Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage

Legendary Planeswalker — Rowan

+1: Up to one target creature gets +3/+0 and gains first strike until end of turn.

-2: Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage deals 1 damage to each of up to two target creatures. Those creatures can't block this turn.

-9: Gain control of all creatures until end of turn. Untap them. They gain haste until end of turn.

girlfag on May I Borrow Your Creatures? [~$15 EDH]

1 year ago

meecht yeah like 96% of the deck is under 50 cents so sadly i wasn't able to add that one, Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage and Tibalt, the Fiend-Bloodeds ultimates are my budget alternetive

multimedia on Dragon riders

2 years ago

Hey, well done, nice update especially the cutting of Knights for more Dragons. Nice upgrades of cards that care about Dragons, but you could expand on this further. You've doubled your budget by adding only three Dragons.

Streamlining is the process of cutting out filler cards leaving you with cards that matter more for your deck. Blood Knight and Silver Knight are vanilla Knights who don't really help gameplay thus my advice is avoid these types of Knights. You're still playing too many Knights that are not helping gameplay.

My advice is don't include a Knight because it's a Knight, being a Knight is a bonus. Instead include it because it has other good abilities that can help Dragons or efficiently make Sylvia better. Taurean Mauler is an exception, it's just a three drop Dragon that's also a Knight. It's both types of creatures as well as can grow big in multiplayer Commander when have many opponents which is good with double strike. Instead of playing many four drop Knights play four drop Dragons?

You also use streamlining to better the mana curve which helps gameplay by reducing the curve which happens when you cut out unnecessary high CMC cards such as Rowan's Stalwarts, Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Caged Sun. Worldgorger Dragon is only good in decks that want to combo with Animate Dead to make infinite mana and infinite ETB triggers of creatures. You can't combo with Worldgorger, all it's doing here is exiling all your permanents including all your lands until it leaves the battlefield which would hurt gameplay more than help it. Rowan's Stalwarts tutoring for Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage is not worth it since Stalwarts is a really bad card for five mana and Rowan is subpar for five mana too.

Example of a streamlined midrange creature base with Dragons and some Knights (sorted by CMC):

The few Knights in this example give you more than just being a Knight and the emphasis is even more on Dragons not Knights. More four and five drop Dragons to take more advantage of early game ramp and Sylvia's double strike.

In the example the high CMC Dragons have been reduced to the best ones you have. Khorvath is also a high CMC Dragon who you want to cast. Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Demanding Dragon, Eternal Dragon, Sunscorch Regent, Runehorn Hellkite, Skyline Despot are subpar compared to the other high CMC Dragons here thus you don't need them. In the place of one of these Dragons consider adding Sarkhan's Triumph? It's an instant tutor to search for any Dragon letting you choose the best Dragon at that point of the game.

Shall I continue in another comment about how to streamline other areas of your deck?

Pill0wDipsauce on Syr Gwyn Super Budget Tribal Extravaganza ($30)

4 years ago

Came by this deck while looking for budget ideas for my own Gwyn deck.

I'd say, leave the deck be if it's already doing alright in your meta and you're having fun with it. There are some things that stand out to me though:

You don't have boardwipes in your deck. These will help a lot in surviving the first 7 turns of the game, something you say you have issues with. Mythos of Snapdax, Divine Reckoning and Single Combat are my suggestions. At the bare minimum, get four boardwipes. You can cut some of your creatures for these. Don't forget about single target removal either, I put some in the suggestions below.

Looking at your mana curve: it's quite low, which is a good thing. This means you can cut down on some of the basic lands and go from 40 to something like 36/37. If you can, replace them with more signets or talismans, but cards like Boros Cluestone, Commander's Sphere and Darksteel Ingot are fine too. Try to go for eight mana sources which are not lands.

When selecting creatures to cut to make room for other cards, decide which cards will have an impact when you play them and which won't. As you play the deck, you'll learn more about cards which work and which don't (that's the fun of deckbuilding). I suspect Rimrock Knight won't have much of an impact (You'd rather have another equipment instead), Crashing Drawbridge can be replaced with an equipment which gives haste. In my own Gwyn deck I got rid of Bloodcrazed Paladin because I held on to it instead of playing it. Ardenvale Tactician doesn't look like it'll do much either. I think you'll be fine with somewhere around 25 creatures to make room for more equipment and removal.

You can ditch a card like Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage as well, you can replace the +1 ability with equipment. Don't play the planeswalker for the ult, as your opponents have four whole turn cycles to find an answer for it.

