Ruthless Ripper

Creature — Human Assassin


Morph—Reveal a black card in your hand. (You may cast this card face down as a 2/2 creature for . Turn if face up at any time for its morph cost.)

When Ruthless Ripper is turned face up, target player loses 2 life.

ThisIsMyAccount on 101% Mono Black Burn

2 years ago

Pain's Reward deck? lol

For real though, I think Cast Down not hitting legendary creatures is sort of a big deal because of Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer and Omnath, Locus of Creation seeing so much play. Maybe Bloodchief's Thirst, Murderous Rider, Profane Command, or Dismember fit the budget?

Then, I would say you want a more creature focused deck if you're playing Zulaport Cutthroat or to just drop that card for more spells like Smallpox or something. I think playing more creatures along with Warlock Class could be fun, though. You could throw in Ruthless Ripper, Vicious Conquistador, Spawn of Mayhem, and maybe even Reaper's Talisman to just be really aggro with the creatures.

Finally, I think Soot Imp and/or Killing Wave could work for the sideboard.

libraryjoy on Black and White - please help!

3 years ago

I don't think it will. You have enough lifegain to make up for a few early hits. If you want to keep a 1-cost creature in that slot, I would chose something that has deathtouch naturally, and then reduce slots elsewhere. Options for a 1-cmc with deathtouch are Foulmire Knight , Hired Poisoner , Pharika's Chosen , Ruthless Ripper , Typhoid Rats , or Vampire of the Dire Moon . I like the last one best, but it's also the most expensive.

BrassLord on What We Tap in the Shadows

3 years ago

Vampire Lacerator is decent if you're going aggro vamps. Also Ruthless Ripper in the sideboard is decent!

Dusk Legion Zealot is like a vampire Phyrexian Rager that comes out a turn earlier.

Last_Laugh on Fart Joke Tribal

3 years ago

Ruthless Ripper lol. Boom / Bust and Ruination if you're ok with mass land destruction. Blood Moon also makes me giggle when I associate it as a fart joke (gone really wrong).

Also, you should sneak in City of Ass... no one will object.

Flooremoji on Merchant of Death (Modern Mono-Black)

3 years ago

I think you can find better cards than a 1/1 deathtouch creature for . Maybe even Deadeye Tracker but it might not be worth it.

If you like that slot though there are at least three strictly better cards I can think of right now, Vampire of the Dire Moon, Foulmire Knight, and Ruthless Ripper.

Raven's Crime is middling, Leechridden Swamp is bad, and Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx dosen't have anything to ramp into.

You don't have much maindeck creature removal (for dorks, creatures relevant to combos etc.), I would reccomend Bloodchief's Thirst as it can also answer planeswalkers and is only 1 mana without kicker.

Your sideboard could use some work too, while I understand that you want to build devotion, Contaminated Ground and Withered Wretch aren't amazing at what they do. I guess I never have seen contaminated ground and its pretty cheap so you could test it and see how it does, but I would reccomend playing cards like Relic of Progenitus or Grafdigger's Cage over wretch in every case but maybe tribal zombies.

yago52 on You Just Activated My Trap Card!

3 years ago

what about Ruthless Ripper? if you bounce free you can kill everyone with the flip ability.

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