Scourge of Kher Ridges

Creature — Dragon


(1)(Red): Scourge of Kher Ridges deals 2 damage to each creature without flying.

(5)(Red): Scourge of Kher Ridges deals 6 damage to each other creature with flying.

temeref on The Malevolent Sink Eater

1 month ago

Commander_JAR yeah pretty much! Red's pool of tutors is limited, but it's able to generate a ton of mana in a pinch. Sarkhan's Triumph exists and I was running it for a while before realizing that it's almost always worse than Dragonstorm if you're tutoring a 6+ mana dragon -- and that's if you tutor for only one dragon. There has been 0 times out of the last... 7? Games I've played with this deck where I haven't been able to get the storm count to 1 before casting it, which is just a solid rate overall (and is difficult to interact with/counterspell because storm is busted as a mechanic lol). If there's something like Mycosynth Lattice in play you'll get even more mana generated back with no further setup by tutoring for & swinging with Cavern-Hoard Dragon. That's pretty much the whole point of the deck; shenanigans which result in lots of treasures for shimatsu.

'Course, if you want to add more dragons like Scourge of Kher Ridges or Knollspine Dragon that can work too. I just never found the need for it myself since making treasures en-masse tends to be enough. Also exiling them to impulse draw is rough! The deck's land count is low for the same reason.

raspberryfish25 on The Kaalia Battalia

5 months ago

Hey, I really enjoy your Kaalia deck but, one thing I noticed, you don’t have a lot of ways to protect Kaalia while she is on the board. A few cards I run in my personal Kaalia deck to help with this are: Galadriel's Dismissal, Teferi's Protection, Mithril Coat, Sephara, Sky's Blade, Earnest Fellowship, Malakir Rebirth  Flip and, Sejiri Shelter  Flip.

Both Teferi’s Protection and Gladriel’s Dismissal basically do the same job of not just protecting Kaalia but your entire board from spot removal and mass removal. Gladriel’s Dismissal also has the two added bonuses of in a pinch just being able to protect Kaalia or using it on your opponent to remove all their blockers for a turn. Mithril Coat is more niche but, has protected Kaalia a few times from targeted removal spells. What I like about the coat is I can play it at instant speed so I can possibly bait an opponent into waisting one of their removal spells on Kaalia. Sephara, Sky’s Blade is a slightly worse Avacyn, Angel of Hope which you are already running. Earnest Fellowship is a card I find a lot of people sleep on. At first glance the enchantment does not look like it would do that much but with it out you’re giving Kaalia protection from the three most prominent removal colors. I have had this card in my Kaalia deck for years and I have lost count how many times an opponent has went to cast a removal spell on Kaalia only to realize that they can’t because Kaalia has protection from it. Lastly, both MDFCs should almost be an auto include because they only things they are replacing is a basic plains and swamp.

I see you run a lot more spot removal then I personally do in my Kaalia deck which is not a bad thing I have just found it is not as necessary. Instead, I focus more on mass removal because, I have found in most games getting rid of one or two cards on the battlefield does not help me when I am behind. However, resetting the board when the table has shut me down helps me out immensely allowing me to claw back into the game.

A few mass removal cards I would consider are Damn, Farewell, Crux of Fate, and Scourge of Kher Ridges. Damn is just an upgraded version of Damnation because it has the flexibility to be spot removal or mass removal. Farewell is arguably the best removal spell in the format because outside of Planeswalkers it can deal with anything making it so versatile plus as an added bonus it exiles instead of destroys. Crux of Fate is unique because your deck is already running a ton of dragons so why not possibly save your board of dragons while you clear everything else out of your way? Speaking of dragons, I stumbled upon Scourge of Kher Ridges awhile back and man has this card impressed me so much. You cheat it into play with Kaalia then for you get to do 2 damage to all creatures without flying! Best thing is you can activate the ability as soon as Scourge hits the table. As long as Scourge is out you are able to shut down all non-flying creatures. Plus 99% of the creatures in your deck have flying so you don’t have to worry about any of your creatures taking damage.

Sorry if this was a longer than normal post. Overall, I really like the direction you took your Kaalia deck.

Tur on Hidden Power - Mono-Color - …

1 year ago

Hello everyone! This will be a forum post for a "Commander - Hidden Power" series. My goal is to show relatively inexpensive cards which are often overlooked by commander players in semi-competitive and casual play. (This post is not designed for competitive play.) If you enjoy the topic, please upvote the post or provide positive feedback and I will consider creating similar posts.

