Serra Ascendant

Creature — Human Monk

Lifelink (Damage dealt by this creature also causes you to gain that much life.)

As long as you have 30 or more life, Serra Ascendant gets +5/+5 and has flying.

Caran_Lyg on Angel lifegain feast festival

3 months ago

I like your deck but cards that reduce your creatures cost are too slow. I see you got Serra Ascendant on your maybeboard, in my opionion that card is a better choice than Starnheim Aspirant even though it might take up to 3 turns before you get it big. I use to have Speaker of the Heavens on my deck. A lot of the times it’s going to be a brick in your hand unless you get 7 life quickly before the opponent immediately starts killing you. You’re better off with more life generators like Soul's Attendant which also gains you life if Righteous Valkyrie is in your board first and then gives you life every time a creature on both sides enter the battlefield. Another one too is Diamond Mare since you’re also mono-white.

Azoth2099 on Oloro, Where Art Thou?

1 year ago


Great Commander choice, dude, greatly underrated nowadays imho.

I'll get right to it. Considering that they also translate into card draw, I'd have to recommend an abundance of low-cost Lifegain effects. Archivist of Oghma, Serra Ascendant, Soul's Attendant, Soul Warden, Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, Leonin Elder, Profane Memento, Spectrum Sentinel, Authority of the Consuls & Blind Obedience will trigger often. Zuran Orb allows you to just straight up turn your excess Lands into card advantage mid-late game, provided you tap them for mana before you sacrifice them. Not bad for a 0-drop.

Some higher costed stuff like Kambal, Consul of Allocation, Queza, Augur of Agonies, Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, Life Insurance, Shabraz, the Skyshark & Sunscorch Regent will all draw you a bunch of cards.

As far as winning goes, there are a few combos that work intrinsically with what the deck is already trying to do. I see you're running Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood as one of your WinCons, so you're off to a good start. Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista fits here, as does Aetherflux Reservoir + Bolas's Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top. All of these combos can be easily Tutored within Esper, with the only dead card being Walking Ballista. "Dead" meaning it's useless on it's own, not that it's hard to Tutor.

Speaking of Aetherflux Reservoir & Bolas's Citadel, using your Life as a resource is obviously a good strategy here since you'll be gaining so much of it no matter how you build this one. Greed, Unfulfilled Desires, Phyrexian Processor, Phyrexian Reclamation & Defiler of Faith are good examples. Necropotence & Ad Nauseam obviously exists as well. You could also run stuff like Razaketh, the Foulblooded & Vilis, Broker of Blood, but that would require a Reanimator strategy...

Other than that I'd probably add some more Tutors & Ramp for your combos, & more protection for Oloro, Ageless Ascetic.


ChaseyK on

1 year ago

wallisface Thanks for the tips. I suppose this really should've been labeled as Casual rather than Modern.

Regardless of the label, you're right that the curve is too high. I think I can cut the Debtors' Knells, Deathbringer Lieges and the Honden, and swap them out with some combination of Children of Korlis, Soul Warden and Serra Ascendant. All would work well with the Sanguine Bond.

Maybe Edge of the Divinity too to get a similar effect of the Deathbringer Liege for much cheaper.

RCD2023 on Lathiel, Who Blots Out the Sun

1 year ago

hello rakdosrunner!!

i really enjoyed the enforce that u had describing the deck and the mechanics.

i'm playing Lathiel for a long long time and i'm updating him a lot since then.

all the cards that u described i alredy test it, some of then still in the deck but mostly i had cut from the deck in order to be fastier and be more "Go for the troat" (my playgroup dont play easy haha).

firstly i wanna say the awesome cards that i wouldn't dare to touch that u metion before: Aetherflux Reservoir Authority of the Consuls Mangara, the Diplomat True Conviction Worldly Tutor Teferi's Protection Ozolith, the Shattered Spire Branching Evolution Light of Promise Well of Lost Dreams Scholar of New Horizons Tribute to the World Tree Esper Sentinel

it took me a long time to get this deck better and i still getting some frustations but if you like to consider, here some tips of cards to be implemented in order to have a better experience with it: ( mostly of this cards i proxed it because i dont wanna spend a lot of money and because i dont have a headache changing they every 2 months when wizards bring some new things )

starting with the nasty combos :

God Mode ( infinity mana + infinity draw :D ) : Argothian Elder or Priest of Titania + Quirion Ranger+ Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Beast Whisperer with Eternal Witness in the deck u can even cast your grave again

