Seeds of Strength


Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Target creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.

Rhadamanthus on Venerated Rotpriest + Bounty of …

1 year ago

To be clear on the above: Venerated Rotpriest will trigger multiple times if Bounty of the Hunt (or Seeds of Strength, etc.) targets multiple creatures, but not if it only targets one creature. If you target the same creature with all 3 "target creature" parts of the spell, it only "becomes a target" of that spell one time.

marco-online on Hosenfurz

1 year ago

I would further cut

Loxodon Smiter this card is just a vanilla 4/4 for you No one lets you discard this there is no reason for it

Murasa Rootgrazer only viable for a landfall deck.

Nyx-Fleece Ram only viable in enchantress or lifegain

Trelasarra, Moon Dancer as far as the math goes you dont get any meaningfull recursive life

Zendikar Farguide Unplayable mediocre evasion. no synergy. Thats just bulk.

Heal the Scars is way to expensive to hold back for a battle trick. Unplayable.

Off Balance hello we play commander here I will just replace that with Swords to Plowshares

Revitalize duuh. ouch.. unplayable.

Second Harvest This is a card just playable if you commit 100% towards tokens. You dont want to pay 4mana for cloning one or two 1/1 or 2/2 tokens

Seeds of Strength This does not help you get rid of threads or protect your stuff. Its with no synergy unplayable the most. art is sick tho i guess

GoblinElectromancer on G/W Mill

4 years ago

Maybe cut the two Seeds of Strength for Eladamri's Call so you can tutor creatures to get out the combo.

Caerwyn on Does a card like this …

5 years ago

If Wizards were to post a card like this, they would probably do something along the lines of Seeds of Strength , where each instance of damage is independent. To my knowledge, this has never been created, but I am not 100% sure how to do a Gatherer search to that effect.

enpc on Bounty of might. What cards …

5 years ago

Does Eye of the Storm count as maximising its potential? Because if so, Eye of the Storm. I don't think the heroic creatures are bad, but you just need a bunch of them to maximise the card's potential. Also, you can include Common Bond and Seeds of Strength if you run white in the deck.

Lord_Grimm on Oogie BoogieRhys

5 years ago

This comment will be highlighting areas in the remaining non-land categories that may be better suited with upgrades.

Ajani Unyielding would be better off something like Advent of the Wurm

Adamant Will: why save 1 creature when you could use Make a Stand or Rootborn Defenses

Common Bond & Seeds of Strength may be better as Charge or Break of Day?

Demystify, Disenchant, Naturalize: Why so many card slots to enchantment hate? Aura Shards and Forsake the Worldly should have it covered. I do like Sundering Growth though.

Mercy Killing should be Beast Within, enough said.

Awakening works for ALL players BTW!!

Fertile Ground, why not Utopia Sprawl or Unbridled Growth?

Oath of Ajani may be better at Glorious Anthem or Spear of Heliod

Rampant Growth should probably be Selesnya Signet

Icbrgr on Selesnya Heroic Inspiration

6 years ago

Sweet.. maybe Seeds of Strength for turbo trigger potential and Primal Rage for finisher potential?

slayingmatt1234 on Knight Elves

6 years ago

Hey man, I don't know your meta (I assume its casual) but let me give some general cheap goodstuff cards that might help your deck and some general advice.

The biggest problems I see with your deck is that 1. It has very few low drops, 2. it has few removal spells, and 3. You need a more solid finisher (I'll explain what I mean). Fortunately Selesnya has plenty of cheap ways to fix all of those problems.

For low drops, Avacyn's Pilgrim is a great ramp card to get your 3 and 4 drops out early, and Qasali Pridemage while not a knight is a great, inexpensive support card for any selesnya deck. If you want specifically knights, then Knotvine Paladin and Student of Warfare are good too. You just want some early board against an aggro deck with haste creatures and stuff.

For removal, on top of Dromoka's Command, which is a great card, you can also put in both Banishing Light and Selesnya Charm as cheap removal spells. Selesnya Charm even doubles as a combat trick, so you can easily replace Seeds of Strength with it.

Now for the finisher, usually in Selesnya the best finishers you can get are either creatures that are big, hard to remove, and have evasion, or creatures that can go wide with token generation. The best example of the first is Sigarda, Host of Herons, who is obviously expensive but worth every penny even if you only want one copy of her (not to mention she's also the badass savior of Innistrad, flavor win!), and of the second, which does fit in your knight theme, is Hero of Bladehold, but who is also more pricy. Currently your finishers here seem to be Collective Blessing and Shield of the Oversoul which are not bad cards but can seriously fall flat if you are playing against say a control deck that counters and removes all your creatures. I guess there is also some Glittering Wish shenanigans but I don't think you need that card, and its 5$ a copy which seems not worth it for what you get. Some budget cards I can suggest off the top of my head that can help you are Terra Stomper or Drogskol Cavalry. You don't even need too many copies of them in your deck as long as you can close out the game consistently. I'd still leave in 2-3 Shield of the Oversoul for its great value.

Some other miscellaneous good stuff suggestions I can make here are Tireless Tracker, Abzan Beastmaster, and Unflinching Courage. Tracker and beastmaster because they can give you natural card draw in selesnya while getting big and courage as an alternate to Shield of the Oversoul that can target mono-colored creatures. In fact you could replace them if you want.

Now for potential cuts, on top of the cards I already mentioned, I think that your weakest cards are Knight of New Alara and Citadel Castellan, because their stats are just plain weak for their cost and only usable if buffed. If you replaced all 8 of those with the lower curved creatures I mentioned earlier, I'm sure that will do wonders for your deck. You still have a strong knight theme while greatly improving your early game. The other card I'm gonna mention is Glittering Wish, which seems well, I don't want to say cheesy, but really out of place. I'd put anything, maybe some more removal in those spots. If your deck feels not consistent, I'd save the money of buying random multicolored cards and just get a few Tireless Trackers or Abzan Beastmasters that draw cards for you.

Well that ended up longer than I thought, hope this helps! Ask me anything if you want more help.

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