Samite Ministration


Prevent all damage that would be dealt to you this turn by a source of your choice. Whenever damage from a black or red source is prevented this way, you gain life equal to that damage.

DrkNinja on The Fire Of Life

6 years ago

@DrukenReaps I believe the combos do actually work because of the stack.

  • Cast Healing Grace it goes on the stack, and resolves.

  • Trigger F&S goes on stack, respond with Samite Ministration.

  • SM Resolves, F&S resolves triggering SM on a new stack.

  • SM Resolves, F&S triggers.

  • Repeat the last step over and over again.

In fact this ends the game, neither of the abilities say "may" and as such continue to resolve over and over unless someone counters one of the abilities.

LeoSushi on Firesong and Sunspeaker

6 years ago

Samite Ministration is a strict upgrade to Spiritualize

Dr.Ache on

6 years ago

Like I said I'd cut all but the very best copy effects. to me thats pyro goggs mirari and increasing vengeance/reiterate because it can scale into flashback. I'd cut reverberate or wild ricochet or both for draw. Samite Ministration seems conditional and pettish. what does it do against craterhoof, one of the more common finishers?

BMHKain on Regarding Firesong and Sunspeaker...

6 years ago

@Suns_Champion: Damn. Removing that card from my list then. Samite Ministration probably applies to the same rule... DX

Jackie Chiles: Damn.

What? I like Seinfeld. Xp Anyways, enough derailing this for a mere quote...

DrukenReaps on Super Smash Boros | Firesong & Sunspeaker EDH

6 years ago

kawa my understanding at this point is the combo doesn't work.

In the off chance something changes to make the combo work I'll explain anyways:

Cast Samite Ministration

Cast a instant or sorcery that gains you life

target yourself with the commanders 3 damage trigger

damage is prevented and you gain 3 life because of the delayed trigger from samite

this triggers the commander again, you target yourself, prevent the damage, gain the life, etc.

Simply target something else to end the loop after gaining however much life you want.

But at this time the consensus is that this doesn't work.

kawa on Super Smash Boros | Firesong & Sunspeaker EDH

6 years ago

DrukenReaps, if you cast Samite Ministration won't the game draws? Infinite loops cause the stack never empty them you can't finish the effect, isn't it?

TheACTR on Super Smash Boros | Firesong & Sunspeaker EDH

6 years ago

I love this card and am glad to see people building decks for it already. This deck looks really well put together. However, I have to tell you that Spiritualize and Samite Ministration do not work for the same reason Renewed Faith doesn't work. The life gained from those effects are triggers of the cards and not the actual cards themselves and thus Firesong and Sunspeaker will not trigger.

Otherwise I love this and look forward to making my own version of this when Dominaria drops.

Suns_Champion on Regarding Firesong and Sunspeaker...

6 years ago

Thanks Spirit_Logan :)

BMHKain I want to say up front that I do not play cEDH, so some of my thoughts may be irrelevant or wrong.

I honestly doubt Fire & Sun can make it in cEDH. They're a great general, perhaps the best Boros has ever had, but Boros still doesn't have the draw and ramp power needed to consistently win turns 3, 4, and 5.

They also cost 6 to cast, which is a huge middle finger from wizards to Boros EDH players. Whatever. /end rant. Take opinions with grain of salt.

1) Okay, though Galvanoth can only hit 1/3 of the deck so you might want Sensei's Divining Top.

2) maybe, or maybe not. Kinda depends on what you like. Mark of Asylum and Repercussion are really good though.

3) You seem to have the best ones already... X spells. Some cheaper ones like Breath of Darigaaz, Fiery Confluence, and Flamebreak might help.

4) Probably not. You waste the creature-centric abilities and it's too slow of cEDh if I'm not mistaken.

5) Dawn Charm, Swords to Plowshares, Return to Dust, Samite Ministration, Tithe and Radiate could all be considered.

6) Stoneforge Mystic, Weathered Wayfarer, Generator Servant, Steelshaper's Gift, Reforge the Soul, Arcane Lighthouse, Scavenger Grounds, Inventors' Fair, and Blasphemous Act should be considered.

7) with the curve at 2.55...33 maybe? Not sure, as a normal EDH player I don't go below 36 usually.

Not sure about the staple list... can you explain that further?

Again, not a competitive player by any means. Can't wait to see more brews for this awesome new commander!

here's mine if you haven't checked it out yet: Super Smash Boros | Firesong & Sunspeaker EDH

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