it would also be worth distinguishing between a plan using death and entry triggers and one using taps and untaps. The former is where Panharmonicon comes back into play along with Mirrorworks, Prototype Portal, and the refurbish-ers like Goblin Welder. The latter is where Unwinding Clock is king along with its little brothers Clock of Omens, Voltaic Construct, and Voltaic Key. (Both choices can also apply to a more aggressive approach of course.) Here, copying Osgir's ability is likely to be more efficient than untapping him.

Some other artifacts I'm a fan of that are always useful are Mirage Mirror, Kuldotha Forgemaster, and Scourglass. Let me know if you have any questions and I'll try to get back as soon as I'm able. I apologize in advance if that means a few days.

Wabbajacke on We need more fuel to keep the machine running!!!

2 years ago

Thanks rb701 for youre comment!

Yeah im still struggeling with the Sideboard, i never used the most Cards except for Golem's Heart and Pitiless Plunderer. So there is a lot to do here.

I never heard of Sands of Delirium but that seems to fit perfect in here combined with Blinkmoth Urn. I will definitly try it out!

But im not sure if i just should remove Blinkmoth Urn since i never really needed it and the deck is running pretty well at the moment.

Maybe i should put somthing like Grave Pact against creature heavy decks and something like Tormod's Crypt in?

Any other ideas what to Change?

At the Moment im thinking of something like this:

1 x Tormod's Crypt Graveyard hate

1 x Grave Pact Creatures

2 x Altar of the Brood more mill

2 x Shriekhorn after the three uses, can be sacrificed to Grinding Station an with Scrap Trawler it can bring back some "0" cost Cards. Also its another target after sacrificing Ichor Wellspring

1 x Locket of Yesterdays So we only need to pay the first Myr Servitor and against mill decks

1 x Profane Memento lifegain against aggro

4 x Feed the Swarm

1 x Summoning Station

1 x Genesis Chamber

1 x Pitiless Plunderer

ArcherUBW on On the subject of Heresy!

3 years ago

Na minha opinião o deck esta bastante bom. Tenho algumas sugestões que podiam ser incluídas: - Quickling - Esta carta é bastante boa. Tenho no deck dos ninjas e sempre me ajudou não só a escapar removal como ativas o efeito da Snake. O facto de ter flash permite-te usar á qualquer altura. - Thought Monitor , Thought Monitor - Tantos artifacts tornam o affinity artifact bastante bom. Estas permitem sacar cartas á um low cost - Rise and Shine , Summoning Station - Win-Cons - Path of Discovery - Com tanto bouce dá jeito. XD - Moritte of the Frost , Spark Double - Que melhor que um commander são dois.

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