Simic Signet

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Simic Signet


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seshiro_of_the_orochi on Ploogak Conquers

2 weeks ago

This is right in my wheelhouse. Great job! Frog is one of the types I hadn't found the shtick for, yet. So seeing this is what I needed. I'll copy this and change it up a little, mind if I do? Thanks a lotfor the creative work.

Looking at your mana curve, maybe some powerful curver-topper might be useful. I see the playset Simic Signet and the 21 cards on your 2-slot, and I give to you Froghemoth. It's a great attacker that handles problematic graveyards, and he either becomes enormous or gains you a ton of life.

joni1707x on Merfolks Counting

8 months ago

Rasaru Thank you for commenting and giving me some advice. I really appreciate this!

For my budget, I would like to include some cards that cost about 10€ each, in total I would say I can afford about 100€ +/-20 (the lesser the better).

After testing the Deck for my own, I agree that my manabase needs some fixes. I ordered some cards to upgrade this a bit (see below).

As I am trying to put as many counters on my board as possible, I feel, that the creatures that do not create tokens like Kumena's Speaker, could be excluded?

I got some pending deliveries. Here are the cards that I bought to upgrade it:

Lord of Atlantis, Master of the Pearl Trident, Snakeskin Veil, Realmwalker, Double Major, Forced Adaptation, Kiora, Master of the Depths, Deeproot Champion, Merfolk Skydiver, Primal Empathy, Vastwood Fortification  Flip, Oversimplify, Tangled Islet, Flooded Grove, Rejuvenating Springs, Utopia Sprawl, Dreamroot Cascade, Talisman of Curiosity, Simic Signet, Hadana's Climb  Flip, Barkchannel Pathway  Flip, Svyelun of Sea and Sky, Windswept Heath

I am not sure what to exclude and what to include.. (fyi I am playing for half a year, Thank you in advance!

MrHighscore on The Dirty Dozen II

8 months ago

Hmm, Cultivate and Kodama's Reach are very inconvenient with their 3 CMC. That is the round I'd like to put Atraxa on the table.

I will replace with some 2CMC, and I'm considering Sakura-Tribe Elder and Simic Signet.

Also not at all sure if Smothering Tithe is any good in this deck. Considering replacing it with another 2CMC rock like Selesnya Signet

redeyeswizard on Lucea Kane's Hydra Farm

11 months ago

I've made maybe 10-15 changes from the original build to include more mana from artifacts and a couple lands like :Gruul Signet; Mana Crypt; Simic Signet; Taiga; Tropical Island; Volcanic Island. Came to include Benefactor's Draught. For 2 mana I can UN-tap my commander and any other creatures that may have abilities that can also UN-tap her for when you really want to get nasty numbers in copies off one specific spell while also drawing at least one card. The small downfall is the creature UN-tap for everyone, but this deck benefits so much more as long as a counter spell doesn't catch your target X spell in the end. Can't remember everything ive swapped out and in as a lot of it happened while i was tired but i tried to remove anything that would slow down the deck while trying to get faster access to Magus Lucea Kane and more pop off directed towards her spell/ability copy.

thefiresoflurve on

2 years ago

You're in color for it, so: Harmonize / Colossal Majesty -> Rhystic Study. It's cheaper/equal cost, and usually nets at least three cards before getting blown up, or taxes 3 cards' worth of casting prevention.

Palladium Myr -> Growth Spiral Yes, your mana curve is a little high. It's still not advisable to run colorless mana sources in a 3-color deck without good reason (e.g. Ghost Quarter).

Your ramp, overall, is really weak, so there are some cuts we can make: The Magic Mirror -> Arcane Signet. Yes, Magic Mirror is kinda fun, especially when that once in a blue moon hits and you can cast it for free. But that's so unlikely... Also, you should remove 3 islands for: Gruul Signet, Simic Signet, and Izzet Signet. Tuktuk Rubblefort can come out for Farseek. (There are better sources of haste in red we can add in later).

There are a couple kind of unique interesting cards that I want to address the math of: First, Rishkar's Expertise. Right now, your deck has 48 valid targets for it. Of those, you're hopefully going to cast at least 3 by the time you get to have 6 mana up, leaving 45. Of those, you have 2 sorceries which are uncastable (not sure about Ancestral Vision - I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now). You also have 2 uncastable instants, leaving 41. Of those, 5 are some kind of counter/change target spell, which you can't really use at sorcery speed in a sane manner. Leaves 36 usable cards, so honestly I think it's fine. Now, Rishkar's expertise itself is going to be a dead card a lot of the time because you only have 18 creatures, soooo there's that. I wouldn't run it with less than 25, personally.

