Refuse / Cooperate

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Refuse / Cooperate



Refuse deals damage to target spell's controller equal to that spell's converted mana cost.


Aftermath (Cast this spell only from your graveyard. Then exile it.)

Copy target instant or sorcery spell. You may choose new targets for the copy.

Sheld on I cast at thee

2 years ago

Hey! You've given a suggestion on one of my decks, so I've thought I could return the favor. :)

I'm not sure how casual/competitive this deck is aimed to be, so I will give suggestions for both.

For a more competitive deck, I'd suggest:

The first three help you create disgusting solitaire turns while the last one may be the easiest win with Mizzix there is.

For a more casual deck, I'd suggest:

General card suggestions:

Mizzix's Mastery, Epic Experiment, Chaos Warp, Commit / Memory, Volcanic Vision, Invert / Invent, Prophetic Bolt, Frantic Search, Pore Over the Pages, Rewind, Solve the Equation and once again Bonus Round (this card is seriously good)

Also, I invite you to have a look at my old Mizzix deck and/or my up-to-date Zaffai deck for some inspiration.

I'm sorry for the long comment in case you didn't wish for suggestions. Just wanted to help. :^)

StopShot on 9/13 Commander Banning/Unbanning

2 years ago

Step 1: Cast Worldfire.

Step 2: With Worldfire on the stack, activate ability of either: Blisterspit Gremlin, Brimstone Trebuchet, Lightning-Rig Crew, Lobber Crew, Nettle Drone or Thermo-Alchemist.

Step 3: With ability and Worldfire on the stack, cast either: Dualcaster Mage, Fork, Fury Storm, Increasing Vengeance, Reiterate, Reverberate or Wild Ricochet targeting Worldfire.

Off-color options: Basilica Guards, Basilica Screecher, Blind Obedience, Crypt Ghast, Kingpin's Pet, Syndic of Tithes, Thrull Parasite, Tithe Drinker, Witherbloom Apprentice, Refuse / Cooperate, Insidious Will, Narset's Reversal, Twincast, Naru Meha, Master Wizard.

(This is by no means an exhaustive list, it just happens to be the best mana-cost effective cards I could find.)

Strangelove on Storm Fury

3 years ago

+1 Mizuki_Minami!

+1 Crop Rotation... its cheap now! (I also think you should def play +1 Harrow)

+1 Impact Resonance... chunk.

+? Overblaze... more chunk.

+? Cerebral Vortex... maybe?

...more evasion!!!

+1 Lazotep Plating... this is so good!

+1 Sheltering Word... this is gonna gain you like 20+ life

+1 Simic Charm... yes plz

Refuse / Cooperate...

Insidious Will...

...Idk if you wanted to do this or not (it seems like you avoided Increasing Vengeance, etc.)... Idk if you feel like you need them, but just a heads up...

-1 Fling... because the sacrifice is a cost you can't throw Kalamax twice T.T

-1 Ravenous Gigantotherium... so fat... ur tokens step 2 so this is step 3... slow!

-3 Electrostatic Field/Guttersnipe/Murmuring Mystic... idk if I like these... you're not playing for pure storm and these don't trigger off copies.

-1 Hunting Pack... so fat... so slow? Also doesn't trigger off copies.

multimedia on Kalamax Precon Upgraded

3 years ago

Hey, nice budget version of Kalamax. Several good upgrades you've made to the precon.

Chord of Calling with Kalamax to tutor for Pili + Architect for infinite mana is interesting. Consider more ways to draw into a win condition when you have infinite mana? Without the draw making infinite mana with Pili + Architect or with Scepter + Reversal doesn't do enough. Expansion / Explosion is another instant Fork or Explosion with infinite mana can draw a lot of cards. Pull from Tomorrow and Blue Sun's Zenith are other instants that draw X cards.

Nivix Guildmage with infinite mana can draw into your deck until you find a win condition as well as counters to protect the combo. Guildmage with infinite mana can also infinite copy an instant/sorcery you cast which can make Banefire a win condition since you can copy it for each opponent and target a different opponent with each copy. If you can some how get a third copy of Chord when you cast it then you can also tutor for Guildmage.

Some lands in the manabase could be upgraded. Life lands from the precon and Scry temple lands are not worth ETB tapped. Survivors' Encampment and Holdout Settlement are unique lands with Kalamax because they're repeatable ways to tap him. These lands are like Springleaf Drum, they make mana when you use them to tap Kalamax or another creature. But unlike Drum you can tutor for and put onto the battlefield with Crop Rotation. Having more ways to tap Kalamax without attacking while also making mana is beneficial.

Some other good lands that are reasonable price to consider adding are: Rootbound Crag and Shivan Reef. The Filter lands: Cascade Bluffs, Flooded Grove and Fire-Lit Thicket are at lowest price due to just being reprinted in Double Masters. Can get these lands for as low as $5 each. Bluffs is helpful since it can make or , important color combinations to want to consistently make to cast instants for Kalamax.

