Reconstruct History

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Reconstruct History


Return up to one target artifact card, up to one target enchantment card, up to one target instant card, up to one target sorcery card and up to one target planeswalker card from your graveyard to your hand.

Exile Reconstruct History.

Worrad75 on Pia-tiful Impulse Control

6 months ago

Keeping a record of the changes I make here.

took out Surge of Salvation for Island Sanctuary

This deck can take some time to assemble a lethal board, and we need a way to dissuade attackers. Surge is a fantastic 'gotcha' combat trick, but it doesn't do much for us if we exile it at sorcery speed. Island sanctuary allows us to trade our card for turn for security; it blocks ground creatures, we print fliers like crazy so flying attackers dont typically scare us, and islandwalk will never matter for us. The card disadvantage isn't nothing, but this deck has plenty of ways to generate advantage from exile.

took out Faithless Looting for Dragon's Rage Channeler

This is simply too much value to ignore. We have 50(!!) noncreature spells in our deck. FL is in there to help generate velocity when we get stuck with our hand, but DRC simply blows it out of the water in terms of card selection. Filling our graveyard is also semi-relevant, as we run Reconstruct History, and having an extra 3/3 flier certainly contributes to our gameplan of smacking our opponents repeatedly.

took out Cursed Mirror for Loran of the Third Path

This swap is somewhat based on goldfishing impressions, which means there's a chance it gets reverted with more reps in a real pod. Cursed Mirror gives us velocity as a ramp piece (albiet at 3 mana), while offering incredible upside to copy something like a Professional Face-Breaker, not to mention your opponents creatures. The issue lies in the makeup of our deck; as currently constructed, we have only 18 creatures, and 10 of them are legendary. This makes the Mirror's upside more of a "hope your opponents have something cool to copy" rather than it's more powerful use of "get one of your effects doubled temporarily" due to the lack of available targets on our own board. While Loran doesn't ramp us, she gives us both interaction and non-exile card draw, both areas that this deck is a bit light on.

took out Cosmic Intervention for Boros Charm

Cosmic intervention was initially included due to Pia's natural synergy with fortell cards. However, the closer you look at situations in which you are likely to need Intervention, you start to realize how next-to-useless that extra Thopter is. Additionally, one of the massive upsides to Intervention is re-enabling ETB effects, which we currently only have 2 of in the deck. Boros Charm on the other hand actually manages to save our board from damage/destroy effects, while also giving us more flexibility. We have a handful of large creatures/effects that benefit from double strike (14 points of lifegain off Sephara, Sky's Blade, anyone?), and if all else fails the 4 life can be meaningful, as this deck tends to deal death by 1000 cuts. Exiling CI off the top at sorcery speed feels like a whiff; exiling BC feels the world is your oyster.

Dropping a Mountain for Land Tax

This is a bit of an experimental swap, as it's possible we actually want to leave more lands in the deck so they can be exiled off the top. This will mean in games where we have LT in our openning hand (the ideal start), we will exile fewer lands and more nonland cards. We'll be playing the lands every turn to be able to play the extra spells, but we'll also miss out on the value of playing lands from exile. That being said, there is undeniable value to be had by being a bit greedy here.

Sleepysherlock on Saskia Fun-Fected Super Summer BLAST (Big n' WIDE)