The powerful cards I plan on discussing are mono-color cards which are strong with big mana in commander.

I will provide one card per mono-color identity. These cards will not include x-spells nor multi-color identity spells. (I.e. no Torment of Hailfire nor Zacama, Primal Calamity)

It is obvious that big mana is a huge part of semi-competitive play. Whether it is from ramping through creatures, artifacts, enchantments, instants, sorceries, or lands. Big mana is pretty fun. Mana doubling effects from lands are especially useful. In this article, I'll be focusing on mana doubling from lands, but other ways to generate big mana are always possible

Here are some common big mana effects for each mono-color identity:

This is not an all inclusive list as Mana Flare, Heartbeat of Spring, Keeper of Progenitus, Sword of Feast and Famine, et cetera would work just as well. In each mono-color identity the artifacts Caged Sun, Gauntlet of Power, and Extraplanar Lens can be used, however the black and green color identities have an advantage for mono-color double mana effects. Furthermore, green contains cards such as Seedborn Muse, Awakening, and Wilderness Reclamation which allow for more interactions.

Well, let us begin in WUBRG order!

White: Sacred Mesa

This card is relatively unused. According to EDHREC, Sacred Mesa is played in 1511/849227 (0%) decklists and is under one dollar. You'd be surpized how powerful this card is with double mana. Imagine making some number of pegasus at instant speed as either blockers or attackers for your next turn. (The upkeep cost can be paid by making a summoning sick pegasus during your turn.) Not to mention power and toughness buffing effects are ideal with Sacred Mesa, examples include Dictate of Heliod, Cathars' Crusade, Caged Sun, or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite.

It is often compared to Luminarch Ascension because they have similar effects. Yes, it makes a 4/4 angel instead of a 1/1 pegasus.

However, Luminarch Ascension has many downsides:

  • You have to have four quest counters to use the ability. (That is, you have to not lose life during an opponents turn four times.) This creates a huge target on your life total and you'll see it surely chip away.
  • Bounce effects, such as Cyclonic Rift really mess it up. Welcome back to square one!
  • Common cards, such as Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider prevent quest counters from even occurring. Vampire Hexmage or Hex Parasite are also options to remove the counters.

Sacred Mesa is way more versatile and does not have such downsides. Not to mention is it only three mana, ideal for Sun Titan recursion.

Blue: Compulsion

It is very rare to see this wonderful card. According to EDHREC, Compulsion is played in 1000/945324 (0%) decklists and is under one dollar. Having an activated draw ability with very little downside on a blue enchantment is insane. Ideal when paired with Teferi's Ageless Insight or Thought Reflection. There are a few cards which have a similar effect, such as Triskaidekaphile or Kefnet the Mindful without having to discard a card, but having a two mana activation is much more versatile. I suppose that an argument could be made with Training Grounds, but that is too much just to make the Kefnet the Mindful ability more cost effective. Furthermore, discarding a specific card like Echo of Eons, Wonder, or a shuffle Eldrazi such as Kozilek, Butcher of Truth has some nice synergy. (In fact, it should be played in most bant enchantress decks, such as the commander Tuvasa the Sunlit. Replenish for life!)

Black: Chainer, Dementia Master

This is a wonderful card, but a little pricey compared to the previous two cards. According to EDHREC, Chainer, Dementia Master is played in 6344/983251 (1%) decklists and is approximately ten dollars. Yes, we all know that you can abuse Chainer, Dementia Master with Gray Merchant of Asphodel or Kokusho, the Evening Star with sacrifice outlets such as Phyrexian Altar. Suppose we don't want to abuse this card into the ground is it still just good card? Yes. We can fill up or graveyard with Buried Alive or Entomb and get back a creature card, or we can grab a creature card from an opponents graveyard. It can also be used to interrupt graveyard combos, such as Aristocrats by using the ability on an opponents Butcher Ghoul with the undying trigger on the stack.

Red: Scourge of Kher Ridges

An extremely powerful and undervalued card. According to EDHREC, Scourge of Kher Ridges is played in 1005/912333 (0%) decklists and is under three dollars. If you're able to untap with Sourge of Kher Ridges and double mana, your opponents are going to have a rough time. As you can put multiple activations on the stack, it provides you with a very high on-board presence. Even within a response to removal. I've heard players complain that Scourge of Kher Ridges dies too quick to removal and my answer is "from your opponents perspective it needs to die before you're able to untap". Ideal with lifelink (and deathtouch) equipment such as Basilisk Collar or Shadowspear.

