Reduce to Memory

Sorcery — Lesson

Exile target nonland permanent. Its controller creates a 3/2 red and white Spirit creature token.

chivalruse on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control

1 year ago

Secure the Scene and Reduce to Memory are really bad cards. I know you intentionally didn't put planeswalkers in the deck, but Kaya the Inexorable is just a better Secure the Scene. I'd replace Reduce to Memory with Vanishing Verse. If you are curious about the rest of the removal suite that I use in my Esper Control deck, here's the link: Value / Grindy - Nevinyrral Esper Control

Lankhmar on For Honor and Glory!!!

2 years ago

Oh (bleep) you're right! LMAO. Like I said, I've been playing since Revised and have a LOT of decks. Always had a penchant for tribal knights (even though there have been/are better tribes for sure through the years). My Modern version does, in fact, run Giver of Runes. The Kor designation doesn't allow me to Cavern of Souls her in but I do run plenty of white sources. I'm sorry bud. 100% my bad. Sorry about that. I need to NOT drink my scotch and give advice. I just get soooooo excited when I see a solid knight tribal build I lose control.

I WILL post my ACTUAL MODERN legal version in the next few days. Giver of Runes is my only non-human or non knight creature in that deck. I run everything else human and/or knight in that deck-most are both. I announce my first Cavern of Souls as "knight" which prevents counter magic on all but the Giver of Runes and Noble Hierarch. Those both being (ideally) early drops-counter magic doesn't normally come into play.

My current, most regularly played, Modern deck is not knights (although I do play it still for a change of pace once in awhile but it's not my number one deck-hence my leading you astray). My current regular MODERN deck is as follows:

Deck: Greif Blade

Main: 4 Ephemerate 1 Poet's Quill 1 Batterskull 4 Giver of Runes 1 Sword of Fire and Ice 2 Plains 3 Godless Shrine 3 Concealed Courtyard 3 Skyclave Apparition 1 Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 3 Tidehollow Sculler 2 Malakir Rebirth  Flip 2 Charming Prince 1 Kaldra Compleat 1 Silent Clearing 1 Shriekmaw 4 Grief 3 Feign Death 4 Marsh Flats 1 Lion Sash 1 Flooded Strand 3 Touch the Spirit Realm 1 Swamp 1 Castle Locthwain 2 Agadeem's Awakening  Flip 2 Solitude 4 Stoneforge Mystic 1 Verdant Catacombs

Sideboard: 2 Leyline of Sanctity 1 Shadowspear 2 Damn 1 Sword of Sinew and Steel 2 Damping Sphere 2 Sanctum Prelate 2 Kaya's Guile 2 Dauthi Voidwalker 1 Reduce to Memory

This is the list I run most frequently so it's the one I know best and have readily available to share. This is NOT a net-deck AFAIK. If there is an identical or similar list floating around in Cyberspace it's purely coincidental. This list was home brewed and is one of my favorites I've ever made through the years.

JANKYARD_DOG on Turning it Off and On Again

2 years ago

Alright, lets take a stab at this... no promises it's any good, closest to boros I've gotten is Mardu.

I see Karmic Guide but no reveilark. 13/14 out of 21 (dependant on red devotion) of your creatures have 2P or less. On second thought perhaps Hofri makes it overly complicated considering the exile clause is mandatory. speaking of power 2 or less, Welcoming Vampire could help keep gas in the hand, esp. if you can produce creatures on Each turn.

Valakut Awakening  Flip could be used to dig for combo pieces, or an early land. Also general removal can help deal with any pesky nuisances including planeswalkers such as Chaos Warp, Generous Gift, Reduce to Memory and too a lesser extent Oblation/Excavation Technique (opponents getting advantages, Ick!). There's also Angelic Purge if you need one of your exiled creatures back in the yard I suppose.

Oh, and in before 'why u no Boros Charm?'

Anyway, I hope you find some of this helpful at least. Sorry I cannot offer on what to remove... not my strong suit. Enjoy

amicdeep on Budget U/W Blink (Soulherder)

2 years ago

looking at this from a super budget pov there are a couple of cards i would seriouly consider

Flickerwisp has been printed into the ground and with soulherder on the field he gets rid of your opponents needed land, plainswalker or creature for the entirety of there turn. hes also a good card to flicker your own stuff and is a solid flying attacker. most importanly hes been printed into the ground the last few years and sits between 5-25 cents (if you run a couple flip lands like Umara Wizard  Flip or Skyclave Cleric  Flip and target them with the flicker effect it turns them back into creatures for some solid board advantage or as a combat trick with Ephemerate

Professor of Symbology with a wishboard of

1x Environmental Sciences, 1x Mascot Exhibition, 2x Reduce to Memory

can get you out of most situations reduce kills anything for good science means you can keep a 2 land hand with prof and not regret it and mascot is a solid wincon if the games gets grindy. also prof is a solid looter if you get all your wishboard cards and the whole paxkage is under $2 (i still use this in my $100 mono white flicker list, and the deck has top 3 a few time and this card is the decks stoneforge mystic and is defiantly the next best thing)

1-2 copys of Lavinia of the Tenth this is a hard lock with soulherder for many deck. and pro red and the deck having instant speed flicker spells card be very difficult for some decks to deal with.

