Somberwald Beastmaster

Creature — Human Ranger

When this enters the battlefield, create a 2/2 green Wolf creature token, a 3/3 green Beast creature token and a 4/4 green Beast creature token.

Creature tokens you control have deathtouch.

PickleNutz on Werewolf Commander Deck

1 year ago

Master of the Wild Hunt, Somberwald Beastmaster, and Decimate may be fun to try out. Somberwald giving tokens deathtouch makes it way easier to sneak in damage. MotWH adds some recurring removal.

TogbusPrime on Welves - 1st Deck

2 years ago

This isn't Modern legal either. Hollowhenge Overlord, Somberwald Beastmaster, and Timberwatch Elf aren't legal in the format. Until you've narrowed in on how you want your ideal build to be, and it sounds like you're on the way there since you decided to focus on elves with this build, I'd set your format to Casual. Either way, this seems like a fun concept and I look forward to watching it evolve.

Back to the legality thing, though, it's a very confusing time to be starting out. Thanks to Wizards including Commander cards in normal booster packs of the new sets it can be hard to tell what's legal in Standard and even formats like Modern. It's especially confusing in Modern's case as it's an eternal format, but the new Commander cards aren't legal in it. A good rule of thumb is if the card's set symbol is different than the rest of the pack's set symbol then it's not legal in Standard OR Modern.

Helgrind on Tovolar

2 years ago

Ik denk niet dat Mana Flare en Dictate of Karametra veel voor je gaan doen, meer voor je tegenstanders. Daarnaast denk ik dat Fearless Pup, Ferocious Pup, Wandering Wolf en Young Wolf relatief zwak zijn.

Mogelijk includes zijn Unnatural Moonrise, Somberwald Beastmaster, Varis, Silverymoon Ranger, Arlinn, Voice of the Pack en Wolfcaller's Howl

Tovolar's Huntmaster  Flip, Immerwolf, Full Moon's Rise en Duskwatch Recruiter  Flip zouden voor mij autoincludes zijn.

Ze zijn bij cardmarket geloof ik allemaal goedkoper dan een euro, behalve Immerwolf, die is 1.50

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