Green: Kamahl, Fist of Krosa

Typically unseen in play. According to EDHREC, Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is played in 4786/880991 (1%) decklists and is approximately five dollars. It is odd how unused Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is compared to Ezuri, Renegade Leader when they basically have the same effect. Overrun as an activated ability which is stackable multiple times. I agree that Ezuri, Renegade Leader is better in elf tribal decks, however Kamahl, Fist of Krosa is great in most big mana decks. Ideal for wide aggro. Tall aggro will gain the benefit of trample. If you don't have extra creatures you can animate your lands as 1/1 attackers, correction 7/7 attackers. (Pretty interesting because these attackers get around Cyclonic Rift, they're lands.) You can also get some payback by animating your opponents lands in response to a creature board wipe. (From that reasoning it can be paired with cards such as Ascendant Evincar and Crovax, Ascendant Hero to destroy opponents lands through animation.)

All in all, these are relatively unused cards which have a lot hidden power with big mana. If your deck is mono-colored and designed for big mana spells or abilities, think about giving these cards a chance. See if they work well for you and your playgroup.

GoldenDiggle on Building a new deck.

2 years ago

Hey Man! Cool deck idea, perhaps I can help a bit.

First off, both Pyrohemia and Scourge of Kher Ridges as well as any way to recur them (in case they are destroyed or the board is wiped) are probably best here.

Obviously Firespout , Pyroclasm , Crush the Weak , Fiery Confluence and Anger of the Gods are good options for you to ping or clear boards. Some of the odd ones are Hail Storm and Magma Vein . Chaos Maw and Cinder Giant are cool options here as well.

Fights are great if you pick on smaller creatures, Gruul Ragebeast and Magus of the Arena come to mind here. As far as other creatures go, Raging Swordtooth is cool too.

Devastate is pricey but lets you build a board first. I'm not sure if Sporeweb Weaver is on your radar or not, but I hope it is now!

X-Factor11105 on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

Hey! I'm happy to share suggestions, as I've thrown out a few ideas and tried to chat about insight so far. You may want to try and isolate cards you're willing to remove - that way you can still feel like the deck is yours, while being open to prospective ideas / outside perspective ya know?

I'll try to make suggestions with budget in mind!

Deal Broker > Azra Oddsmaker

  • Get the same effect with a higher upside and immediately get to discard a Dragon. Non-artifact so it's harder to remove. Mid and late-game card-drawing machine with an evasive Dragon.

Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion > Terramorphic Expanse

  • This Neheb is too slow and while the synergy is there, it's going to have trouble making a consistent impact. Even an ETB tapped fetch still keeps you getting the color mana you need while (statistically marginally) thinning your deck and cleaning your future draws.

Hollowhead Sliver > Evolving Wilds ,

Rummaging Goblin > Daretti, Scrap Savant ,

Mad Prophet > Chainer, Nightmare Adept

  • Overall, these edits reduce your cumulative curve, provide similar (if not more consistent) discard ability, and much higher ceilings for providing value. Evolving Wilds is your 2nd fetch, so you can keep improving the lands you're getting into play. Daretti lets you move through the deck quicker AND has artifact synergies if you choose to lean into that line of play. Chainer is a discard outlet and haste enabler the turn he comes down, so he's already got the same floor as Mad Prophet with the opportunity to be impactful if he stays on the board.

Ox of Agonas > Drownyard Temple

  • Since you've enjoyed leaning heavily into the discard aspect, Temple makes a lot of sense for you to have access to a mid or late-game land to ramp a bit. With all these expensive Dragons, I'm sure you've had a turn or two with plenty of un-used mana (I have!), so this gives you a way to maximize the discard AND set yourself up to keep having access to mana!

Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded > Myriad Landscape

  • The five-mana CMC for a less-efficient Sneak Attack just feels heavy in this build. Adding Landscape gives you another opportunity to pull lands out of your deck and keep having colors on the battlefield - I'm sure you've noticed but the double and triple-pips of the deck can be VERY challenging at times. Being able to get two Mountains (or your two Swamps) will hugely impact your ability to play relevant spells on time. As far as getting one more haste enabler, even with Chainer already in...

Dragon Tyrant > Dragonlord Kolaghan

  • Tyrant is a win-more and a payoff card. It's a fun ambition, but in a deck chock-full of power and crazy cool Dragons, we don't need this. Instead, big Kolaghan comes down much earlier AND hastes our entire squad.

