Sentinel's Eyes

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +1/+1 and has vigilance.

Escape—, Exile two other cards from your graveyard. (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its escape cost.)

CandiedRats on White Heroic deck

7 months ago

It looks like you’re going for a budget deck. A budget upgrade would be replacing x4 Plains with x4 Flagstones of Trokair These will help thin your deck out in mid to late game.

Fabled Hero also seems a little slow to run as a 4 of. A little more pricey upgrade would be replacing it with x4 Kor Spiritdancer adding card advantage from cast triggers of auras. She’s not heroic, but her ability feels similar.

Livewire Lash is another cut. I think the “shock” effect can be useful, but cards like Hyena Umbra, Sentinel's Eyes, Ethereal Armor would all be choice upgrades as a x1, x2, or x3 of any combination in its place.

Past that a sideboard can be extremely useful in modern. A fairly standard sideboard for the current meta that is fairly budget is.

4x Mana Tithe 4x Pithing Needle 4x Damping Sphere 3x Tormod's Crypt Or 3x Stone of Erech

Hope any of these suggestions helped!

legendofa on Abzan Constellation

9 months ago

I'm still feeling my way around Pauper, but hopefully I can offer some suugestions. Theros Beyond Death might have some cards for you. Transcendent Envoy is an enchantment that reduces the cost of your Auras. Sentinel's Eyes is a reusable Aura, so you can recycle it if the creature it's on dies.

I personally would switch out some of the dual lands for basics, especially Forests, letting you play your mana creatures on turn 1 more reliably.

Also, your Auras feel like they're vulnerable to removal and/or sacrifice, since they go away when the creature they're in leaves play. Some further recursion might help, or adding a Bogles creature base.

MorbidDrop on Alseid of Life's Bounty + …

1 year ago

New Player: I know that Alseid of Life's Bounty causes aura cards on the selected card with matching color to the color chosen to provide protection from being removed, does this still apply because Gladecover Scout has hexproof? For example, if I sacrifice Life's bounty to give Gladecover scout protection from white and Sentinel's Eyes is attached to Gladecover Scout, does that card have to be discarded?

Aizea on Bogles Remix

1 year ago

wallisface Thank you for your feedback on this deck! I'm new to modern and still learning a lot.

  • The reason I titled this deck as "remix" is because it isn't a normal bogles deck. I have ordered a playset of Gladecover Scout and agree they do have a place in the deck, but want to test them out first to see how they would best fit.
  • Witchstalker and Loxodon Smiter are in the deck because my local meta has a lot of blue/black decks with lots of counter and discard. Witchstalker still is a bit too slow so it is a good contender to be replaced by Gladecover Scout
  • Fleecemane Lion is also slow to get hexproof and indestructible, but it is good against other aggro decks or decks that ramp and put out big creatures quickly. Its more of a flexibility option if my opponent isn't running heavy removal.
  • Gods Willing is another flexibility option for me personally because it can protect Fleecemane Lion and Loxodon Smiter, but it also is good for winning the game by making sure the opponent cant block. For example, even with trample if they have a 5/5 on the board that's 5 less damage im doing because they blocked. It also helps me win a trade if its necessary. If I'm blocking a creature that would kill my hexproof creature it instead does no damage to my creature.
  • I am looking at other enchantments to include in the deck. I think Gryff's Boon would be a good addition because it gives flying. I also like Sentinel's Eyes as an option.
  • As for the 3-drops: as stated previously Witchstalker can be traded out. Unflinching Courage is worth it in my opinion because it gives so much. The lifelink and +2/+2 are just all around good effects for the deck. Loxodon Smiter as stated previously is something specific for my local meta, which has a ton of counter cards.
  • Ajani is in the deck mostly because this deck was made of cards I had on hand after playing standard for a few years in 2013. The flying and double strike ability is nice and has been a game winner several times in these past couple weeks I've been playing. Definitely open to taking him out!

Thank you again for your feedback and taking the time to offer advice

StopShot on Card ideas/suggestions for a pauper …

1 year ago

I want to build a pauper deck with four copies of Corrupted Zendikon and Crackling Emergence. The lands I'd enchant with them would be from the Drossforge Bridge land-cycle giving me a 3/3 with Indestructible for just 2-mana.

In order to run more bridges, I'll need a third color. I want my third color to be white so I can use Sentinel's Eyes as I won't have to tap a mana source to attack my opponents and it doubles as a decent 4/4 chump blocker.

Any other cards I should consider running in these three colors? (Other cards I'm thinking about using are Tilonalli's Crown//Madcap Skills as a finisher, Gift of Orzhova//Soul Link as sustainability and Ironclad Slayer for recursion.)

SufferFromEDHD on Azorius Voltron Control

1 year ago

Cool voltron concept.

Riptide Laboratory to properly abuse that Snapcaster Mage.

Capsize would be a great spell in this draw/go strategy. Dust Bowl for similar reasons.

Mystic Speculation fits the top deck Counterbalance strategy.

Urza's Saga to grab that crucial Sensei's Divining Top, Relic of Progenitus removal and two powerful mana rocks.

Sentinel's Eyes cheap and reusable vigilance.

Narset, Parter of Veils round out the playset of powerful planeswalkers.

Pendrell Mists would be a useful stax tax.