In a similar vein: Spellbinder. Super interesting, fun card. However, you have a few cards that are unusable with it: anything with X in its cost (3) and any counters/change target spells (5), leaves 19 valid targets, and you really don't want to bank on not getting your ramp spells (5) early.

those are just the changes I see at a glance that I'd make. I may think of more/better ones later. Happy building!

TypicalTimmy on DragonForce - Through the Fire and Flames

2 years ago

I just resolved a Turn 5 win thanks to the Godhand of Ancient Tomb, Mana Crypt and Simic Signet all in the opening. Got Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm on the battlefield T3, after I dropped a Sulfur Falls on T2 and played Temur Ascendancy. Got Garruk's Uprising and Mirrym out T3. T4 I landed a Dragonborn Champion and drew an insane amount of cards between 2x ETB effects for Temur Ascendancy and Garruk's Uprising, as well as the 2x 5+ damage trigger when Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm connected.

Turn 5, I got Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient in play and, with haste, swung for 28 total damage power between those two and my Commander. Each Klauth drew me 1 card for Ascendancy and Uprising, or 4 cards in total. Then, when Miirym connected, I drew an additional 2 cards, one for each Dragonborn Champion.

I tapped my remaining two sources of mana and floated 30 in my post-combat main phase since Klauth doesn't have mana empty as steps and phases end.

With 30 mana and a stupid amount of cards, I cast and resolved (since Temur Ascendancy makes my creature spells unable to be countered), Adrix and Nev, Twincasters.

From here, Terror of the Peaks, after a Flameshadow Conjuring. What ended up happening is the OG Peaks ETB and Miirym makes a token. Twincasters doubles this. With all of my draw and damage on the stack awaiting to resolve, I put Flameshadow Conjuring on the stack, making a token copy of the OG Peaks, that Twincaster then doubled - again.

So, the last two Terror of the Peaks each draw a card for Garruk's Uprising and Temur Ascendancy. That is 4 cards in total.

Next up, these two Terror of the Peaks see each other ETB, and deal damage equal to the other's power to any target. That is 5 damage that Token A deals because it sees Token B, and 5 damage that Token B deals, because it sees Token A.

Well... 5 or more damage was dealt. So, Dragonborn Champion now draws a card for both Token A and Token B. But then, the Dragonborn Champion TOKEN also draws a card. So, 4 cards in total.

Now we move to resolve OG Terror as well as Token 1 and Token 2 that Twincaster made.

All 3 of these saw the Token A and Token B ETB. So, each of these 3 are doing to deal 5 damage for Token A, as well as 5 damage for Token B.

That's another 2 draws each. So OG Dragonborn Champion sees OG Terror of the Peaks deal damage, Token 1 and Token 2 deal damage. Each, for Token A and Token B. That is a grand total of 5 draws.

But then recall, Dragonborn Champion token also sees all of this, so 5 more draws.

But my friends, it gets so much worse. Because since OG, Token 1 and Token 2 all ETB at the same time, they will all see each other, as well. So OG deals damage thanks to T1 and T2. T1 deals damage thanks to OG as well as T2. And lastly T2 deals damage for OG and T1.

And yes, more draws for Dragonborn Champion, as well as Temur Ascendancy and Garruk's Uprising.

Now that I have 46 total cards in hand, I still have something like 16 mana left. So I cast Scourge of Valkas and aim to copy the OG with Miirym, Sentinel Wyrm, Adrix and Nev, Twincasters and Flameshadow Conjuring.

At this point, there's no need to get into the insane amount of draw anymore because I can stack it such that the Valkus mirrors close out the game, if the five Terror of the Peaks didn't already.

Yup, guys I have a new favorite deck.

Cheiromancer on Economic cycle-mill Pezzent! (10/12 Euro/$)

2 years ago

Also, I would recommend Quicksand in place of Cryptic Caves. I think it is more likely you'll want want to give -1/-2 to an attacking non-flier than to use its draw a card ability. After four lands I tend to scry away other lands in favor of enchantments or cards I can cycle.

Bag of Holding is worth looking at. It might be better than Simic Signet. Especially since it lets you cycle your cards more than once. Mazemind Tome or Mnemonic Sphere are possibilities, but I think Bag of Holding is better.

bushido_man96 on Close the beaches #seamonsters

2 years ago

If you're looking to capitalize on the landfall theme more, I recommend more land ramp to get the triggers. I'd ditch the Simic Signet for another spell like Nature's Lore or Kodama's Reach/Cultivate. I'd ditch Jungle Basin and Coral Atoll for some other fetch lands like Bant Panorama and Naya Panorama. Gush is a fantastic draw spell in a deck like this. Psychosis Crawler is a great payoff for drawing a bunch of cards.

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