Sporecrown Thallid

Creature — Fungus

Each other creature you control that's a Fungus or Saproling gets +1/+1.

UnleashedHavok on MossyFungoid

7 months ago

I like the cards you have here! Great stuff so far. I have several questions and suggestions:

  • I know these are the cards you have on hand, but is money a factor so far as buying additional cards? If not, I would highly recommend a Tendershoot Dryad. It will pair well with your Sporecrown Thallid, Verdeloth the Ancient, Nemata, Grove Guardian and Verdant Force. These cards are a pretty solid core for the deck. Now start looking for ways to tutor them. Worldly Tutor, Diabolic Intent, Grim Tutor..... we are in fantastic colors for tutoring the cards you need.
  • After building the core of your deck and what you want it to do, I like to add support and utility cards. I love Viconia, Drow Apostle, Shadowheart, Dark Justiciar, Rankle, Master of Pranks, and Loyal Guardian for this purpose! Might I recommend a Thunderfoot Baloth to pair with your Guardian?
  • Cut your land count down to 37 - 40, then playtest and see how it feels
  • Play to your commander's strength. I am working on a budget version (less than $80) of The Mycotyrant myself, and will be playing Cemetery Tampering, Crawling Infestation, and Crawling Sensation. One of the things I try to do is build a deck that functions well without the commander on the board so I am not completely hosed when they are removed. I like all 3 of these enchantments because I am not in danger of decking myself, and if the commander is not on the field I do not have to mill. I talk about milling, because it plays to The Mycotyrant's strength as a commander. We will see if I still want all 3 enchantments in the deck after I build it and see it in action, hopefully soon.
  • If you decide to lean into milling yourself and sacrificing creatures like I have for my deck, I would recommend stepping away from non-creature spells and do your removal in creature form. I currently only have a total of 7 sorceries and instants in my deck, so as I mill myself I am more guaranteed to hit permanent cards. Remember that The Mycotyrant cares about permanent cards in your graveyard, so sacrificing your tokens will not contribute to its descend mechanic.
  • To follow along the vein of previous suggestion, invest in some free sac outlets: Greater Good, Altar of Dementia (target yourself to capitalize on commander ability at your end step)

I think that's all I have for the moment...... let me know if you have any questions! Here is my work in progress Budget Mycotyrant

bushido_man96 on Spore Galore with Atraxa

1 year ago

Just put double brackets .... around the card names. That will link them, so long you spell the names right. I'm going to repost them here and give thoughts:

Epic Struggle - not bad, I guess, but if you have trouble flooding the board, not reliable.

Resourceful Defense - cute, but seem slow in a deck that you say already isn't fast. I like that you can move the counters off creatures that die; it would be good with sac outlets, if you are running any. Otherwise, it just becomes an insurance policy if your spores get nicked in battle or through spot removal. I probably wouldn't run it.

The Ozolith - this card always seems good, and might be better for this deck. It's cheap to cast (but expensive to buy), but again, probably not great in this deck unless you are running sac outlets, and sacrifice is a main theme of the deck.

Meren of Clan Nel Toth - Again, I don't think it's great here. Unless you are playing from the graveyard, she only offers spot recursion in a slot where more spores could be.

Lae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion - I do like this one. Low to the ground, and provides a useful bump for spore counters.

Deepglow Skate - not bad for a one-time doubling season. I think I used to run it, but traded it out to lower the mana curve. It's worth running, and seeing what kind of mileage you can get out of it. Thrummingbird is another consideration.

Adrix and Nev, Twincasters - I like this one, too. I'm going to consider it!

Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider - if you've got it, run it.

Inexorable Tide - this one looks worthwhile, too.

Nemata, Primeval Warden - I like it; on theme, draws cards.

Sporecrown Thallid - I could take it or leave it.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician - seems too good not to run if you have a copy. Draws cards, proliferates, and can eventually remove problem creatures.

I'd love to see your decklist if you can post it. Maybe we can figure out that identity crisis and smooth things out. You should be able to get started before turn 13. It's not going to be a top level deck, but I do believe it can be fun and hang at a table.

TheVectornaut on Old Fungus Deck

1 year ago

Since you're in casual, there's a lot of heavy hitting cards you could add (budget permitting). Doubling Season improves the turnaround rate of spore counters and gets you more tokens, although it is itself expensive. Something cheaper with proliferate like Evolution Sage could accomplish a similar goal. Aura Shards is a potent alternative to single-use Naturalizes for Selesnya, with Nullmage Shepherd being a more budget pick. Skullclamp is an insane draw engine if you keep your tokens at 1 toughness. Or if you don't want to, Intangible Virtue can stack with Sporecrown Thallids to get out of hand quickly. As far as creating tokens, there's Aura Mutation, Dreampod Druid, Fungal Sprouting, Korozda Guildmage, Saproling Migration, Thelonite Hermit, and the powerful lord Tendershoot Dryad. If you want generically good Golgari removal, cards like Assassin's Trophy and Fatal Push tend to see a lot of play. Personally, I like Crippling Fear for tribal decks and Tragic Slip for decks with sacrifice synergy. Speaking of sacrifices, I know from experience in commander that both Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and Ghave, Guru of Spores make for nasty combos with Mycoloth. Such a strategy would also make creatures like Tukatongue Thallid more valuable than spell counterparts like Sprout or Fungal Infection.

