Smash to Smithereens

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Smash to Smithereens


Destroy target artifact. Smash to Smithereens deals 3 damage to that artifact's controller.

heckproof on Boros of Destiny

9 months ago

Hey! I did some play testing of this deck (love me some aggro) and one thing I noticed is that your deck is really, really weak to Chalice of the Void. I ran this deck up against some of the top decks in Modern, and any deck with Chalice almost completely shut this down. If you've never considered it, I'd suggest adding either Wear / Tear or Smash to Smithereens in the sideboard. And while I actually really like Patrician's Scornfor how spicy it is, I don't know if you have enough white sources to consistently cast it.

Those are just some quick observations, but do what you want!

Icbrgr on Mono Red Rush

11 months ago

This looks like is really coming along nicely! I'm curious how Bomat Courier is performing for you? I have always been afraid to try it myself.... Underworld Breach is an amazing idea too!

I also see you are really heavy on the 1 drops.... I dont know if Chalice of the Void is in your meta or not but id Highly suggest Smash to Smithereens as a sideboard option.

colinplaysmagic89 on $60 Mono Red Prowess with Upgrade Path to Murktide

1 year ago

I threw together the sideboard for the $60 version based on what I could fit into the budget, but here's a general explanation of the sideboard choices:

Abrade Abrade doubles as a removal spell against creature decks and artifact hate against decks like Hammertime, Affinity, and Hardened Scales. While you can also snag a turn one Amulet of Vigor on the draw against Titan, this might be too slow. Abrade also deals with Chalice of the Void

Dragon's Claw Whenever you are in a matchup where you need to race, Dragon's Claw gains you a ton of life. Bring it in in the mirror and against burn, for sure.

Kozilek's Return This card serves a few different purposes. Because it only deals two damage, your prowess creatures will survive the spell, meaning you can use this to clear the board in matchups like Hammertime, Yawgmoth, or Creature based decks. But the spell is also colorless, meaning that it can kill creatures with protection from Red like Sanctifier en-Vec

Smash to Smithereens This gives us some extra reach against hammer and burn while also destroying their shadowspear or getting rid of an artifact blocker.

Unholy Heat This is a removal spell for matchups like Yawgmoth where we need to get through blockers or anything where we need to kill something. This can also take care of a primiveal titan if we have delirium.

Pyrite Spellbomb This card is more Sanctifier En-Vec protection.

Tormod's Crypt Zero mana graveyard hate. Because it's zero mana, it also is good for getting prowess/delirum triggers.

Soul-Guide Lantern One mana graveyard hate that gets past leyline of sanctity, or deals with a single target in the graveyard and then cantrips.

wallisface on Goblins Whack!!!

1 year ago

You have a bunch of cards here that don't belong in a mainboard - they're sideboard cards. If you're playing with a sideboard, then they should go there. You never want these cards to ever be in a mainboard. They are: Dragon's Claw, Pyrite Spellbomb, Tormod's Crypt, Smash to Smithereens, and Leyline of Combustion. I would also suggest that Flame Slash is a really dubious choice for a card.

xtechnetia on Whats the "best" burn deck?

2 years ago

I think it's been firmly established that Boros burn is the best in a Modern context. The strengths of Helix and Charm are fairly self-explanatory. Not to mention, for burn, cards that don't do damage are pretty much last resort sideboard cards, and white handles that better than black with its famed suite of silver bullets and universal answers.

Bump is alright but it's generally weaker than either of Helix and Charm. Black's other offerings are not really of interest to burn - they're more for grindy decks that want to trade x-for-1, which is the opposite of burn's gameplay (literally throwing cards to the wind in order to eventually kill you).

Revelry is a nice card and I have seen Naya burn once or twice, but Smash to Smithereens covers half of the functionality without needing to splash, and enchantments that need to be destroyed by burn are a rare sight. Maybe if everyone was playing bogles or something (maindeck Leyline of Sanctity? yikes) burn would play Revelry, but then it's far more likely burn just wouldn't be played, lol.

Green's other offerings are just outdated. Red has a near monopoly on premier aggro creatures in Modern. Maybe at the inception of Modern something like Wild Nacatl was alright (?), but Theros brought Eidolon of the Great Revel, Tarkir brought Monastery Swiftspear, and if that wasn't enough burn would probably run MH2 critters before even thinking about splashing into green.

Blue being added to burn usually means something's horribly wrong in Modern (it was done in the Treasure Cruise and Oko eras, to give you an idea). Generally speaking, blue's offerings subtly shift burn into more of a prowess-style deck because cantrips are nearly useless to pure burn (that's mana you could have spent doing actual damage instead) and counterspells have the same issue as discard: it's mana and cards spent trading, when burn doesn't want to trade, just kill you before trading is relevant.

For non-Boros burn decks to be good, I think Modern needs to change in a noticeable way. For example, Legacy burn tends to be mono-R because of the presence of cards like Wasteland and Price of Progress, both of which are unlikely to ever enter Modern.

patmurphy1986 on Lathliss Commander

2 years ago

Ok here is my take on the budget side. TLDR: Land total and Ramp increased. A lot of subpar removal taken out, and better ones put in. Some cheaper dragons/shapeshifters added to smooth out curve and provide cheap dragon drops for commander ability. Most importantly is added some value for getting extra dragons from cards, either by creating tokens or playing them for free from hand/deck. Added in 3 additional wincons similar to Terror of the Peaks to make it easier to win just by populating board and swinging in. Note that the wincons also can serve as creature removal, which is why so many of the outs are instant/sorcery removals

wallisface on Forged Execution (Gruul Land-Hate)

2 years ago

I think there will be matchups where Splinter has its place, but i think the majority of the time it won’t be the case - though your meta may vary (i’m from a very competitive background, so the games usually close-to-already- decided by the time someone has the mana to cast this). Having as a sideboard option seems like a better decision, as it means you can bring it in for the games it matters, instead of being stuck with it the games it doesn’t.

I think Smash to Smithereens is a fine card, and good in this deck. I’d only thought of dropping a single copy to make room for the other mentioned spells.

As for the lands, the scry-lands are always better than the lifegain lands. 1 life seldom matters but being able to fix your draw often will. But if you’re looking to invest in a better land i’d suggest Copperline Gorge - it is a little pricier, but it’s much more useful and’ll generally go up in price over time, so’ll be a better use of your money.

As for the original question, imo Rust Scarab is better than Sunder Shaman (though i wouldn’t run more than 2). Your mana base isn’t tuned enough to cater for the stupid requirements of the Shaman.

MortisAngelus on Forged Execution (Gruul Land-Hate)

2 years ago


Hey! Thank you so much for the extensive feedback! You make a lot of good points!

However, I think you underestimate the power Splinter brings. Being able to remove all win cons from a combo deck or removing all basic lands of one type is what really makes ppl hate it. But I have been considering bringing the count down to 3.

I am surprised about you also not liking Smash to Smithereens; I see your point with always having a destruction card, but ultimately, the end goal is to kill the opponent, not just control them. So killing a permanent and pinging them 3 seems like a win-win imho. Or?

Ancient Stirrings is definitely something I must try to insert here. I have played against it; how have I not realized how good it would be here?..

And Barrier Breach I have already considered for side board. :) Gotta deal with those pesky God-creatures.

Ultimately, 4x Rootbound Crag is what I want for this deck. I am considering switching the Kazandu Refuge cards for the scry-equivalent cards instead. But we'll see.

But we never solved the original question, if you left the deck as it is for now, and only thought about Sunder Shaman vs Rust Scarab , which one would you insert?

Anyway, thanks a lot for all the feedback! Have a lot to think about now.

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