I've listed some more (budget) suggestions below, you'll figure it out: Evolving Wilds

Terramorphic Expanse

Buried Ruin

Mortuary Mire

Chariot of Victory


Thalia's Lancers


Unlicensed Disintegration

Inquisitor's Flail (use only with first strike/double strike or when you have a way to make your creature indestructible)


Knights of the Black Rose

Glaring Spotlight (I think it might be a good card as a finisher, but haven't won a game with it yet)


Knights' Charge

Sign in Blood

Struyk on Mono Red

4 years ago

I would go with 3x Anax, 3x Torbran as they are legendary and I would also drop 2x Embercleave because Legendary and situational / high cost vs control decks. Thats 4 less cards, instead I would add 4x Rimrock Knight to boost your Fervent Champion first strike or to deal 2 more damage to face.

Also don't see the use of Chandra, Acolyte of Flame as you don't have anything to revive. She will be only be 2x 1/1 in 90% of yours games. Maybe add Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage instead to remove 2 blockers or 2x Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded as the devotion to red is very high in this deck.

Boomcat12B on Fairytales and Legends

4 years ago

Cards to remove-

Congregation at Dawn - Tutors are great and normally I would not suggest pulling one, however since you are not looking for a combo with it and it is outside the flavor of the them I would say pull it.

Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage - Does not provide enough value to keep

The Cauldron of Eternity - Needs to be built around and will cost too much

Petals of Insight - Costs too much for what it does

Silverflame Ritual - not a bad card but it does not hurt the goal of the deck to cut

Cauldron's Gift - Not a bad include especially with the amount of sacrifice you have in the deck.. But there is not enough recursion going to really justify keeping it.

Chalice of Life  Flip- A bit slow and your not focusing on lifegain

Emry, Lurker of the Loch - just not running enough artifacts to justify the slot

Drown in the Loch -Not a bad card but we got to cut something

Korvold, Fae-Cursed King - A great great card, but I think it will do you more harm than good. Also needs to be built around

Cards to switch out- You are probably running too light on ramp in general since this is a 5 color deck. You have roughly 6 ramp spells in the deck, I would suggest more to make sure you have enough mana to be able to play spells on curve. Adding signets will be helpful since they will help with color fixing and can provide some decent ramp for 2 mana.The obelisks work well, but if you do add signets I would say to add most of them and replace the obelisks with signets.

Possibly replace Think Twice and Reach Through Mists with Brainstorm and Ponder since they are much more efficient and provide better value for the slots.

Overall it is not a bad deck for the theme it is going for. It's power level won't be high since it is a theme deck so you are sacrificing card slots for flavor. But there is nothing wrong with that if you enjoy it. I would say pull the cards suggested, maybe swap out the obelisks and just play test the deck and see what needs to be done from there. Most likely color fixing/ramp as well as maybe improving the card draw a bit (just swapping out for more efficient cards) is what you will need to work on. But for a fairy tale deck I'd say it is on point for it's theme.

LivingThing on Korvold's Wrathe

4 years ago

And also, if the deck is based around Korvild like you claim,

Cut Wildborn Preserver cut Wakeroot Elemental cut Wishclaw Talisman PLEEEASE cut Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage


Liliana, Dreadhorde General Izoni, Thousand-Eyed Biogenic Ooze all these cards will actually do stuff while not being useless like the ones mantioned above.

KongMing on The Legend of Saskia

4 years ago

Sorry, two other recommendations. I know they're not creatures, but they meet your soft-stipulation of being the same person, and that's the Rowan planeswalkers Rowan Kenrith and Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage . They have great combat utility, and the Sparkmage's Act of Treason ult should end the game if you can get it off.

BMHKain on Mankind's Codex of Civilian Planetary Unification

4 years ago

@DrkNinja: Oh, VERY sorry, man. I literally thought you misspelled something, & I didn't want to bring the subject up. Anyways, it's Pledge of Unity from WAR. There was a message from the art alone; if it weren't for Kytheon fighting ever since infancy, only to take the sac for Liliana, Dreadhorde General ; The Message?: Almost 8 Billion on this Earth are causing more harm to all (Including us.), & if Peace cannot be attained, at least someone did quote:

"It's OKAY to face Extinction."~ Unknown; Former Staff of GameTap before its demise.

This is Human Tribal for a Good Reason; because no other Blobby Mass of Primordial Grey can do it for us; World Leaders embody opposition (Sometimes; IMO, something...)

VERY sorry for mentioning all that. I just wanted to show why I chose that art...

Now let's try again. What would be a good cut for Kenrith, the Returned King ?

& Since you hate Rowan Kenrith ; & potentially; The Royal Scions , & Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage , what would your opinion on a Artifice Engine be using A Walker that's not Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast , or Saheeli, Sublime Artificer & is Superfriends/Avengers friendly?

Sorry for all these questions, DrkNinja. I'll be revising a lot of stuff, or maybe dismantle the ones not worth it.

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