1 year ago

Garruk, Cursed Huntsman, Regrowth, Goblin Anarchomancer, Decimate, Hull Breach, Klothys, God of Destiny, Cindervines, Xenagos, God of Revels, Return of the Wildspeaker, The Great Henge, Conduit of Worlds, Graveyard Trespasser  Flip, Bala Ged Recovery  Flip, Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip, Masked Vandal, Shalai, Voice of Plenty, Akroma's Will, Inscription of Abundance, Dromoka's Command, Austere Command, Binding the Old Gods, Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip, Legion's Landing  Flip, Assassin's Trophy, Deadly Dispute, Big Score, Hostile Negotiations, Plumb the Forbidden, White Sun's Twilight, Skullclamp, Blood for Bones, Victimize, Liliana, Dreadhorde General, Tyvar's Stand, Temur Battle Rage, Domri, Anarch of Bolas, Domri, Chaos Bringer, Mage Slayer, Embercleave, Goreclaw, Terror of Qal Sisma, Hydra Omnivore, Ilharg, the Raze-Boar, Nylea, God of the Hunt, Kessig Wolf Run, Skarrg, the Rage Pits, Putrefy, Takenuma, Abandoned Mire, Staff of Compleation, Ashnod's Altar, Night's Whisper, Anoint with Affliction, Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Black Sun's Twilight, Infectious Bite, Mythos of Nethroi, Tainted Strike, Noxious Revival, Glissa Sunslayer, Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite, Soul Shatter, Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip, Yawgmoth's Vile Offering, Rakdos Charm, Despark, Faithless Looting, Reconstruct History, Fracture, Blind Obedience, Thirsting Roots, Migloz, Maze Crusher, Apocalypse Hydra, Destined / Lead, Armed / Dangerous, Unearth, Taunting Elf,

Deathstroke2791 on YEET! [[Primer]]

2 years ago

You have a point about Taurean Mauler. I haven't ever drawn it late, so I never thought about it. I either draw it early or never, but that doesn't mean you're wrong.

I used to think the same thing about Thud and Fling, but you'd be surprised how effective and needed they actually are.

Wheel of Fortune and Wheel of Misfortune aids opponents sure, but Boros doesn't have much other way to get several cards in hand at once. Until they print better draw in these colors, it's what I'm going with.

Reconstruct History hasn't been in here long, so I don't have the largest sample size. But what I have seen, it's almost NEVER been a dud. Still in testing phase though, so it could turn out you're right.

Yeah. I'm wanting to play this deck more midrangey, not glass-cannon. I think that's just a difference of deck styles like you said. I hate not being able to interact with opponents. I'm a big advocate for having what removal I do. I wish I could fit more, but I just have to accept Boros isn't the MOST interactive color combo.

McToters on Feather, Jank Redeemed

3 years ago

Hey thanks for commenting and the advice! I 100% agree with you about the land base. I sort have been dragging my butt on all those upgrades. I also do like the Purph rec based on the decent amount of token generation, even if it isn’t a main goal. I love Endless Horizons too, which I’m running in another deck, but hearing your advice I may need to take it out of that one and put it in here (at least until Inget another).

What do you think of the new Lorehold precon? I’m eyeing some singles like Reconstruct History and Archaeomancer's Map , maybe not for here but for my Jor Kadeen deck. Would appreciate your thoughts on that if you have the time to provide them there. No worries if you can’t or don’t!

Thanks for commenting!

Ironmonkey135 on Boy & His Dog: Naya Jokulhaups Enchantress

3 years ago


Reconstruct History

Austere Command (high cmc, you already have wipes, so maybe not, but card is just generally good)

Tempt with Discovery

Idyllic Tutor

DoIStillLoveIt on Firesauce & Sunforger

3 years ago

So there are several Strixhaven cards that I'm eager to try in here. Rousing Refrain - Gotta love recurring big mana turns Wake the Past - The deck is largely artifact ramp and card advantage based, and I already run Scrap Mastery to great effect for that. For two mana more, we don't help anyone else or harm ourselves. Crackle with Power - Weak at MV 5, Medium at MV 8, but strong at MV 11 and bonkers at MV 14. This deck can definitely get to that amount of mana with Neheb or Mana Geyser, so it's probably worth a test Draconic Intervention - Cheap boardwipe that can hit for a lot, but very graveyard dependent. I'm iffy. Lorehold Command - Iffy on this one too. If it cost 4 and could be sunforged, I'd be hyped. As it currently stands I think it's only medium Radiant Scrollwielder - Backup commander is pretty sweet, and the flashback ability is very solid. If this dude were legendary, it'd be our new commander asap. Reconstruct History - It can regrow a lot in the late game, worth considering. Thrilling Discovery - Now this ain't bad, big rummaging and if Firesong is in play we get a bolt out of the deal. Angel of the Ruins - Just a really strong utility creature. Archaeomancer's Map - Funny how a rare Cultivate is so good in R/W but here we are. This card is good, and I am definitely interested in it over many of our 3 MV rocks.

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