Hallowed Respite may be worth running as a 2 off, its a flicker spell that pumps or taps down problematic blocker and can be done a secound time late in the game when you need the value the most.

if you can find it in the budget id try very hard to run 4 Reflector Mage its basically the reson to run blue (alongside soulherder) for none budget versions of this list, and ist much much cheaper that Skyclave Apparition

on the oust issue this may seem strange but it may be worth considering Baffling End for 2 resons, 1 it can be flickered by flicker wisp or similar to exile extra things. 2 they stay permanently exiled, i wont be ideal for every situation but may well work for some.

if your planning on upgrading to moder staple id recomed 2 copys of Winds of Abandon before path. 1 its a solid path effect. 2 in the mid-lat game its a one sided boardwipe and there for can take the slots for cleansing nova while being more useful (also its a boardwipe that exiles meaning if you have a soulherder on the field it can easily be a 5-5/6-6 after casting this)

the secound cards id upgrade is Skyclave Apparition its hands down the most powerful card im my $100 version of the deck and is often my best draw. this and a Ephemerate or soulherder and you basically have a board wipe

if you do end up running 4 path 2 winds, then it can be worth running Knight of the White Orchid which makes Glacial Floodplain or Irrigated Farmland worth running (they also work great with and trigger Port Town)

id also consdider adding a manland to your landbase. on a budget you have either Frostwalk Bastion, Faerie Conclave. if you have a little more then Cave of the Frost Dragon is probably worth the upgrade. and if you willing to spend a little more on a modern staple Celestial Colonnade is the cheapest its ever been in the history of the game $3.5/$4 ish and definatly worth 2-3 of.

hope one or two of these suggestions help a little


2 years ago

Thank you all for your suggestions. I have not been ignoring anyone, just busy. Finally got a moment to sit down. After some consideration...


Shambling Ghastx4 --> Soulmenderx4. What about Cleric Class here instead? Winmore?

Hunt for Specimens x4--> Cram Session x4

Cleric of Life's Bond x1 --> Dawnbringer Cleric x1 Classes suck, and that skeleton thing, and freeze enchantments. And Trelasarra > Life's Bond, so...

Sideboard: Academic Probation x1 --> Reduce to Memory x1. Idk, never seem to use AP, and in case I have no critter to sac... makes me consider replacing Necrotic Fumes as well. If anyone has better lesson suggestions go for it.

Keeping old list intact for a bit while testing. Kind of feeling Valkyrie is a bit winmore in this case, maybe a 2 of? I mean, we are lacking flyers save for an inkling in the sideboard. Trade 1 infuse and 1 spear? Will see how this goes I suppose. Dina makes me feel like adding all the other pain/gain goodies, thus changing the entire deck, so saving for the golgari pair. Orah is still kinda sidelined here, kind of in the same boat as Valkyrie for now.

I am exploring the dual color combinations, I just need to grind some rares. I'll post lists when I can and after a few runs first. Anyway, let me know what y'all think and I'll let ya's know how it goes.

razelfark on Selesnya Life Gain

2 years ago

Seems you have a good base going for your deck idea so far. There are a couple cards I would suggest adding to the deck idea, and trimming others due to more efficient plays.

First I would advise going for a full set of Prosperous Innkeeper as this card is way to good for your deck type to run less then 4. The ETB (enter batltle field) trigger to gain life for all your cretures entering the battle field is huge for Trelasarra, Moon Dancer as it can spin her out of control quickly. The addition of the treasure token to give you a turn of ramp can also be very valuable.

I would also suggest adding extra copies of Righteous Valkyrie to the deck as most of your creatures are clerics, giving you extra life for them entering the battlefield while it is on the board. The anthem effect it brings for being at 27 or more life is also very strong and hard for decks that do not have a straight kill spell to remove the angel handle the card a lot of the time.

For some good lifegain cantrips to consider, I would suggest Cram Session and Revitalize . These spells will give you some life and allow you to get another card to potentially play. With cram session you can use some potentially good removals spells like Containment Breach and Reduce to Memory in the side or get Environmental Sciences for some more life and fetch a land if you are a bit stalled on lands. There are other card options to consider as well, but those are some quick examples.

A cheap rare that is good to consider for the deck Yasharn, Implacable Earth . This card is a good size body that will and some lands to your hand and also prevent players from activating sacrifice mechanics and life paying functions. This is particularly useful with a lot of decks trying to make use of treasures as they will not be able to activate them while it is on the board (small note, your treasures also won't work). If you do not think its good enough for the main board, would definitely use in the side for best of 3 matches.

I would suggest Hallowed Priest for arena, but it sadly does not have a paper version of it printed. Due to this I would suggest moving your Trelasarra, Moon Dancer to a 4 of as this card is one of your strongest creatures with this kind of deck and is likely to die to opponents removal spells at least once as it is a high priority target for their removal a lot of the times. I would also increase the Cleric Class to a 4 of for paper format if not just a 3 of at least for general play.

Cards I would trim from your deck would be Turntimber Ascetic , Tajuru Paragon , Conclave Mentor , and Life Goes On .

You are running some cards I haven't test yet like Druid Class , so I am not so sure how that works out and would be interested to hear your thoughts if you think it has been working out for you. If you are interested in seeing my take on this deck that I have been playing in the arena's 2022 format you can see it here

Hope these comments help.

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