Sphinx's Revelation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sphinx's Revelation


You gain X life and draw X cards.

fluffyeel on Sen Triplets - Esper Control (Seeking Help)

1 year ago

I would joke about "how can it be a Stax deck without Smokestack", but that's separate, and instead I'll offer up some possibly evil advice:

Maccano1 on Urza's Artifact Buddies

1 year ago


REMOVED: Temple of Deceit, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Silence, Tempered Steel, Liquimetal Torque, Scholar of New Horizons, Thopter Shop, Sphinx's Revelation, Bident of Thassa, Alela, Artful Provocateur, Etched Champion, Armix, Filigree Thrasher, Myr Battlesphere, Filigree Attendant, Vedalken Humiliator, Tawnos, Solemn Survivor, Losheel, Clockwork Scholar, Marionette Master, Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle, Ethersworn Adjudicator, Indomitable Archangel

ADDED: Glimmervoid, Power Depot, Forsaken Monument, Mind Stone, Darksteel Ingot, Hedron Archive, Dance of the Mance, Thoughtcast, Thirst for Knowledge, Master Transmuter, Lodestone Golem, Research Thief, Treasure Keeper, Mycosynth Golem, Myr Retriever, Sculpting Steel, Mechtitan Core, Mystic Forge, Dispeller's Capsule, Dispatch, Burnished Hart

COMMENTS: Deck feels powerful, but one dimensional in that it's just trying to pump out big dumb creatures asap; kinda cool. I've played 3-4 times with the current iteration and I'm looking to speed the deck up a little bit; lands coming in tapped, not quite enough draw, and too many non-artifact creatures being the two major areas of focus. I've actually reduced the amount of creatures with this round of changes so I need to check that this is OK.

Lands probably need more work, still too many tapped lands by far. Scholar of New horisons is fine, just doesn't fit in the deck, same with Tawnos (who likely needs his own deck, but I have done a few cool things with him). Tempered Steel, Indomitably Archangel and Ethersworn Adjudicator were hard cuts. But I've added removal, ramp in so I want to see if that's better. Tempered Steel with the thopters was particularly good and may get added in.

nbarry223 on LOTR... Modern Legal?

1 year ago

I'm hopeful they won't push it like MH2, where everything power-creeps, but instead make support for specific archetypes that would otherwise warp standard too much.

Like control is honestly a little lacking. You mostly see combo or low to the ground aggro decks in my opinion, even "control" decks are more tempo control than pure control back in the days of Celestial Colonnade and Sphinx's Revelation where you just removed everything and eventually killed them with lands.

I'd also like to see some tribal support that would otherwise be too strong for standard, along with some archetypes that have been slipping off, like Tron.

They probably won't do anything as forward thinking as that, and it will be just cards that are pushed too much, but hopefully those pushed cards are more control oriented instead of speeding up the format even further. We are getting to the point where the turn 4 rule is almost to a turn 3 rule in my opinion, so the format has definitely sped up with all of the pushed cards.

slasherturtle on Gimme That!

1 year ago

I fucking adore this deck, I don't have too many notes.

Arcane Lighthouse would be nice to take control of creatures with Hexproof or Shroud.

Something like Phyrexian Tower, Viscera Seer, or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician might be nice so you can sacrifice the creatures you steal for free if you can't untap Merieke, or if you use something other than Merieke to steal it.

Exsanguinate/Torment of Hailfire and maybe even Sphinx's Revelation would both make good use of your infinite mana combo, since there aren't too many payoffs for it. Without a few decent X spells you might find it doesn't do a lot for you.

NV_1980 on Riddle Me This, Riddle Me That

1 year ago

This looks like fun but it also looks a bit (too) slow as most cards in your deck have an average CMC of 5+ and it will take on average five turns to summon your commander in order to cheat your creatures into play. I think there are ways to keep your deck budget, while still increasing its speed. First off, I think adding the talismans (Talisman of Dominance, Talisman of Hierarchy, Talisman of Progress) would help.

Second, a few cheap scrying/draw resources like Portent, Esper Charm, Index, Telling Time, Otherworldly Gaze, Opt, Dream Cache, Serum Visions and Sphinx's Revelation can really help you find the cards you need a bit quicker.

