

Destroy all nonartifact permanents.

SufferFromEDHD on

1 year ago

Oh... Well now this is a very different deck?

Where is the Organic Extinction? And if you are feeling extra spicy perhaps Soulscour.

Ethersworn Canonist has been missing from both versions of this deck.

If you aren't using Scroll Rack than Archaeomancer's Map is better than Land Tax.

Minousmancer on Younger Dryas

3 years ago


Terra Eternal = Protection from targeted land destruction.

Force of Will = Free Counterspell . Gives protection from cards like Armageddon and Soulscour . It cost

Minousmancer on Younger Dryas

3 years ago


Terra Eternal = Protection from targeted land destruction.

Force of Will = Free Counterspell . Gives protection from cards like Armageddon and Soulscour .

Monomanamaniac on Avacyn's bombs

3 years ago

RiotRunner789 Soulscour is stupid expensive to cast, but it hits non-artifact lands, enchantments, and creatures. Soul Snare isn't too bad, but it's not really what I'm looking for. I appreciate the suggestion though, it's a decent card that'll go on my list of cards to think about

RiotRunner789 on Avacyn's bombs

3 years ago

When someone mentioned Soulscour it made me think of Soul Snare. It works better with recursion but it can be a great deterrent. I've seen multiple players leave a troublesome planewalker alone because they don't want to lose one of the two creatures they could attack with.

It may be worth considering if your meta has a tough time making choices or committing.

Monomanamaniac on Avacyn's bombs

3 years ago

Lanzo493 now Coalition Relic is a direct upgrade to Tooth of Ramos. I made the swap. Your suggestions have all worked out very nicely. DeinoStinkus thank you for the suggestions, those are decent options I'll consider them. My only gripe about them it's their cost, I don't run a way to cheat artifacts into play and if I'm going all in for one of those options I'll likely not have enough for a good board wipe that turn, potentially giving my opponents time to upset my combo. Thank you for noticing Soulscour though, it's a very evil board wipe that hits lands. Massacar I appreciate you taking the time to come up with some good suggestions. Ravnica at War is honestly a bit too narrow for me, most of the real staple commander cards are actually mono-colored, I did consider it but chose more pure wrath effects over it. Coercive Portal is actually very decent and I'll consider it, the only thing I don't like is giving your opponents the choice, out can make this a dead card sometimes. Endless Horizons is decent and I'll have to find some room for it. As per the graveyard hate, while I do run against a few graveyard decks I find that if I can just board wipe them away every turn then they're wasting resources trying to bring cards back and I'm usually getting 2 for 1 value on their cards, there's a few effects like Grave Pact and Living End that this deck can't overcome, and I'll look into your suggestions there as a way to combat that

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