Shattering Spree


Replicate (When you cast this spell, copy it for each time you paid its replicate cost. You may choose new targets for the copies.)

Destroy target artifact.

Kavle on Jester's Knowledge

7 months ago

So I probably should of mentioned some of the problems with the deck lol.

  1. Ok, yes Knowledge Pool is a cast trigger, so it wouldn't trigger if the spell is already cast. This is a problem with specifically Knowledge Pool and Prototype Portal. In order do both in 1 turn would cost 10 mana and would only happen as fast as turn 4 if you have Tron active with 2 towers. So more than likely you would be getting this combo if portal was under a pool to begin with or beyond turn 4.

  2. This would still be a lock then, either cast Bronze Bombshell and take 7 or let your spell be ate by the pool.

  3. This is true, but my other modern deck right now is Izzit Coin Flip, so I'll take that chance. :P

  4. Now I forgot about Boseiju, Who Endures. And Shattering Spree may still go under the pool, but it's replicated copies would be a problem. As you said will need to find solutions for this. Spellskite would work I guess. Oh yeah and to fit the theme, Jester's Cap could hit 3 Boseiju lol (I don't this this is good). And Pithing Needle can stop Boseiju also since it's an activated ability. This is just off the top of my head.

  5. I just wanna lol

I'm trying to go through and see other things that are problems and if I would have to choose one it would be that Mystifying Maze only hits attacking creatures that the OP has, so I can't use it to temporarily get rid of Soulless Jailer so I can cast noncreature spells. The only thing that comes to head atm is Endless Sands, but I don't like that. Will be looking for something for that as well.

psionictemplar on Jester's Knowledge

7 months ago

Original, yes. Do I like it, yes. Does it work, not exactly. Here's a couple things to consider.

  1. If knowledge pool isn't in play before an opponent casts a spell, making a copy of pool with prototype portal won't trigger the pool to exile it. (Pretty sure about this but I highly recommend asking a judge for confirmation.)

  2. An opponent doesn't have to cast a spell with the knowledge pool as it has a "may" in it. So the likelihood of getting them to cast a bronze bombshell is unlikely. Now obviously you could cast it and be perfectly fine, but I expect that is not your original intentions. But if they never cast anything else, that's a win right lol.

  3. Since you don't get to control what knowledge pool exiles there are consistency concerns.

  4. The most likely problem cards you will have to combat will be Boseiju, Who Endures and a minor possibility of Shattering Spree. If you make a sideboard, I suggest looking for potential counters to these. If I think of something, I will let you know.

  5. Prototype portal and jester's scepter seem like a fun win con but might be too slow.

Trapdoorspyder on Rowan's Cruisin'

1 year ago

If you're on an especially tight budget, Shattering Spree, Mercurial Spelldancer and Arclight Phoenix are the three biggest cuts you can make. Depending on your local meta, Shattering Spree may not be super useful anyways. Replacements could be basically any cheap card draw.

RinceRaven on krenko

1 year ago

Alright alright so I got asked to give a bunch of suggestions so here we go. Hoo boy. Gonna try to keep most suggestions low on budget but will include the best slightly expensive cards. Should also mention I got a lot of things I know from this primer, cheers.

First the draw pieces you missed: Rundvelt Hordemaster, Dark-Dweller Oracle, Skullclamp, Subira, Tulzidi Caravanner, Reforge the Soul, Conspicuous Snoop, You Find Some Prisoners. The only actual good ones you got in this draft are Idol of Oblivion and Wheel of Misfortune imo, though most are servicable.

Tutors: these beauties can find your best wincons or draw pieces or whatever else you might need most of the time. Goblin Engineer, Goblin Matron, Goblin Recruiter. And are surprisingly affordable.

Next up ramp: Mana doublers are too slow for a deck as fast as Krenko, and you don't have the card draw to support such cards in mono-red. Not really. Also with the 4 mana commander having 2 mana ramp becomes much, much more valued. Cheering Fanatic, Liquimetal Torque, Generator Servant, Wily Goblin, Infernal Plunge, Fire Diamond (Yes I know, I think it's fine here).

Haste: Giving Krenko (and his tokens) haste literally puts you a turn ahead over not having it. Crashing Drawbridge, Ashling's Prerogative (Even gives tokens haste too), Generator Servant (multipurpose? Whoa), Goblin Chieftain, Goblin Motivator, Lightning Greaves, Mass Hysteria, Thousand-Year Elixir (tad pricey but repeatable Krenko seems good) Bloodlust Inciter.

Wincons: gotta end the game somehow. Combo's are good: Breath of Fury, Staff of Domination, Thornbite Staff, Umbral Mantle are the best combo lines for Krenko afaik. If not/next to combo, we have good old damage: Coat of Arms, Eldrazi Monument, Impact Tremors, Obelisk of Urd, Skirk Fire Marshal, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Shared Animosity, Devilish Valet, Quest for the Goblin Lord, Throne of the God-Pharaoh.

If we let our opponents do whatever they want we'll have trouble winning, even with our speed. Luckily red has quite some options. Don't forget Liquimetal Torque can turn things into artifacts so we can shoot them easier. Abrade, Chaos Warp, Gempalm Incinerator (great removal spell, terrible creature), Goblin Assassin (wipes the floor with creature decks), Goblin Bombardment, Goblin Cratermaker, Goblin Sharpshooter, Goblin Trashmaster, Goblin Welder (hits opponents too), Mogg Salvage, Pashalik Mons, Skirk Fire Marshal (your board survives this with Coat of Arms or Eldrazi Monument), Furystoke Giant, Shattering Spree, better than Vandalblast, Wild Magic Surge.