Cards to consider cutting:

Good luck with your deck.

multimedia on The Token Poppin Bomb Droppin Dinosaur!

3 years ago

Hey, good version of Kalamax.

32 lands is low especially when you're trying to get to nine mana for Chord to combo with Kiki. My advice is add more lands or more two drop mana rocks or both. Arcane Signet and Fellwar Stone are mana rock options, they could replace Docent of Perfection  Flip and Mizzix of the Izmagnus. This can help to reduce the avg. CMC and improve ramp. Docent is not as good, much slower, than Talrand/Murmuring and your not going to gaining very many experience counters from Mizzix since you have mostly low CMC instant/sorceries. Invigorating Surge, Refuse / Cooperate, Rapid Hybridization and Sublime Epiphany are options to cut to add more lands.

With a budget of $600+ could make some upgrades to the manabase. Lands such as Rupture Spire, Gain lands (Rugged Highlands), Scry lands (Temple of Mystery) are for low budget decks and Fast lands (Spirebluff Canal) will more times than not ETB tapped. I'm not a fan of Fast lands in Commander because as one ofs the consistency of having one in your opening hand or drawing one before turn three is too low.

Kalamax being a four drop also makes Fast lands not good if it's your turn four land drop then it makes it more difficult to cast Kalamax. Fast lands, Gain Lands, Scry lands and other lands that ETB tapped don't go well with Bounce lands (Simic Growth Chamber) together in the same manabase since having to bounce a Fast land sets you back even more for mana. Bounce lands also ETB tapped, but they're better at making mana/color fixing and with Seedborn/Reclamation.

Some lands to consider adding:

There's several cards in the sideboard that are better than cards in the main deck. Reverberate and Twincast are more two drop Forks that combo with Kalamax and Ral as the win condition. They're better cards than Invigorating Surge and Refuse / Cooperate. Chandra's Ignition is better than Immolating Gyre especially if you add more Forks to the main deck. Ways to give Kalamax infinite power which makes Ignition a win condition. Dig Through Time is better than Thassa's Intervention since you only have to pay for delve once.

I offer more advice, would you like more advice?

Good luck with your deck.

NoSoyYucateco on

3 years ago

This deck looks awesome! It looks super fun to play. I think you can tune it a bit more to make it more consistent, though.

I think the fog effects can be cut, personally. In exchange, I would add some more boardwipes, like Evacuation, Chain Reaction, and Anger of the Gods.

I also think some of the higher-costed instants and sorceries can go, such as Steam Augury, Storm Seeker, Prophetic Bolt, Spiraling Embers, and Time Reversal. I think all of these cards are outclassed by cards that either cost less, or do more for a comparable cost.

If you like dealing non-combat damage, I love Price of Progress. It is cheap, affects everyone, and Riku usually can rely on basic lands.

Maybe consider adding more copy effects like Twincast, Narset's Reversal, Refuse / Cooperate, Clever Impersonator, Phantasmal Image, Dack's Duplicate, etc...? I like the versatility of these cards in that they mirror the table. Nobody can complain that you are playing something strong when you are just copying your opponents!

NoSoyYucateco on LimbicCircus

3 years ago

Hey! I actually rebuilt that deck as Que Riku 2: The Rikuning. The plan was to retire it by taking its power level over the top and making it more of a storm deck that I wouldn't want to play as frequently. Which kind of worked, but it became its own thing that is really fun to play. I don't think my decklist here is 100% up to date, but it's close.

The fun thing with Riku is that he can be adapted to just about any metagame. I like the idea of using him as a clone deck that focuses on copying other players' threats, so it fits into any table (so lots of things like Clever Impersonator and Stunt Double). That said, it still needs its own win cons, and I think ETB win cons like Avenger of Zendikar and Purphoros, God of the Forge are very consistent with Riku.

I worry about Swarm Intelligence and similarly high-costed enchantments, because they don't do much on their own. I think it is better to pack the deck with plenty of things like Twincast, Reverberate, Narset's Reversal, Refuse / Cooperate, etc... Because these cost less, work on other players' spells, and only need to be saved for the best targets, leaving you open to make other plays in the meantime.

That said, I am pretty excited about Double Vision because it costs less and can more easily be benefited from the same turn it comes out. I haven't play tested it yet, and I think it might be a bit hard to get it to stick, but it has great potential.

At any rate, I think it is safe to shy away from Fog effects, since there are so many decks that don't try to win with combat damage.

I hope this helps. Your decklist looks great! I will keep an eye on it.

berryjon on Pattern Recognition #123 - Slow …

4 years ago

wereotter: That's why I'm aiming for Combo pieces moreso than anything else. Week 3 and 4 are basically me getting redundancy into place, and some protection. I just have to survive long enough to go off.

Preview for next update on this - I Aftermath Refuse / Cooperate on Storm Herd , and enjoy my new army just long enough for the next player to play Languish . :sigh:

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