Ritual of Rejuvenation


You gain 4 life. Draw a card.

TempestArmor on Praise the Sun

2 years ago

You can ramp quite a bit using artifacts, but you have so many X spells for a Boros deck! They also don't do anything with freebies like Wildfire Eternal (or copy spells, you're pretty unlikely to hit critical mana where they double effectively), so pick a couple good ones and call it a day. Drop a few of the "whenever damage is dealt to this creature, do stuff" like Stormwild Capridor and Truefire Captain... you have enough hoops to jump through as is. Ritual of Rejuvenation, Volcanic Vision, and Horizon Stone need to go. Consider Battlefield Forge and Talisman of Conviction! You'll have life to spare. Another thing. You have all of these "deal a bunch of damage to all creatures" effects, which is great, but you also have a bunch of "prevent noncombat damage that would be dealt to your creatures" effects too, which sorta defeats the purpose of all of your "whenever damage is dealt to this creature, do stuff" creatures. PLEASE listen when I say: pick a strategy and lean into it!

Clashboy15 on Get A Life

4 years ago

How about 4 Heliod, Sun-Crowned instead of 4 Ritual of Rejuvenation? The ritual gains you only 4 life and draws you just one card. That is a pretty terrible rate and does not really impact the boardstate. Heliod, on the other hand can act as a creature and is really hard to kill. His static ability is super good and is a great pay off for all the life gain in your deck. The 1W ability to give lifelink to a creature is also very important, as it can giver, for example, your 5/5 ajani's pridemate lifelink and gain you some life while giving it a counter. Odric, Lunarch Marshal also doesn't seem very good as it can only give lifelink, flying and firststrike. I feel like maybe one or two might be good in the deck since its legendary and does cost a lot of mana. Lastly, Aerial Responder doesn't seem to be particularly good. Sure, it has flying, firstrike and lifelink, but it is still a 3 mana 2/3. Something like Spectral Procession seems much better. It synergizes very well with the soul sisters and gives you 3 1/1 fliers. Combined with heliod and a few of the soul sisters, Spectral Procession can sometimes make 3 2/2 or 3/3 or maybe even 4/4 fliers!

multimedia on Get A Life

4 years ago

Hey, there's a mono white archetype in Modern called Soul Sisters. What you have here is a twist on that strategy.

The Sisters are Martyr of Sands,Soul's Attendant and Soul Warden. These are the repeatable life gaining sources to give you a consistent source of life gain and a consistent play turn one. Martyr is a fast way to gain life to activate Serra Ascendant or pump Ajani's Pridemate. Ascendant is by far your best threat to win a game and reason to want to gain life; Martyr can get you to 30+ life fast.

Squadron Hawk is a good two drop with this strategy giving you four potential creatures to gain life with and it has flying. Hawk is like draw putting up to three cards into your hand which is good with Martyr to have a better opportunity to gain life with her since you will have more white cards in your hand. I also like the interaction of Martyr and Lone Rider  Flip as a way to gain three or more life for one mana.

Flying is the best evasion you can give the rest of your attacking creatures with Odric, Lunarch Marshal and he does seem good with Ajani's Pridemate, but I think 4x Odric is too much. Odric as a four drop isn't good by himself, he requires other creatures to be good to use his combat trigger. You only want to cast Odric if you have an established battlefield of creatures to get his combat trigger and having a flier helps too.

Hawk seems better here than Aerial Responder since Hawk fills your hand with creatures and it also has flying. Tokens are good with the Sisters; Spectral Procession is three flying Spirits for three mana. Procession with a Warden or Attendant on the battlefield can pump Pridemate at least three times. For three mana Procession seems more impactful than Ritual of Rejuvenation. 4x Ritual, 4x Revitalize and 2x Reviving Dose seems too many cards for this effect and Revitalize is better than the others. Gaining life and drawing is important, but creatures are more important.

Cards to consider adding:

Cards to consider cutting:

  • 4x Ritual of Rejuvenation
  • 2x Reviving Dose
  • 4x Aerial Responder
  • 3x Auriok Champion
  • 1x Odric, Lunarch Marshal
  • 1x Lone Rider

Attendant being a one drop I think is better than the color protections of Champion who is a two drop and both have the same repeatable life gain ability. Champion could be a sideboard card, but not sure you even need him. Champion and gaining life is great hate against mono red and burn, but the strategy here is gaining life even without Champion. Good luck with your deck.

CleverCombo on CleverCombo

4 years ago

Hey Caboose763 There's a significant chance that losing Ritual of Rejuvenation and Revitalize will hamstring the deck. But if it looks to remain viable we'll do an update for you!

musicman3310 on

5 years ago

Dawn of Hope can combo with Fountain of Renewal but Fountain is a meh card. You can use Treasure Map  Flip, I personally used to doubt this card but people will literally counter this with a Syncopate which shows how much advantage it gains you. There's also the simple draw spells of Discovery / Dispersal which you already have listed, Revitalize / Ritual of Rejuvenation , and Sword-Point Diplomacy .

MontaukMonster on Divine Afterlife **Sideboard Help Really Needed**

5 years ago

I don't know what you tested against but I've had nothing but issues with your mana base. If you're happy with it though, that's what matters.

For the SB you have:

  • 2x Cleansing Nova - too expensive for what you need it for
  • 2x Demystify - lack of versatility isn't worth the low cost in this environment
  • Despark - why only one? This card is awesome
  • 2x Divest - why? Why not Last Gasp instead
  • 3x Duress - in a control dominant environment this is a main deck card. Even in SB you should run a full set
  • 1x Mortify - why only one and why is this not main
  • 3x Revitalize - The decks you'd bring this against are going to inflict a lot more than 3. Try The Wanderer or since you plan to make a lot of tokens what about Ajani, Wise Counselor or Ajani's Welcome . Or Ritual of Rejuvenation is just better if you're worried about burn
  • Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord - he doesn't impress me.

So there's that. Can you PLEASE do me a favor... you don't have to keep it this way but can you at least TRY taking out Risk Factor because it absolutely sucks in your deck and replace it with Chromatic Lantern ¿ just for a little bit? Give it a few games and if it doesn't work then change it back. ..

musicman3310 on Arena Esper Control Deck

5 years ago

Revitalize, Fountain of Renewal, Ill-Gotten Inheritance, and Ritual of Rejuvenation could all help. I wouldn't add them all, but some would probably help.

musicman3310 on

5 years ago

Some options would be Leonin Vanguard and maybe Ritual of Rejuvenation which would be flavorly known as the B I G M I L K.

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