Stonehoof Chieftain

Creature — Centaur Warrior

Trample, indestructible

Whenever another creature you control attacks, it gains trample and indestructible until the end of turn.

eliakimras on Jund Dragons

1 year ago

jags on Elf Deck (Black and Green)

1 year ago

Nylea, God of the Hunt Stonehoof Chieftain End-Raze Forerunners is still my preferred or Rancor can never go wrong with it but yes deff need that play set of Collected Company will help you could play Harmonize or Glimpse of Nature these are what I know off the top of my head

Michigone on Trigger Warning

1 year ago

Change Log 12/13/2022



Maybe Board Add:

Michigone on Trigger Warning

1 year ago

Decided to cut Apex Devastator. I find it is often the last spell I want to exile, as it just has too many time counters on it. And a 10/10 with no evasion is not really a big threat in my current meta. The cascade is nice, but unpredictable. It's funny, because this deck originally leaned towards high CMC cards and was much slower. But the big threats are all in the untap and 4 or less CMC range, and so I think a little more evasion to get my big damagers through is more what the deck is missing. So in that vein, I added Kodama of the West Tree from the maybe board into the main board and moved Apex Devastator to the maybe board. I am also adding Stonehoof Chieftain back into the sideboard, as it can serve a similar role to Kodama, but is more expensive to cast.

Also, I've been play testing the deck quite frequently, and I am not the biggest fan of the amount of time the deck takes. I think of it as magic solitaire a little bit, and I want my play group to have fun playing against it, or at least not feel like I'm taking up all the time at the table. So I'm looking for a cut to make to put back in Simic Ascendancy. I like the idea of another route to victory that could net me a win without having to go through combat damage and lot's of time on turns. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear it. For now Simic Ascendancy will be added to the maybe board.

FelixCarter on You'll be Najello after I'm done with you

2 years ago

Sorry, some last minute thoughts:

Surrak Dragonclaw or Stonehoof Chieftain are great replacements for Khenra Charioteer.

Nath of the Gilt-Leaf is a good replacement for that Blaring Recruiter if you still haven't replaced it.

Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs is better for a good defense. With all the creatures already giving haste (your commander being one of them), Rushblade Commander can be swapped.

Jazal Goldmane will give HUGE attacks and could replace Kargan Warleader is you're willing to dump mana on combat.

I would add Drumhunter due to it's card draw. Replace Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip if you can.

Some notable mentions include: Boldwyr Intimidator, Arashin Foremost, Champion of Rhonas, Butcher of Malakir, Dragonscale General, and Flamerush Rider.

carpecanum on akroma/ikra commander deck

2 years ago

Stonehoof Chieftain maybe.

A cute trick with Ikra's ability : Lightning Greaves (or another zero equip cost) + Angelic Protector. Equip the greaves back and forth infinite times then attack to gain infinite life.

shaftdiggity on Tovolar's pack

2 years ago

Maybe you can consider the following:

Swapping out Stonehoof Chieftain for Dolmen Gate

and Spellbinder for Heraldic Banner

and I really like Wolfcaller's Howl considering those tokens can lead to card draw for you with this commander, maybe dropping Fiery Emancipation

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