Soulsworn Jury

Creature — Spirit

Defender (This creature can't attack.)

, Sacrifice Soulsworn Jury: Counter target creature spell.

Cirdan13 on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

Gulianth, Demonic Prosecutor

Legendary Creature -- Demon


Tap 12 creatures named Soulsworn Jury: Exile target creature or planeswalker.

If ~ is your commander, cards you own named Soulsworn Jury on the battlefield and in your library, hand, and graveyard are black instead of white and all instances of are replaced with . You can have any number of Soulsworn Jury in your deck.


You were right, this was fun. Let's give it one more go.

rb701 on Azorius Spirits - Modern

2 years ago

Guardian of the Guildpact, Soulsworn Jury, Stoic Ephemera; good defensive creatures that are still tribal that could be included. i'm sure there's a spirit creature token generator fits the color restrictions in here... the only one i know of is Honden of Life's Web, but that's green. while there is lots of cheap creatures to keep up the aggression early to mid game, i don't see anything for the big win. just about any deck (except shield-burn for an obvious reason) will have something to force the gate open. for example, i have a decent orzhov (BW) passive bleed deck with lots of cheap cast cards, but use Debt to the Deathless as a stand-alone or Cliffhaven Vampires + Ready / Willing to turn the game violently in my favor. doesn't have to be big, flashy, or expensive, but something that says "deal with it or you lose"

i would definitely recommend, however, putting in a couple Leonin Sun Standards in for the group boost; it's cheap, it's effect is decent, and demands an answer

KeksimusMaximus on Faux Pacifism

5 years ago

Recommendations: Zetalpa, Primal Dawn - 4/8 double striker means 16 flying, indestructible damage a turn whenever Arcades is out.

Sylvan Library - Independent, cheap draw engine that gives you value even before you drop Arcades.

Rhystic Study - See Sylvan Library.

Birds of Paradise - It's just a good turn one play that gets you ahead in both ramp and fixing.

City of Brass and Mana Confluence are both excellent lands that enter untapped and get you all of your colors.

Eladamri's Call - Fetches your Brago, King Eternal to hand so you can start blinking all your walls.

Orator of Ojutai - Draws you two cards on ETB whenever Arcades is out.

Portcullis Vine is slower than Wall of Mulch , but can provide extra draw from your Walls once they're on the battlefield if you can't find a way to blink or bounce them, consider this a weak recommendation.

Soulsworn Jury - Functions as a card draw early, can then be used to deter opponents from making splashy plays.

Wall of Kelp - Gives you a repeatable source of card draw when Arcades is out.

In general this doesn't seem like a combo list, so the low average CMC isn't as important as it would be with a deck that wants to set up and win the game in the same turn cycle. I'd recommend running more bombs to give you impactful plays in the late game, and maybe some cards like Containment Priest or Lavinia, Azorius Renegade to allow you to get to that late game.

NotSquishedYet on Free Will's End (Acquire List)

8 years ago

Hello and welcome, Daedalus19876, to my humble abode of.... well, actually, broken overpoweredness and ridiculous shenanigans!

The combo mentioned above, though I removed Avacyn for cost/effectiveness reasons, is one of those "You can't play the game" things.

I added onto it with Soulsworn Jury copied by Progenitor Mimic to go alongside Glen Elendra Archmage and Melira, Sylvok Outcast as counter engines to support Guile and also conveniently stop anyone from playing spells.

Empyrial Archangel and Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant say "I and creatures I control can't take damage." Starfield of Nyx makes Sterling Grove a creature, letting Asceticism protect it, which protects Asceticism, Rune-Tail's Essence, Starfield of Nyx, and one other enchantment. Most of it is unnecessary, but I like that it can complete a loop of untouchable protection.

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