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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Put up to three target creature cards from your graveyard on top of your library.

RiotRunner789 on Similar cards to Sigil of …

5 months ago

Hall of Heliod's Generosity, Crystal Chimes: Enchantment creatures maybe?

Haven of the Spirit Dragon: Again, with type restrictions. There are also just a ton of effects on artifacts that return artifacts from grave to hand such as Junk Diver which works if your using artifact creatures.

Sword of Light and Shadow: Definetly what you want as long as you attack.

Reinforcements: Not to hand but close. Close enough maybe?

Dawn Evangel, Angel of Flight Alabaster: Yes, but with restrictions.

Remember the Fallen: Yes.

What is your deck trying to do?

CheddarBones on We're back! A Dinosaur's Story

2 years ago

Heaven / Earth / earth - choice to deal with pesky flyers or kill all eggs for 3 Downdraft - dont try to fly over the egg wall Call of the Wild - topdeck a creature Ghired's Belligerence - good burn with the option of sacing an egg as well plus you get a populate Reinforcements - put three dinos on top of deck yummy Aura Shards - sideboard for when you face Mario. each egg naturalizes. Not Forgotten - top of library a dinosaur and get a populate target Mwonvuli Beast Tracker - literally every dinosaur has trample. top of the library. Forerunner of the Empire - same deal. costs more but you can wipe your eggs all out at once when a dinosaur comes into play

livingrock on Gishath, Sun's Avatar DINOS!!!!

2 years ago

I always suggest Noxious Revival. If Gishath dies on the swing but still does damage with Trample, you can put her on top of your library and put her right back on the field from her own trigger. Reinforcements is great too.

EgyptianSpaceGamer on The Martyr of Atla's Eggs

3 years ago

Trample enablers:

These two are good bombs... Aggressive Mammoth Thunderfoot Baloth

These cards are just valuable cheap trample enablers... Primal Rage, Ferocity of the Wilds, Archetype of Aggression, Khenra Charioteer

Garruk's Uprising is a good draw source when you populate 5/5 dragon tokens.

Brawn is a good creature to sacrifice early. It is more annoying for your opponents to deal with. The effect works from the graveyard, and draws out graveyard removal.


Additional Suggestions:

Also, there's an interaction with Gerrard, Weatherlight Hero + Mirror Entity + Atla Palani, Nest Tender that might interest you.

Reinforcements is a card that acts the same as Congregation at Dawn but in the late game, after board wipes and spot removal.

Also consider Kogla, the Titan Ape as he is opponent creature removal, artifact and enchantment removal, and can protect Atla Palani, Nest Tender from removal and board wipes with his last ability.

AEther Flash will kill all your eggs instantly, and make sure your opponents are punished for Avenger of Zendikar, tokens, weenies, etc.

Both Scapegoat and Fanatical Devotion are extremely valuable sacrifice outlets which can save select creatures from removal and board wipes.

Davinoth on

4 years ago

     Nice build, +1!

     A few cards I've come to love in my own Gishath deck: Reinforcements, Noxious Revival, Congregation at Dawn & Seize the Day. =)

XaiLo on Atla's Game Show

4 years ago

love the idea. I plan to do a similar thing with all random eggs.

I have played a number of other Atla decks though and I have some suggestions:

Take out Bird of Paradise and add in Wild Growth, Utopia Sprawl, Fertile Ground, or Trace of Abundance. Take out Eternal Witness and add in Reinforcements, Noxious Revival, or Reclaim. Take out Sakura Tribe Elder and add in Nature's Lore, or Three Visits. SUmmoner's Egg is aMust, Mirror Entity, i understand why you want it. The other two eggs though, I don't think are worth the include. I would instead add Strionic Resonator which would have a better effect.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on

4 years ago

First of all...I wish I knew about Reinforcements prior to purchasing Noxious Revival to play the same role in my deck, but here we are haha. Also, Reclaim is another good budget reanimator option for this deck.

Anyways, as a fellow person trying to brew with Atla, here are some suggestions. I am not sure of your budget restrictions so some of these may be a bit expensive:

You run a bunch of mana dorks, which are dud hits with Atla. You mention in your description that you use top deck manipulation to help avoid this, but that doesn't always work. You could probably completely avoid the issue by using more mana rocks and sorcery ramp in place of the mana dorks. That would ensure that all of your egg hits are impactful. Your mana dorks are also a bit of a nonbo with Marauding Raptor .

Greater Good and Goblin Bombardment are excellent sac outlets for both dinosaurs and Atla. The former is premium card advantage for Naya and the latter can trigger enrage.

Penance is fantastic for sculpting the top of your library from your hand. It adds additional protection as well.

Nesting Dragon can consistently provide eggs and is an amazing board wipe deterrent.

Mirri's Guile and Crystal Ball are additional, repeatable top-deck manipulation.

You might also be creature heavy enough to profitably use Lurking Predators

+1 from me!

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