Sight of the Scalelords


At the beginning of combat on your turn, creatures you control with toughness 4 or greater get +2/+2 and gain vigilance until end of turn.

DarkKiridon on The Walls are closing in!!!

4 months ago

Interesting thing to note is that using Sight of the Scalelords makes Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive useless, unfortunately.

lhetrick13 on Elemental Rage - Exploding Tokens!

1 year ago

TheMeadiator - This looks very fun! A Landfall deck that is built not around overwhelming opponents but sacrificing to deal direct damage...unique take!

I had never seen Canopy Cover before...that is nice for decks as not much outside of Blue grants Flying.

Some suggestions is dropping Utopia Sprawl for more traditional land ramp like Nature's Lore. Great card but I found it to be sub-par in Commander but in say Modern, Utopia Sprawl is great! Sight of the Scalelords is easily outclassed by Unnatural Growth, same goes for Vessel of Volatility against some of the spells that do the same thing that are not artifacts as those can be destroyed. Font of Fertility also seems a little lackluster and could be replaced for something similar but better. Lastly, I love Kessig Wolf Run for its ability to double down and really do some damage, might be a good replacement for Skarrg, the Rage Pits.

AramirCR on Arcades, goes to Wallmart

1 year ago

Loving the name, 10/10 haha

I built a similar themed deck recently, and one of the cards I've enjoyed the most once stuff is rolling is Sight of the Scalelords.

Also, Wall of Stolen Identity has been a life-saver at times.

I'm a tad confused by the Orator of Ojutai though, doesnt feel like it provides tons of sinergy

carpecanum on Ultimate Spider Tribal(WIP)

1 year ago

Brave the Sands, Knighthood (maybe), Sight of the Scalelords (especially if you throw in something to boost your little guys just a touch).

Aligned Hedron Network.

Sacred Armory would let you pump creatures after blocking phase or boost an opponents creature so it can't block at all

ACapo18 on Jared Carthalion, True Monarch

1 year ago

EvolutionBaby Yeah, Ajani, the Greathearted is a great passive: plus if they hit Ajani, you retain the monarchy. Always Watching is kinda okay, but better if you had more creatures, and Thraben Watcher is pretty much the same thing. Brave the Sands is a huge one, especially for blockers. Scion of Draco can be expensive at six mana, but very powerful for Jared. Sight of the Scalelords is a buff, but only if Jared is big enough. Those are my top recommendations, but especially Brave the Sands

Ziusdra on Thantis Spider Tribal

1 year ago

Missing a few spider-themed cards... Llanowar Greenwidow is the newest spider to be printed (helpful for the self-mill subtheme of spiders). Don't forget about Ettercap and Drider if you're just trying to collect 'em all.

It's a little costly for a fun/jank deck, but Arachnogenesis kicks up the spider theme a notch. I put Eaten by Spiders and Curse of Clinging Webs in my spider deck since there are always creatures dying and always flying creatures to kill in 4-player games.

Assault Formation and Sight of the Scalelords can help close games, even if the art isn't specifically spider-themed. (I would pay money for alt-art proxies that had these with spider-themed art tho...)

Finally, you need some lands for consistency... since this is a budget deck, consider Jund Panorama, Savage Lands, Foreboding Ruins, and Game Trail.

Max_Hammer on I Can Tango, I Can Walltz

1 year ago

Hey, carpecanum, thanks for the comment!

Odric, Lunarch Marshal is going in immediately. Minding him, I think there's some other walls I could add in to make his ability that much stronger.

I've seen Wave of Reckoning in pretty much every Arcades deck I researched and slowly but surely I'm coming around to adding it.

As for Sight of the Scalelords, that would mess up some of my other cards like Slaughter the Strong, Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive, and Fell the Mighty. Besides, I already have four things (if you include Odric) to give vigilance.

carpecanum on I Can Tango, I Can Walltz

1 year ago

Wave of Reckoning, Sight of the Scalelords

Odric, Lunarch Marshal can be dropped to suddenly give all your walls (at least) Flying and Vigilance if Arcades is on the board.

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