The cards I'd look to cut first would be Rending Vines, Wear Away, Wrap in Vigor, Wurm's Tooth, Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, AEther Web, and possibly Fists of Ironwood unless you add more cards like Dreampod.

Goobfellow on Spores Galore

2 years ago

Oh man, I played Fun with Fungus back during Timespiral and I loved that deck so much. It requires a lot of build-up to really get rolling so it's not very competitive and no fun against control decks, but then again what is? When it works right and you are putting tokens down everywhere though? Hooooo boy that's fun. Here are some of the things I ran back in the day:

I have some specific thoughts on your build too:

  • Consider what you want this deck to do really well. Are you trying to generate as many saprolings as possible to overwhelm your opponent? Or to sacrifice them to the Priest/Zulaport/Slimefoot? You could even make the fungi the real beaters themselves. It seems like your deck is doing a little bit of everything right now when it could benefit from focusing on one or two.
  • If you want to focus on making many saprolings, Mycoloth is extremely powerful in this deck. Just because he's a big target for removal doesn't mean you shouldn't play him at all. He costs the same as your Tendershoot Dryad and generates twice the number of Saprolings per turn for only sacrificing one when he enters the battlefield. Sacrifice two and he's giving you back four every turn. And with Heroic Intervention to protect him you should be good to go. Definitely a mainboard card. I lost my mind when this card released.
  • If you're looking to pump up your saprolings more Sporecrown Thallid is a great pick and may I also suggest Thelonite Hermit.
  • If you want your fungi to be real threats then Thelon of Havenwood is your guy. Get some Sporesowers out and then watch the Spore counters pile up, making your guys absolutely massive.
  • Consider switching out some of your cheap-cmc cards for things with more meat on their bones. This deck could stand to be a lot more top-heavy. A couple shell-dwellers can get you to the late-game but they are terrible late-game cards. I personally ran a set of Deathspore Thallids because I like their removal effect but none of these other fungi with 1 or 2 mana cost.
  • Consider some traditional mana ramp like Rampant Growth instead of Utopia Mycon if you want to get your Sporesowers out earlier. It's less vulnerable to removal and you don't have to wait to generate your first saproling to get an extra mana.
  • I love Priest of the forgotten gods and Winding Constrictor in here. I think they are both super effective for this deck.
  • And lastly it should be spelled "galore" ;p

Best of luck and have fun with your fungus!

multimedia on ~Psycho Math~

2 years ago

Hey, interesting strategy on a budget using Saproling tokens from Fugus to trigger Esix.

Sol Ring and Arcane Signet are two budget staple mana rocks for Commander. Sol could replace Commander's Sphere and Arcane could replace Fractal Harness.

Fugus need spore counters to make Saps; more repeatable proliferate from Evolution Sage can help just by playing a land. Landfall also from Tireless Provisioner can trigger Esix just by playing a land. It's ramp with treasures and treasures are tokens.

Neoform is sac any two drop creature to tutor for and cheat Biovisionary onto the battlefield or sac a four drop and tutor for Mycoloth. Scatter the Seeds can create three Sap tokens at one time for Biovisionary + Esix and all creatures as well as creature tokens you control can help to cast Scatter with convoke.

Beast Within, Rapid Hybridization, Pongify are instant removal spells that create a token creature after destroying. They can be used against an opponent or destroy your own permanent to trigger Esix.

Timeless Witness can recur any card; it's a budget creature to make a copy of and when it's in your graveyard you can choose to embalm it to create a token of Witness. Card recursion is one area your deck currently lacks.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

Rhadamanthus on Triggers Sporecrown Thallid twice?

3 years ago

You can use double square brackets around a card's name to create a reference link. It's the best way to make sure everyone understands what's going on in your question: Sporecrown Thallid

Yes, the fungus and saproling creatures would get another +1/+1 if you play a second Sporecrown Thallid. +X/-X effects are always additive with one another.

Some more notes about abilities: there are three basic kinds of abilities in the game - activated, triggered, and static

  • Activated abilities are always written in the form of "Cost : Effect", like Prodigal Pyromancer, or the last ability on Thallid. They're activated by paying the cost specified in the ability
  • Triggered abilities are always written to start with one of the words "when", "whenever", or "at", like Blood Artist, or the first ability on Thallid. They trigger whenever the specified event happens
  • Anything that isn't activated or triggered is some kind of static ability, like on True Believer or Sporecrown Thallid. They're just "always on"

Valengeta on Fungal Growth

3 years ago

Pollenbright Druid can give you another body to sacrifice to Mycoloth, while also giving a +1/+1 counter if needed or Proliferating your spore counters. Thallid is a 1 drop that generates and uses spore counters. Mirror Entity takes all your frail creatures and turns them as big as you can pay for. Overrun can be a nice finisher with all these tokens lying around

I would remove Contagion Engine for another Mycoloth. Raking Canopy is only good for Sideboard and doesn't need to be in Mainboard as it can well be a dead card on your hand. I would also switch out Tukatongue Thallid for another Utopia Mycon and Thallid Shell-Dweller

Other than that I would trim the number of your lands to maybe like 22-23, while removing Fungal Sprouting and adding either Pollenbright Druid or Sporecrown Thallid

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