Lathiel Gatling Gun: Walking Ballista + Heliod, Sun-Crowned or Cleric Class

“Life moves pretty fast..” — Ferris Bueller’s Spike Feeder + Light of Promise

ramp : Marwyn, the Nurturer : counters will get him a good ramp Mirari's Wake : awesome ramp Land Tax: can save you in early game Burgeoning : get ahead Priest of Titania : every elf in the battlefield Exploration : get ahead again Arbor Elf : very good with Selesnya Sanctuary or some mana that u need Mana Reflection: awesome ramp Circle of Dreams Druid : gaeas crandle in creature Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx : why not ? proxy <3 Crop Rotation: get those good lands in battlefield Carpet of Flowers: very good against 2 or more people Smothering Tithe : just perfect

draw : Generous Patron: our green budget risky study, perfect in lathiel Guardian Project : good in general The Great Henge : we have big creatures so probably will cost onle 2 green mana Toski, Bearer of Secrets : unstapable, can't be countered and draw Archivist of Oghma: meh... sometimes good sometimes not, but its 2 mana

tutors: Finale of Devastation : go for the troat Enlightened Tutor: very good tutor in our deck Eladamri's Call : get those pieces that u need Fauna Shaman : get those pieces that u need Defense of the Heart: this is funny, but moste of times works haha Yisan, the Wanderer Bard : good in general Natural Order : to the battlefield! Primal Command : say goodbye to ur grave zombie players

utility: Akroma's Will: defense or end game Alhammarret's Archive : it's 5 mana, but double life gain and double draw Eternal Witness : u have awesome cretures that people wanna destroy so... also good piece of combo God Mode Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines : Hushbringer + Hardened Scales, but better Serra Ascendant: sooooo goood in this deck ... first piece to be tutored by yisan, the wanderer bard Angel of Destiny: go for the troat Ashaya, Soul of the Wild: combo, but also a big creature Overwhelming Stampede : go for the troat Walking Ballista: good in general andd combo Cleric Class: combo but also grave Spike Feeder : Snowball effect, one of the best synergy of lathiel, 'each turn' change counters for life/

Good interactions : Aura Shards , Force of Vigor 2 ducks 1 shot ,Farewell exile :) , Kenrith's Transformation (interaction with draw)

nafuller on

1 year ago

Mother of Runes - protection for brion Serra Ascendant - op + flingable high power Archaeomancer's Map - mana Smuggler's Share - draw/mana Mangara, the Diplomat - draw

Gleeock on Breena Politics but the Politics is Murder *CEDH*

1 year ago

Can I upvote twice for you hitting the nail-on-the-head with your deck intro?

Breena is an agro monster. The precon's reactive/political style bamboozled so many into not recognizing this. I may not voltron with her that often (as you do), but I will drop Serra Ascendant, Mistmeadow Skulk, etc... & absolutely roll over people with sudden aggro monsters, while drawing me cards, & meanwhile opponents feel really bad if removal has to be spent on my white weenies. Since you have card draw on the commander, she also gives you a little playspace for a subtheme (like voltron for you, or proliferate/walkers for me).

If you want to look for some other good agro-weenies: Birdlock has a few

thefiresoflurve on The Zacaning

1 year ago

Hey, there! This looks really fun :)

As far as making things a little more competitive, one thing I can offer is: As someone who runs an Esper combo deck, one of the biggest things you can do for a combo deck is to make your combos synergize better with everything else in your deck, and not just each other.

Right now, I see Lurking Roper/Famished Paladin, Presence of Gond, and Healer of the Pride as an infinite combo where each piece is 1) hard to tutor, and 2) doesn't synergize with your overall gameplan of massive creatures dishing out damage.

An alternative infinite combo that synergizes better is Savage Ventmaw and Aggravated Assault, since both those cards do things with the rest of the deck without each other.

So, if I did the switch over to a more synergistic set of cards, I recommend replacing:

Ageless Entity -> Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn

Colossal Dreadmaw -> Blossoming Bogbeast

Enduring Angel  Flip -> Archivist of Oghma - enduring angel looks dope, but your life total shouldn't hit zero.

Famished Paladin -> Faeburrow Elder

Healer of the Pride -> Serra Ascendant (just broken in EDH).

Verdant Sun's Avatar -> Old Gnawbone

Wall of Reverence -> Smothering Tithe

Presence of Gond -> Armadillo Cloak

Elemental Mastery -> Kenrith's Transformation

Alhammarret's Archive -> Aggravated Assault

The idea behind some of the picks is to get lifegain ability out a bit more consistently, and create fuel to power your giant creatures. I also don't know what your budget looks like, so full disclaimer there: some of the cards I recommended are expensive.

Happy building!

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