Hope this helps.

Necramus on

1 year ago

Okay. So, I think you should really lean into the control/combo shell. This deck could use combos like Sanguine Bond and Exquisite Blood, with some added redundancy in the forms of Vito, Thorn of the Dusk Rose and Marauding Blight-Priest, or Mikaeus, the Unhallowed and Triskelion to close out the game. In order to accomplish this, I think you should cut a ton of the creatures and really lean into board wipes, control spells, and resource denial.

Things like:

Arterial Flow

The Meathook Massacre

Dovin's Veto

Spell Pierce


Ghostly Prison


Revenge of Ravens


Wrath of God

Supreme Verdict

Time Wipe


Mana Drain

Rhystic Study

Smothering Tithe

Sheoldred, the Apocalypse

Gray Merchant of Asphodel

Vampiric Tutor

Demonic Tutor

Search for Glory

Idyllic Tutor

Enlightened Tutor

Mystical Tutor

Cyclonic Rift

Murderous Rider

Feed the Swarm

Infernal Grasp

Fierce Guardianship

Deadly Rollick

Fateful Absence

Underworld Dreams

Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted


Solve the Equation

Baleful Strix

Drown in the Loch

Mana Leak

Professor Onyx

Narset, Parter of Veils

Nihil Spellbomb

Arcane Signet

Azorius Signet

Orzhov Signet

Dimir Signet

Talisman of Dominance

Talisman of Progress

Esper Sentinel

Lion Sash

Swords to Plowshares

Deep Gnome Terramancer

Archivist of Oghma

Teferi's Protection

Teferi, Hero of Dominaria

Teferi, Time Raveler

Teferi, Master of Time

Dig Through Time

Drannith Magistrate

Malevolent Hermit  Flip

Aven Mindcensor


Aura of Silence

Sea Gate Restoration  Flip


Sphinx's Revelation

Authority of the Consuls

On Thin Ice

Generous Gift


Gitaxian Probe


Gadwick, the Wizened

The Magic Mirror

Echo of Eons

Narset's Reversal

Swift Reconfiguration

Land Tax

Blind Obedience

Darksteel Mutation

Grasp of Fate



Jace, the Mind Sculptor

You could also do cute stuff like Phyrexian Unlife + Solemnity, giving yourself time to wipe the board again or go for the win with Peer into the Abyss. You should also consider taking a look at your mana base.

I'd suggest going for some fetches, checks, and shocks like:

Flooded Strand

Polluted Delta

Marsh Flats

Hallowed Fountain

Glacial Fortress

Watery Grave

Drowned Catacomb

Godless Shrine

Isolated Chapel

Deserted Beach

Shattered Sanctum

Shipwreck Marsh

Command Tower

You also have way too many plains right now. Even before you get the lands I just named, you should cut 6 Plains for 4 Swamp and 2 Island.

I know I've given you a lot of suggestions. I think if you tried putting a list together with all the cards I named, plus some of the bangers from your current list and you'd have a badass deck! Don't worry about trying to do all that right now, though. See which look most appealing/are in your price range and add those first. A lot of these should be long term goals!

Don't tell Rett I gave you so many suggestions XD


DemonDragonJ on Sphinx's Revelation or Azor, the …

2 years ago

I know that no one has yet responded, but I think that I shall keep Sphinx's Revelation in my decks, mainly because Azor simply requires too much investment to produce any significant benefits.

DemonDragonJ on Sphinx's Revelation or Azor, the …

2 years ago

I have Sphinx's Revelation in several of my EDH decks, because I believe that it is an awesome card that can greatly improve a player's situation in the game, but I am wondering if I should replace it with Azor, the Lawbringer in my decks.

Azor has as triggered ability that is the same as Sphinx's Revelation, and, while the ability can be used only under certain circumstances, it is repeatable, which is very nice, and Azor also has a control ability, in addition to being able to attack and block. My only concern is that Azor is much more expensive and requires a far greater investment of mana to fully gain his benefits, which is certainly something worth considering.

What does everyone else say about this? Should I replace Sphinx's Revelation with Azor, the Lawbringer, or leave the former card in my decks?

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