Thundermaw Hellkite > Hellkite Courser

  • Courser enables shenanigans and fantastic temporary Commander fun. It's effect can be much more impactful than Thundermaw Hellkite's in the long-run, and essentially acts as another reanimation spell. Thundermaw's effect is pretty narrow, while Courser's lets us go into the graveyard for a more toolbox-like approach, depending on what we've been able to get into the graveyard so far.

Stormbreath Dragon > Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge

  • This might be a little bit of personal preference, and with how many ways this deck has to kill opponents' creatures on your turn, I think it provides a great ceiling while also acting as an early-game blocker. Mana that you can do anything with is so precious in this deck, and it happens to synergize nicely with the best addition to this deck in Kaldheim...

Lathliss, Dragon Queen > Goldspan Dragon

Zirilan of the Claw > Feldon of the Third Path

  • This is a different style of play, I'd just rather avoid exiling my Dragons or only getting a single use out of them...for a minimum of 8 mana and two turns. Feldon has more flexibility in coming down quicker and activating sooner. You're packing High Market and Phyrexian Tower here for sac outlets to get rid of the tokens (same as the Dragons from Zirilan realistically), but you're doing it much earlier in the game, or with mana to spare, with no downside of losing a Dragon for the rest of the game.

Hagra Mauling  Flip > Malakir Rebirth  Flip

  • Between all of the Dragon ETB damage and the removal suite available to Rakdos, you don't need more removal, I'm sure you've noticed this! Especially cost-inefficient removal. Having more reanimation effects, especially to act as a or flicker effect? There's WAY more flexibility here for how the Dragon reanimator wants to succeed. I agree that more removal is always good though! With that in mind...

Stolen Strategy > Kolaghan's Command

  • Play faster, and play with more flexibility. Command will give you options based on how the game's playing, and playing at instant-speed ensures you can be more interactive. Along that same line...

Tormenting Voice > Rakdos Charm

  • Flexibility in usage! More than likely this will get rid of a troublesome artifact, and wouldn't you know it that some of the best graveyard hate is on artifacts! The graveyard hosing can also be key and, again, playing at instant-speed gives you more opportunities to disrupt opponents. For a high-curve deck like this, that's really important!

Phyrexian Arena > Valakut Exploration

  • Let's help Rakdos players see that Arena isn't the powerhouse everyone thinks it is! Exploration does EVERYTHING we could need - especially in your build, which has a higher concentration of Dragons, there's a greater likelihood for you to fill your graveyard quicker! Please give this a shot and let me know what you think!

Fractured Powerstone > Exotic Orchard ,

Charcoal Diamond > Swamp ,

Fire Diamond > Swamp ,

Temple of Malice > Wayfarer's Bauble ,

Coldsteel Heart > Hedron Archive

Four of these cards ETB tapped and make you a turn slower, AND they're bad in the late-game since they have little utility. There's no snow synergy here to justify Coldsteel. Having more land ensures you'll hit your drops throughout the game. Wayfarer's lets you keep some ramp (I prefer Expedition Map, but one discussion at a time) while Archive has mana utility and lets you cash in when you have leftover mana. Smooth out your hands, get more consistent draws and turns, and have the ability to draw more cards.

Underworld Connections > Victimize

  • All of these Dragons in the yard are going to go to waste if you can't get them out onto the field! This is my favorite low-cost reanimator aside from the namesake - if you wanted to make a case for Stitch Together I wouldn't argue it. Being able to get two Dragons out, albeit tapped, ensures you can keep some board presence. It also lets you use up some of those Sneak Attack / token creations in an efficient way. I know losing some card draw feels a bit weird, and based on how the deck's built up, and from what you've described about your playstyle, it sounds like you may have an over-abundance of card-draw and not enough interaction. Hopefully this changes things!

Foreboding Ruins > Luxury Suite

Non-budget upgrade, and more likely to consistently come down untapped and provide the same color flexibility. If budget doesn't allow this edit, I'd say the non-budget move could be Path of Ancestry .

I do think you need to find room for one of the game-winning, mass-reanimators like Living Death or Patriarch's Bidding , or the new Kaldheim one, I'm blanking on the name. I'd take out Scourge of Kher Ridges for it to give yourself a win condition out of nowhere!

Hopefully these ideas help, or at least spark some further ideation for you to think about! If you want to chat about Bladewing in real-time over Discord or Reddit I'm on both sites as ThePillowman :)

Idoneity on Lurid Revival

3 years ago

X-Factor11105 - Ah, thank you for the comment, as they are always appreciated.

