Savage Firecat

Creature — Elemental Cat


Savage Firecat enters the battlefield with seven +1/+1 counters on it.

Whenever you tap a land for mana, remove a +1/+1 counter from Savage Firecat.

DigTheDigger on Miau! Mio! / Mono Red Elementals

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi , thanks for the suggestion. I really like the flavor, but unfortunately Savage Firecat and Blistering Firecat wouldn't synergize with Incandescent Soulstoke. Chandra's Embercat would fit but it just seems like a worse Smokebraider.

thumbs14 on Frowning uses more muscles anyways.

6 years ago

-Ugh. Selfless Spirit. Commence nightmares.

-Altar of Dementia and Millstone are interesting choices. You can target yourself to load up your graveyard.

-Some creature ideas. I'm pretty sure these work, since their base power is 0, and they don't get the counters until they enter the battlefield: