Stern Scolding


Counter target creature spell with power or toughness 2 or less.

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

4 months ago

9-lives there’s the old saying of ”you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink” - I’ve provided you all my thoughts on this list multiple times, it’s up to you what you do with them.

Important final notes:

  • you might like Ethersworn Canonist, but this is not the right shell for her - it makes both her and the deck weaker. Importantly, she’s not useful at being “aggro” nor “control”.

  • in any deck aiming to implement control in any form, mana is super relevant - as any control player will tell you. Both Spell Snare and Stern Scolding find their way into numerous competitive lists because 1-mana is just soo efficient, and it helps prevent the opponent acquiring an insurmountable lead early.

  • Tolarian Terror and Haughty Djinn are both good because they can both easily win the game on their own, both very quickly. If the deck isn’t ”full control” then you can’t ever assume you’ll be able to perma-lock the opponent, so you need creatures that can apply pressure and end the game fast. Your collection of white-weenies don’t remotely do that.

In any case, good luck with your brew. I’ve said all I can to try and help make it playable - the rest is really up to you.

9-lives on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

4 months ago

Hmmm. This is really difficult for me to give up Ethersworn Canonist. She plays such a huge role for me in my aggro-control deck. I'm trying out new ideas, but I'm not sold on them. I wouldn't have Spell Snare nor Stern Scolding; i'd rather pay 1 more mana per spell to have the openness of choosing whatever card I want to target with counterspells. The only difference in this and the current deck I currently have is Tolarian Terror and Haughty Djinn. So, it's not that big of a deal that I run Ethersworn Canonist and my current creatures.

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

4 months ago

If I were building a deck with your colour and budget restraints, it’d be this. I’d suggest your list look very close to this, if you’re wanting to end up with an ”Azorius Aggro-Control deck”.

If you’re going down the route of specifically wanting to build around Ethersworn Canonist, it’s a completely different deck - neither aggro nor control, but instead some kind of artifact-based tempo build.

sergiodelrio on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

7 months ago

Good day fine people of Tappedout.

Today, without going into a rant because it has all been whispered into the wind 1000 times, I would like to Brainstorm with all of you ways to defend against the aggression in-game, for I believe in an MTG universe where the Johnnies/Jennies can handle any oppressive strategy that chose to infest their meta.

In case your memory is rusted, the SCAM deck uses Grief and Fury alongside multiple Not Dead After All effects for extra value to pick your hand quickly and/or killing your small creatures and PWs but they get to keep their evoked creatures anyway.

What I ask for in this thread are either specific cards and/or combos that can negate their 2for1 lines of play, preferably on our own T0 or T1. Another option could be describing a shell that could have the potential to entirely nullify their strat for one reason or another and does itself need not be reliant on quick execution (T0/T1) by default.

I'll start:

  • The reason I even included T1 and not just T0 is Gemstone Caverns. This card, however inconvenient to work with, opens up 1 mana of any color in case they go first so for example Mana Tithe, Spell Pierce et al could counter their Not Dead After All (and yes, I see how that is absoluely not optimal, we're just putting any idea on the table) or maybe a Stern Scolding can counter at least a Grief.

  • Chancellor of the Annex is like a conditional one-shot leyline Mana Tithe but comes with obvious drawbacks.

  • Leyline of Sanctity prevents them from targeting you alltogether, which is nice, but that card is a really bad topdeck.

  • I guess there are multiple ways to exile their GY with the undying trigger on the stack, but that also just solves half the problem. Leyline of the Void stops the reanimation part.

  • Then there are cards like Loxodon Smiter that just GOTCHA discard strats, but what would the rest of the deck look like? Kinda meh?

  • Disrupting Shoal is pretty interesting imho and has always been a secret weapon of mine. Sure, it is still 2for2 but we're not losing tempo? Hard to judge.


So I'd like to hear your thoughts and ideas on this, please!

If you want, in addition to mentioning cards and shells, it might be interesting to also discuss what the rest of the deck would look like, or a general strat of that deck, since obviously a pile of removal spells and hate cards still need a way to close the game.

CamraMaan on Interaction between Stern Scolding and …

1 year ago

Say I'm casting Ivy Elemental for X = 6, and my opponent casts Stern Scolding to counter it. Will Stern Scolding see Ivy Elemental as a 0/0 or a 6/6 on the stack? Does it only become a 6/6 as it enters the battlefield...? My assumption is that it will be a 0/0 until the spell resolves and it starts to enter the battlefield. Thanks in advance!

wallisface on ▷ MH2 is FINISHED!【Wizard Tribal】 ◁ LOTR

1 year ago

Flame of Anor seems really strong but is held back a bit by the wizard restriction. I think its definitely Modern playable but might take a while to find a decent home for it. Maybe it helps revive Snapcaster Mage from its slumber?

Stern Scolding seems too gimmicky to ever be maindeckable. Might see some limited sideboard play, but sideboard space is pretty tight so may only barely see play there.

Magic_Aids on ▷ MH2 is FINISHED!【Wizard Tribal】 ◁ LOTR

1 year ago

Are the new Lord of the Rings cards Flame of Anor and Stern Scolding enough to stop the scourge known as Modern Horizons 2? Let me know what you think here in the comments! :D