Land Count

So, lands are a thing with which I have tumbled for quite some time. I have considered MDFCs to be 50% of a land, thus I deem the count to be around thirty-three. I advocate highly against tap lands, yet Bladewing has a late-game plan as averse to an early game plan. Its first turns are rummaging and ramping, and only on turn four or five does it threaten life totals.

Most of my decks have thirty-four lands, but they also have an unreasonable amount of card draw/filtering. I subvert large amounts of lands in favour of the utility of card filtration and advantage spells, as they hold more value at all points of the game. Having more nonlands ensures more action over the course of a match, even in a deck fraught with seven-drops .


As aforesaid with card filtration, it is never a bad thing. If I flood, I discard the land and find a more relevant spell, and vise versa. It just gives the deck something to do at all times, and makes hands more reasonable. If I have two eight- drops and a Faithless Looting in my opener, this sets up reanimation and allows for more early-game.

The deck also has many ways to find Squee to turn my card filtering into card advantage. Rummaging does everything the deck desires, being graveyard engines and reanimation . If I ever have too many rummage effects, I can simply discard them away.

Card Suggestions

I am not the largest fanatic of undying effects unless they are incidentally attached to a creature (such as Strangleroot Geist ). The deck does not have a specific dragon that allows me to win the game by itself, and my commander can always return them to the field.

Patriarch's Bidding is an interesting one. I already own the card, thus price is not an issue, yet mass reanimation did not feel quite right in the strategy. It is probably correct to include it, but I prefer large idiots to be in the list as opposed to more reanimation. I am unwilling to cut any more dragons, for I always need them, and I am fond of the amounts in ramp, card draw, wraths, removal, and tutors. If I find space, perhaps, but there are still other cards I would like to include ahead of it, given the opportunity.

In Summation

The lands have been fine, rummaging is good at all times, and I may or mayn't include Patriarch's Bidding in my list.

Thank you very much for the comment and, please, do pardon the overlong response. I enjoy being thorough in my explanations and understandings.

Have a lovely day.

Snickles@EDH_only on Lathliss, Ramp Queen

3 years ago

some other dragons you might consider:

Nesting Dragon - Pricey, but gives decent return for otherwise dead draws late game

Scourge of Kher Ridges - personally love this guy - built-in Pyroclasm, plus an anti-air effect in red if needed

Steel Hellkite - colorless enchantment removal. often overlooked

Territorial Hellkite - 6/5 flying haste for 4. aim is a bit wonky, but still a solid card for its cost

odd ramp to consider: Mana Geyser, Corrupted Grafstone,Foriysian Totem, Pillar of Origins, Star Compass, Heart of Ramos, and / or Pyramid of the Pantheon.

fun deck, keep us posted with how it does!

mitcho78 on

3 years ago

protection Hammer of Nazahn Darksteel Plate Shield of the Oversoul Indestructibility Timely Ward Bastion Protector Boros Charm Heroic Intervention Valorous Stance Inspiring Call Flawless Maneuver Deflecting Swat

wipe boad and boost yourself Subterranean Tremors Storm's Wrath Deafening Clarion Hammerfist Giant Fault Line Warmonger Starstorm Scourge of Kher Ridges Pyrohemia Chain Reaction Ryusei, the Falling Star Lavabrink Floodgates Into the Maw of Hell Shivan Meteor Star of Extinction Blasphemous Act Volcanic Offering

other fun card Coalhauler Swine

fighting for exemple Titanic Brawl Dromoka's Command Khalni Ambush  Flip Inscription of Abundance Ulvenwald Tracker

redirection Spitemare Boros Reckoner Rite of Passage Pariah's Shield Pariah

same effect Vigor Retaliator Griffin The Ozolith Phytohydra

get back monarch Soltari Visionary Zealot il-Vec Loyal Apprentice Lieutenant Kirtar Selfless Spirit Blinkmoth Nexus and all flying creature Academy Raider Haunted Cloak Shadowspear get trample Captain's Hook Cobbled Wings Pyreheart Wolf Trailblazer's Boots Frontier Warmonger Court of Ire Regal Behemoth and creature with trigger

boost and finish Pathbreaker Ibex Thunderfoot Baloth

become huge Inquisitor's Flail Solidarity of Heroes Hydra's Growth Invigorating Surge Furnace of Rath Kalonian Hydra Duelist's Heritage on yours creatures and on a creature attacking you

Block more or become blocked Bloodthirsty Blade and all goad Nemesis Mask Lure Brave the Sands can block 2 creatures with your commander Entangler Goblin Diplomats

juste some exemple, make a choice now :)

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