Best Utility Lands: Great Furnace, Buried Ruin, Path of Ancestry, Castle Embereth.

I'm tired and my brain is dying so here's a dump of things I forgot or for didn't have a place to mentioned yet :)

Heirloom Blade, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Blood Moon, Brash Taunter, Impulsive Pilferer, Jeska's Will, Goblin Chirurgeon, Goblin Sledder, Mogg Raider, Pyroblast, Red Elemental Blast, Tibalt's Trickery, Mogg War Marshal, Legion Loyalist, Legion Warboss, Brash Taunter, Fable of the Mirror-Breaker  Flip, Hobgoblin Bandit Lord, Muxus, Goblin Grandee (idk at what math this is good I'm sure someone did it already somewhere on the internet), Siege-Gang Commander, Zo-Zu the Punisher, Goblin Ringleader, Goblin Piledriver, Arms Dealer, Grotag Night-Runner, Goblin King (get 5th or 6th edition art btw).

Good luck on figuring things out. I'm off to bed

tylorlilley on Parnesse Politics

2 years ago

I think Spelltwine doesn't work with your commander, because you are copying the cards and casting them instead of copying the spell. If that's right than Mizzix's Mastery and Arcane Bombardment also wouldn't work, sadly. Maybe they are good enough to keep anyway? Not sure. Cards with the Cipher mechanic are also so close to working but I don't think they do. This is actually kind of hard to brew around! Ugh, God-Eternal Kefnet wouldn't work either, ew.

Immolating Gyre and Volcanic Vision are really good boardwipes in a spells-y deck... as is Cyclonic Rift, which you definitely should still run. In fact, all the overload spells are pretty sweet here, since they only target things you don't control, so if you copy them opponent's can't even pay the 4 life to hit one of your things. Makes Vandalblast and friends possibly worth it.

Radiate is such a fun card that could do some real crazy things here! Shoutout to Radiant Performer as well.

Sublime Epiphany and Volcanic Offering Might not be good enough here.

I really like Narset's Reversal, Split Decision, and the demonstrate cards in this deck! Obviously Twinning Staff is fun here too.

It will be interesting to see if Lithoform Engine or Pyromancer's Goggles will be good enough here (I like Primal Amulet  Flip). Maybe more spells that copy spells are better than these chunkier repeatable ones? Things like Galvanic Iteration or Reiterate if you like the buyback better. Or Increasing Vengeance for the beefier flashback. Hell, if its politics Bonus Round could be really fun. Chef's Kiss is a newer one that I forgot about

Maybe this is the kind of deck where Thrilling Encore shines?

Is Stunning Reversal here to try and copy and save other people with?? Seems like it may not be good enough when you have access to blue for card draw/protection anyway.

I've found the expertise cycle (Baral's Expertise, Yahenni's Expertise, maybe not Kari Zev's Expertise) to be really fun with spell copying, since they in turn let you cast more spells themselves.

I wish, as I always do, that Cloven Casting wasn't soooo bad. Or like, any of the cards with Replicate. Those would be so perfect. Maybe Shattering Spree is good enough but I think it isn't. Ugh, that makes me think about how you're definitely supposed to play storm cards in this deck. Are there any storm cards that aren't miserable? Mind's Desire maybe...

Is Charmbreaker Devils good enough?

Wild Ricochet is an oldie but maybe enough of a goodie here with the copying theme?

Harmonic Prodigy since your commander is a wizard isn't a terrible idea...

Humble Defector might be too cute.

Gotta have Rakdos Charm! Honestly there might be other charms that are worth it to like Crosis's Charm, but definitely Rakdos Charm.

Cruel Ultimatum is the ultimate chunky spell and you're even in the right colors for it!

Also Chaos Warp is still good enough as universal instant speed removal and kind of fun/politics-y as well

ClockworkSwordfish on

2 years ago

I can't help but notice you have zero ways to deal with noncreature permanents! Trying to win while ignoring them is a possibility, but it would be a major drag to be shut down by something like Meekstone, Teferi's Moat or Grave Pact.

I'd strongly consider making room for a few answers to such cards - some of the premiere choices include Hull Breach, Nature's Claim, Ancient Grudge, Krosan Grip and Shattering Spree. Sticking more to the creature side of things, some good options include Reclamation Sage, Outland Liberator  Flip, Thrashing Brontodon, Viridian Zealot, World Breaker and the blanket-answer Bane of Progress. Hopefully some of these cards can help dig you out of tight situations in the future!

Gilbobaggins on Inferno Titan's Jinxed Artifact Collection

2 years ago

Necrogen Spellbomb I use as a cheap turn 2 card draw. I completely forgot about Shattering Spree I will definitely toss 4 of them in. Bazaar trader was in my sideboard incase someone pithing needle or spyglass my idols. I do find myself more often then not needing idols or traders. I'm just a fan of idols when I am able to give them to my opponents and they have no lands cast creatures to return idol to me

zapyourtumor on Inferno Titan's Jinxed Artifact Collection

2 years ago

Shattering Spree

Don't really understand the Bazaar Trader Jinxed Idol package here, don't really understand Necrogen Spellbomb either. I would much rather have 4x Lightning Bolt .

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