Snapping Gnarlid

Creature — Beast

Landfall — Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, Snapping Gnarlid gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Boza on Aggro Munch

5 years ago

Seems a bit slow and - terrain elemental, hungry spriggan, young wolf (in this shell), mogg flunkies, seismic stomp, only 2 rancors - are all odd choices, . Now, first suggestions are a bit weird - add white. This will allow you access to two things - Wild Nacatl and since going three colors will necessitate fixing in the form of Evolving Wilds and Naya Panorama , you can include a landfall package as well in Plated Geopede , Steppe Lynx , Snapping Gnarlid , Makindi Sliderunner .

The blades are another option if you do not want to go 3 colors - Naya Hushblade , Jund Hackblade are some of the best creatures for this deck. To facilitate their multicolored-ness, add Wild Cantor instead of wolf for example. Another great GR addition is Giantbaiting .

slusken on Beginner's deck

5 years ago

You're very welcome, always fun to help out!

Harrow is a good card if you want to continue the landfall theme. Note that you can sacrifice one of the lands you already tapped for mana, That way you won't lose any unused mana.

I think Modern-casual is a great starting format, since you have a larger card pool than say standard, which will give you more flexibility when creating decks!

Now, since you're playing casual magic you don't need to spend a lot of money on great cards. There are really good commons, uncommons and even rares that are very cheap.

Some more things to consider when building decks: - A common mistake for newer players is to focus to much on your life total. The game is not lost until your life is at 0 (or if your library runs out of cards..). This means that as long as you have one point of life left, you're still in the game. Cards such as Grazing Gladehart is only good if you're already winning. It's landfall-ability is not very impactful, meaning it doesn't do much to affect the playing field.

  • Card advantage/card draw. You start with 7 cards in your hand and naturally draw one extra at the start of your turn. Now, say that you manage to play two or even three cards in the same turn. This means that you will have a net card-advantage of -2. The last thing you want is to rely on that one card draw each turn to get out of a situation (also called top-decking). If you have 5 cards in hand you'll possibly have answers to the opponents creatures and spells. But if you have no cards in your hand, your options are severely limited. So make sure you're able to draw extra cards to keep that hand filled up with juciy answers to what your opponent does!. River Hoopoe is a great example of a great card that generates good advantage. If you draw it early, you'll be able to play it turn 2 and do some damage or stall by blocking your opponents creatures. Late game, it's not a dead draw, since you can use it's ability to gain more cards and draw into an answer.

  • Removal is good! Cards such as Prey Upon is perfect for you, since it's a green card that can take care of creatures with evasion! It's also very good to Murder your opponents creature that he's invested several cards in, with just one card.

Bit of a long section, but in my opinion some very important points to keep in mind :)

As for more cards to fit into your deck (i'll try to keep the list on the cheaper side):

  • Rampaging Baloths - Great Landfall card!

  • Prey Upon - As mentioned above, Great removal!

  • Overrun - A great finisher, buffs all your creatures and gives them trample!

  • Llanowar Elves - Since most of your cards costs a bit of mana to play, having some creature based ramp is very good.

  • Scythe Leopard + Snapping Gnarlid - some solid landfall creatures that you can get out early.

  • Retreat to Kazandu - Again, landfall that either stabilizes your health if needed or gives your creatures a boon.

  • Think Twice - One of my favorite cheap card draws out there. You play it once to draw one card and can also play it again from the graveyard when you have some mana left!

  • Giant Growth - A perfect battle trick to buff your creatures, either to deal that extra 3 damage to the opponents life or to play in order for your creature to survive!

  • Vapor Snag - A cheap card to return your opponents creatures in order to squeeze some of your big hitters through. A bit better than unsummon, since your opponent loses 1 life as well!

  • Dissipate - Since you have access to blue, why not throw in some counters, to negate some of your opponents spells?

  • Arcane Flight - To give your landfall creatures flying..

These are only a few suggestions, but it might help you get some ideas on what to build!

Boza on Pauper Landfall

5 years ago

Now, there is a problem with landfall decks in pauper - the threats are few and far between. You have 2 creatures with landfall and 1 equipment. That is all. While to enable the theme, you run 24 lands and 10 more cards that enable more land drops. The ratio of payoff versus enablers is out of whack. A single land drop can enable more than one landfall creature. And you cannot even fit Lightning Bolt in there.

So, what to do? There are two options:

Which do you want me to elaborate on?

Dalektable on Archetype: Zoo

6 years ago

Boza Austin_Smith_of_Cards Thanks for the feedback guys! While very powerful at times, I do believe the landfall package to be falling short for me. I think I am going to play around with these changes and see how they work for me, and tweak from there.

-4 Makindi Sliderunner

-4 Snapping Gnarlid

-1 Terramorphic Expanse

+1 Plains

+1 Forest

+3 Horned Kavu

+4 Keldon Marauders

Austin_Smith_of_Cards on Archetype: Zoo

6 years ago

Cool to see more Pauper lists on this site. Looks like a really cool brew; can't say much here since I'm not super familiar with the Pauper metagame, and my LGS doesn't offer anything Pauper. I'd just be wondering how well your list functions on 19 lands.

One suggestion I can offer is Plated Geopede over Snapping Gnarlid. It trades an initial 2/2 body for a 1/1 first striker, but gets a bigger buff on landfall, making it probably the superior choice.

Zygomatic on Ramunap Earthquake (HOU)

7 years ago

Hey, thanks for leaving a comment! :) I don't plan on playing bilands as they can't be tutored with Evolving Wilds and i only need green mana until turn 4: once i have Ramunap Excavator and Evolving Wilds played i basically can't miss a landdrop, with 2 landfall triggers each turn. Chump blocking early should not be hard with the help of Undergrowth Champion. I thought about Rhonas the Indomitable too, but it turns out he doesn't help with the game plan: he won't be able to defend early and once I have a creature with 4 power I already have enough lands to grow out of control. I'm actually having doubts about my ability to tempo the early game as I still haven't playtested the deck. I could go more aggro by getting rid of Dragonmaster Outcast, Sylvan Advocate and Tireless Tracker for things like Scythe Leopard, Grove Rumbler or Snapping Gnarlid. I also am a lot more sceptical about Swell of Growth after seeing a few oppening hands. I'll give a few tries to Akoum Stonewaker, Retreat to Kazandu and Slab Hammer. Anyway I'll keep an eye open for further HOD spoilers.

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