Petamine666 on Lovely

2 years ago

Okay dann hier erstmal alle Karten die ich gefunden habe, die was sein könnten:

Jukai Naturalist ist geil, wenn möglichst alle Entchantsments mindestens 1 farbloses kosten. Turn 1 könnte man dann theorethisch noch für taplands nutzen.

Kami of Transience wird genau wie Jukai Visionary und Generous Visitor momentan im Standard in Runes gespielt. wächst schnell und ist super nervig, weil er immer wieder aus dem Graveyard zurück kommt. Allerdings wären mit Ihm, Generous Visitor und Archin of Sun's Grace schon 12 Karten drin, die selber keine Entchantments sind, aber nur durch Entchantments triggern, das würde das Deck deutlich unkonsistenter machen..

God-Favored General zwar selber auch kein Entchantment, aber produziert immerhin welche und könnte so im lategame weiter trigger auslösen. Allerdings musst du ihn erstmal getappt bekommen und mit 1/1 ist er ziemlich mickrig und stirbt quasi an allem, also vermutlich eher Nichts :/

Setessan Champion Der ist dafür Bombe! Gibt es auch auf Arena, soweit ich weiß. Gleichzeitig Drawengine und wachsende Kreatur in einem. Leider leider selber kein Entchantment.

Season of Growth wäre nett, wenn du mehr Auren spielen würdest, aber ich glaube in die Richtung soll das Deck nicht gehen, oder? Falls doch ist Sentinel's Eyes ne Aura, die du wieder verwerten kannst. Manakosten beißen sich aber mit Jukai Naturalist.

Was auch noch sehr viel versprechend aussieht, ist Kruphix's Insight. Mit genug Entchantments einfach ein 3-Mana Draw three. Aber natürlich auch ab und zu weniger, vorallem wenn du viele Archons, Visitors, Kamis und Champions spielst.

Wie wäre es mit Sigil of the Empty Throne? Ist nur 1 Mana teurer als der Archon, schwerer zu removen, macht dickere Tokens und ist selbst ein Entchantment. Gibt es übrigens auch auf Arena.

Mana Bloom sieht auch interessant aus. Du brauchst den Ramp zwar nicht, aber du könntest es theorethisch jeden Turn auf 0 spielen, einfach nur um jeden Turn nen Entchantment zu casten. Allerdings wären 2 auf der Starthand tendenziell schon game over, also am besten nur 1 mal rein, wenn überhaupt.

Dann noch banishing light tauschen gegen Touch the Spirit Realm macht das gleiche, für das gleiche Mana, hat aber noch ne andere Option, mit der du deine eigene Kreatur beschützen oder nen Token günstiger killen kannst.

Cuts: Shapers Santuary ab ins Sideboard, ist zu oft ne tote Karte. Destiny Spinner auch ins Sideboard, der Effekt ist auch zu selten gut fürs Maindeck.

First Iroan Games auch raus, viel zu langsam für dein Deck, das kann deutlich explosiver sein.

All that Glitters würde ich tatsächlich auch cutten. Es kann zwar ne sehr gefährliche Karte sein, aber wie fast alle Auren hat die Karte das Problem, dass wenn dein Gegner in Reaktion darauf nen Removal für die entsprechende Kreatur hat, du einfach 2v1 getauscht hast, ohne dass die Karte was getan hat. Außerdem bietet dir Michikos Reign of Truth den gleichen Effekt (wenn auch nur 2 Turns) ohne die gleichen Risiken zu haben und macht sogar am Ende noch ne Kreatur.

Länder: Könntest Scattered Groves als tapland spielen, das kannst du im Lategame immerhin noch cyclen, wenn du keine Länder mehr brauchst. Wenn dir das die 1,50 wert ist, dann go. Fortified Village kommt potenziell untapped, vorallem mit scattered groves als anderes dualland, da es auch die subtypes hat, und kostet quasi nichts, also aufjedenfall mit bestellen.

RazortoothMtg on Elephant's Graveyard (Boros Reanimator Combo)

3 years ago

I'm not sure how exactly Quin plays yet, but I'm trying to come up with something with him too so I'll throw some cards I thought were interesting at you. Sentinel's Eyes seems decent, with Quin out it gives you two 3/2s for , which is pretty good. Battle Screech is just a generally strong tokens card so it fits with the token support, but also gives you a 3/2 (for free!). Same with Increasing Devotion , although thats definitely a lower power level just because of the mana cost. Prismatic Strands / Rally the Peasants are both also pretty strong cards that also will just throw in a 3/2 with Quin.

You have quite a few humans, so maybe throw in Bruna, the Fading Light  Flip, and if you want to meld, Gisela, the Broken Blade ? Bruna's solid on her own, but I might just be biased because I love meld. Angel of Glory's Rise too, depending on how many humans you end up with. You could also play things like Resurrection and Breath of Life , or even Gate to the Afterlife / God-Pharaoh's Gift . Angelic Renewal goes infinite with Sun Titan and a sac outlet, which you should probably have at least one more of. Ashnod's Altar is the go too, but I think its pretty expensive nowadays, so maybe Blasting Station , Dark-Dweller Oracle , or Grafted Exoskeleton

A bunch of the phoenixes seem decent, since they always return. I think the best ones would be Flamewake Phoenix , Rekindling Phoenix , and Skyfire Phoenix . Flamewake seems great since with Quin your spirits activate ferocious, the others I'd be more skeptical about.

Well I hope that's at least somewhat helpful lol

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