Stormwing Entity

Creature — Elemental

This spell costs less to cast if you've cast an instant or sorcery spell this turn.


Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)

When Stormwing Entity enters the battlefield, scry 2.

IXALAN_Crazy on

9 months ago

Some thoughts from a fellow Murktide player:

Expressive Iteration over Serum Visions for greater card advantage.

I would add more disruption such as Unholy Heat and Spell Pierce over cards like Manamorphose and Izzet Charm.

This is more of a meta call but cutting 1 or 2 Ledger Shredders might be a good idea so your first game isn't miserable against Orcish Bowmasters

I've seen other people say this on here, but running a one of or maybe even 2 Blood Moon would be great in here, I would just cut Fiery Islet for off color fetches such as Misty Rainforest and add an island or two.

I like that you included Stormwing Entity a lot but depending how it plays the Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer would put more pressure on your opponent.

Icbrgr on

10 months ago

I was honestly just thinking about Blue Moon yesterday! I think Stormwing Entity is a really neat idea... a thought that I was going for with my build was Trinisphere as something to build around but in not sure.

wallisface on

1 year ago

Grends27 a way to get-around lowering your curve is to drastically increase your ramp. Adding in 8-10 mana dorks like Noble Hierarch, Birds of Paradise, Utopia Sprawl, Llanowar Elves, Elvish Mystic would greatly help your ability to run a higher curve (noting that including them will likely mean having to pull out some of your higher costing cards in the process anyway).

Cards i think specifically aren’t worth it (they’re either too weak, or don’t belong in the deck) include: Teferi, Timeless Voyager (really bad & really expensive mana-wise), Stormwing Entity (is a good card but doesn’t belong here), Teferi's Ageless Insight (just overcomplicating your deck for no reason), Stern Dismissal (card disadvantage), Neutralize and Saw it Coming (3-mana counterspells are bad, but in any case i don’t see this deck ever being able to keep-up mana, as you’ll be almost always spending it all on your turn).

I would also suggest ditching most/all of those creatures requiring 6 mana to mutate - that’s just such a high bar, and none of those creatures strike me as particularly good anyway.

wallisface on ~WIZARDS GONE WILD 2024~

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • i think your current creature selection require far too much mana to be useful. Ideally in a prowess deck you want to be as-low-to-the-ground as possible, so you can apply pressure early and secure a fast win. I’d suggest ditching all your creatures that cost 3-or-more mana. Replacements to consider include Monastery Swiftspear, Soul-Scar Mage and Sprite Dragon. If you’re able to afford Manamorphose, then Stormwing Entity becomes a good pick also. You probably only want your creature count to be around 18-19.

  • I don’t know why Unstable Mutation is here.

  • For some more useful spells, i’d suggest Gut Shot, Lava Dart, Lightning Bolt, and Mutagenic Growth. I’d advise on not using cards like Counterspell, as they generally don’t help your creatures get anywhere useful (its a potential sideboard card).

AT23 on

2 years ago

I would drop the two islands for two more mountains. I would also drop Barge In and Remand for 3x Lava Dart and +1 Stormwing Entity

Icbrgr on Modern Prowess

2 years ago

now that LURRUS is banned another neat thing to consider is Stormwing Entity... you can cast Opt and then just pay for a beefy 3/3 flyer with prowess...cant emphasise the importance of cantrips enough for a deck like this... Manamorphose and Opt/Serum Visions really need to make ther way in here.

sbh on Izzet blitz? yes it is! (budget)

2 years ago

and should I replace the Stormwing Entity with 2 more soul scar mages??

Valengeta on Dead, Bath and Beyond

2 years ago

Thing is I just noticed that by using Stormwing Entity it renders Lurrus useless as a companion, so I'm putting him in Maybe for now. Ok let me try fitting Claim / Fame back, although I like the draws

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