Sea Gate Banneret

Creature — Kor Cleric

: Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn.

DanMcSharp on Treasure deck (budget)

2 years ago


I like the suggestion of Showdown of the Skalds, but you're pretty much splashing white only for 2 copies of Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip and 4 copies of a very mediocre Sea Gate Banneret. You might as well go full Rakdos (red black) since you really should swap those 4 Sea Gate Banneret for some Forsworn Paladin anyway, and then you'd only need a single treasure or pathway on white to play the front side of Extus, Oriq Overlord  Flip.

You could probably try to squeeze in a Price of Loyalty just because it could lead to really strong turns with all the treasure/sacrifice synergies you're already running. Speaking of which, Skullport Merchant would also be a very nice fit since you don't have much 3 drops in your curve. Maybe cutting a few 1 or 4 cmc cards here and there would make sense too. A few copies of Hoarding Ogre would be the 1st things to go if I was you. Another good 3 drop would Soul Shatter since it's really strong in this meta for cards like Goldspan Dragon, Koma, Cosmos Serpent, various planeswalkers, etc, and you barely run any removal as it is which is kind of odd in these colors.


Murphy77 on Landfall

3 years ago

Sorry, but I think that you may have to invest at least a further $10 to make your deck competitive. I would look to have at least 3 each of Felidar Retreat and Conclave Mentor to make use of Landfall to add lots of +1/+1 counters to all your creatures. Radha, Heart of Keld can help with landfall, but you also need Evolving Wilds and (although expensive) Fabled Passage is nice to have.

You seem to be proud of your single Lotus Cobra. I have found that Ilysian Caryatid is just as good in the deck and cheaper to buy. Sea Gate Banneret is a hugely expensive (in terms of cmc) way of adding +1/+1's for a single turn. I thing that you might be overdoing the cards that search for and place lands - they are also expensive and tend to slow things down.

You might get some further ideas from my own Landfall deck, see M Landfall Naya

Ilmu011 on +1 life gain

3 years ago

I made that suggestion based on your commander. Your commander doesn't really fit the concept of lifegain with +1/+1 counters. Choose a theme and stick with it. +1/+1 counter centered decks would much more synergize with Atraxa, Praetors' Voice or Reyhan, Last of the Abzan + Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker.

EDHREC is a great website to find some cards that might fit your deck. You can either search for card suggestions by theme, by commander, or a combination of both.

Sorry, Hyperlinks don't seem to work here:

+1/+1 counter theme based suggestions

Lifegain theme based suggestions

suggestions based on your commander

There is also a useful site called mtgassist, that helps you find cards that are similar to another card. For example, if you think that a card like Solidarity of Heroes really fits the theme of your deck, you can enter that card there and you will get a bunch of other cards that have a similar effect.

When I take a look at your deck, I see some cards that have no synergy with your deck at all. Like Canyon Jerboa. It neither synergizes with +1/+1 counters or lifegain, why is it in your deck? Same for Shadow Stinger or card Sea Gate Banneret. Every card that is in your deck should match the concept of it, else cut it out.

Also, a lot of the cards in your deck are straight out BAD, as in, there are cards that do the same thing, that are strictly better. It seems to me like you are trying to build a budget deck, but even then, I believe you would find MUCH better options than Turntimber Ascetic, Tajuru Snarecaster or Guul Draz Mucklord

For example Thornweald Archer, Abzan Falconer or Juniper Order Ranger

I would advise you to completely rebuild your deck, first pick a commander that matches the theme you want to go with, then use the websites I mentioned above to find some decent cards that go with it.

If you are on a budget you can also choose "Budget" on EHDREC for the most popular cards of a certain theme or commander with a more reasonable price.

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