Spiraling Embers

Sorcery — Arcane

Spiraling Embers deals damage to target creature or player equal to the number of cards in your hand.

Kurppa on Niv-Mizzet, Wheel of Pings

2 years ago

Awesome deck! I really like spellslinger decks, and playing this seems really fun.

However, considering how many instants and sorceries you have and the wheel theme, i'm surprised you don't have any graveyard recursion or synergy.

some cards that you could consider are: Bond of Insight, Call to Mind, Flood of Recollection, Mystic Retrieval, Pull from the Deep, Relearn, Shreds of Sanity, Backdraft Hellkite, Past in Flames, Volcanic Vision and The Mirari Conjecture

some of those exile themselves and since you have so much draw power that might actually be a downside. If i were to cut something for those I would maybe one of those shuffle effects.

here's some cards that cast instants or sorceries from your or other people's graveyards: Finale of Promise, Diluvian Primordial, Mnemonic Deluge, Mizzix's Mastery and Spelltwine.

mnemonic deluge and diluvian primordial are pretty funny, though kinda expensive. Imagine casting a wheel and then "going shopping" for spells, i highly recommend it. though these exile, so if you loop your deck you can't cast the spell you coped again.

if you want to bounce creatures with niv-mizzet, you could consider Arm with AEther or Sigil of Sleep.

some more spellcasting synergy: Firebrand Archer, Saheeli, Sublime Artificer.

i don't know how often you would be able to kill or do something significant with Spiraling Embers, but i thought it would be a fun inclusion.

here's a few cards for copying instants and sorceries:

Bonus Round, Insidious Will, Reverberate, Thousand-Year Storm, Swarm Intelligence and Twincast. twincast, reverberate and insidious will double as interaction, and you could also consider Narset's Reversal

and a few more card draw inclusions: Laquatus's Creativity and Sea Gate Restoration  Flip.

sorry for the wall of text, just got excited about brewing so i wanted to suggest a bunch of cards. I hope that this at least gave you some ideas.

nathanielhebert on

3 years ago

I've been out of the loop for some 20 odd years, but the challenge of putting together a Fog/Burn deck sounds enticing! The "turbo fog" archetype, typically has a card-draw engine in place, and a bunch of fogs to stall out your opponent — as for a burn version, it might make sense to use some direct damage spells that synergize with the extra cards you and your opponents will be holding, due to the draw effect.

Some ideas of cards that play off each other:

DRAW ENGINE: (the card drawing should allow for more consistency, since you'll have more fogs ready for each turn)

Font of Mythos , Howling Mine , Rites of Flourishing

FOGS: (add more fogs, but preferably not "frogs" — they're vulnerable to damage and removal)

Fog , Haze of Pollen , Defend the Hearth , Root Snare , Commencement of Festivities

BURNS: (here's a list of burns that take advantage of the extra cards both you and your opponents will be holding, and punishing the opponent for drawing as well)

Runeflare Trap , Molten Psyche (an interesting burn, since you should have enough artifacts in play, and works with the Runeflare Trap), Spiraling Embers , Sudden Impact , Conflagrate , Fateful Showdown , Gaze of Adamaro

ARTIFACT: (lastly, some artifacts and lands that allow expand your hand size, so you can hit for more with cards like Spiraling Embers and Conflagrate )

Spellbook , Reliquary Tower , Skullcage (another source of damage to punish opponent for holding cards), Elixir of Immortality (so you don't potentially mill yourself)

GraveMan on Budget Narset, Enlightened Master Storm

3 years ago

genesiseffect I am aware that I need to cut three cards. The deck is still in development, I just haven’t decided what to cut yet. As for the win condition it’s flipping either Enter the Infinite or Omniscience off the top of my library with Narset, then storming off and killing my opponents with either storm spells or Aetherflux Reservoir you can also kill an opponent with Spiraling Embers after casting Enter the Infinite

NoSoyYucateco on

3 years ago

This deck looks awesome! It looks super fun to play. I think you can tune it a bit more to make it more consistent, though.

I think the fog effects can be cut, personally. In exchange, I would add some more boardwipes, like Evacuation, Chain Reaction, and Anger of the Gods.

I also think some of the higher-costed instants and sorceries can go, such as Steam Augury, Storm Seeker, Prophetic Bolt, Spiraling Embers, and Time Reversal. I think all of these cards are outclassed by cards that either cost less, or do more for a comparable cost.

If you like dealing non-combat damage, I love Price of Progress. It is cheap, affects everyone, and Riku usually can rely on basic lands.

Maybe consider adding more copy effects like Twincast, Narset's Reversal, Refuse / Cooperate, Clever Impersonator, Phantasmal Image, Dack's Duplicate, etc...? I like the versatility of these cards in that they mirror the table. Nobody can complain that you are playing something strong when you are just copying your opponents!

Vagn on

6 years ago

Hello liked your deck, gott a ask does Curiosity With your comander lead to infinity draw resulting in easy win if you have enugh cards? also adding a Psychic Spiral So you dont mill yourself in addition to the Elixir of Immortality Also a Spiraling Embers Would be a nice draw if you have around 40+ cards in your hand leading to an insta kill unless they have alot of health.Super cool deck overall!

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